File: cmhhhmc.swf-(6.5 MB, 320x240, Loop)
[_] Anonymous 04/15/16(Fri)03:51:18 No.3062341
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 04/15/16(Fri)07:58:31 No.3062407
It's not that bad.
Few of the problems we face are fundamentally new, and we are getting better at fixing them.
Keep optimistic, and don't focus only on the bad things.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/15/16(Fri)13:53:07 No.3062515
The problems aren't with the technology itself, but rather with what people are using technology
for. Data mining, surveillance, profiling, etc are the problems that are making themselves more
and more apparent as time goes on. Additionally it is becoming next to impossible to stay away
from such things as everyone is becoming integrated or assimilated into companies and
organizations with those practices.
But of course, you could do exactly what they want you to and not focus on the problems, after
all why should you care that the government has your entire life on a flash drive?
>> [_] Anonymous 04/15/16(Fri)14:15:41 No.3062523
>oh noes the gov is browsing through my porn folder
now if you're not doing anything illegal you should be fine, right?
or should I fear that what's not illegal today could be tomorrow?
>> [_] Anonymous 04/15/16(Fri)14:45:07 No.3062539
Just look at windows 10, they keep promoting it by trying to give it to you for "free" and
eventually it will be mandatory if you don't want to brick yourself.
The tons of backdoors that come included with it are just an added bonus. Let's not get started
on the always listening cortana and other profiling programs.
Every single great thing created will become twisted from it's original purpose in less than half
a decade. It's just human nature, can't really defend yourself when these things get this big
anyways (employee, creator or simple citizen).
>> [_] Anonymous 04/15/16(Fri)15:16:48 No.3062565
Thats why you make like a richfag and buy a Mac.
Apple respects user privacy.