File: [zone] hype_train.swf-(3.3 MB, 1280x720, Other)
[_] Anonymous 04/11/16(Mon)20:33:29 No.3060051
>> [_] vipper 04/11/16(Mon)22:18:11 No.3060099
crashed upon hitting 4gb of memory usage in flash alone from the massive memory leak
>> [_] Anonymous 04/11/16(Mon)22:23:41 No.3060105
doesnt stop at 4 for me, goes right to 6 before my computer starts to chug
>> [_] Anonymous 04/11/16(Mon)22:58:00 No.3060120
Climbs up to ~4gb usage, then memory resets back to normal before climbing again.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/11/16(Mon)23:13:04 No.3060129
What we hyping
>> [_] Anonymous 04/11/16(Mon)23:20:36 No.3060133
holy shit you weren't kidding, that is a HUGE memory leak.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/12/16(Tue)00:46:46 No.3060158
>> [_] Anonymous 04/12/16(Tue)01:26:56 No.3060169
he put out an updated version that fixes this
>> [_] Anonymous 04/12/16(Tue)01:57:09 No.3060187
not sure
just hyping to hype
>> [_] Anonymous 04/12/16(Tue)02:03:40 No.3060189
hmm it didnt affect my memory usage at all