File: Brexit.swf-(158 KB, 720x480, Other)
[_] Gscot 06/24/16(Fri)04:05:39 No.3103544
They did it!
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 06/24/16(Fri)04:14:02 No.3103547
let me guess... Next you'll privatize health care, and kill the dole, right?
>> [_] Anonymous 06/24/16(Fri)04:16:43 No.3103548
doomed us all
>> [_] Anonymous 06/24/16(Fri)04:17:57 No.3103550
no next they elect Nigel frag
>> [_] Anonymous 06/24/16(Fri)04:23:59 No.3103552
yes, more liberal tears
>> [_] Anonymous 06/24/16(Fri)04:26:50 No.3103554
what the hell i was expecting that cunt was gonna get buggered but now im stuck with a half chub
and no sardines
>> [_] Anonymous 06/24/16(Fri)04:34:58 No.3103558
We're right snoggered now mum.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/24/16(Fri)04:46:26 No.3103565
>Brittain leaves EU
>Scotland leaves Brittain and joins EU
>Brittain is no more
>Everyone ignores new England because it is not in the EU
Oy vey
>> [_] Anonymous 06/24/16(Fri)04:53:01 No.3103568
>half chub
So sorry bruh, but that bucktooth ennui grin got me diamonds.
See you on the other side.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/24/16(Fri)05:03:31 No.3103570
I watch john oliver and he says this is bad. SO terrible day for uk
>> [_] Anonymous 06/24/16(Fri)05:12:16 No.3103575
john oliver also said that migrants were a good thing.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/24/16(Fri)05:26:28 No.3103578
I don't really know what it means though. They didn't use the Euro money anyway.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/24/16(Fri)05:29:06 No.3103580
john oliver also said its the current year
>> [_] Anonymous 06/24/16(Fri)05:35:37 No.3103584
>> [_] Anonymous 06/24/16(Fri)05:46:42 No.3103588
Most likely their economy will suffer, it might affect the rest of us as well. In the long run it
might shatter the EU, or at least change it. Depends on if other nations decide to follow the UK
>> [_] Anonymous 06/24/16(Fri)05:55:34 No.3103590
John Oliver says a lot of stupid shit about things he knows nothing about every day
>> [_] Anonymous 06/24/16(Fri)06:12:39 No.3103594
>In the long run it might shatter the EU
That's the best news I've heard in years.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/24/16(Fri)06:45:40 No.3103600
at least there's a way out, compared to the unfortunate countries that joined USA and agreed that
they can't ever leave
>> [_] Anonymous 06/24/16(Fri)06:58:07 No.3103603
Basically everyone but UKIP says it's bad. Oh well. Enjoy your recession limies.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/24/16(Fri)06:59:38 No.3103604
Now that Britain is out of the game, surely Germany will hold up the europ- oh wait millions of
raping murdering sandniggers forced by law to occupy half the jobs
>> [_] Anonymous 06/24/16(Fri)07:21:00 No.3103610
Popular opinion doesn't mean it's correct.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/24/16(Fri)07:23:19 No.3103611
>Most likely their economy will suffer
U fucking wot. Are you really this retarded? Unless the UK government tries REALLY fucking hard
to fuck up the economy, then their economy will be significantly better off than it was with the
EU. One of the main issues with the EU's control over the UK was that they were exercising
regulatory capture, they destroyed several industries in the UK, and limited their international
trade by an absolutely insane amount. Free trade is going to fucking prosper without the EU's
iron grip.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/24/16(Fri)07:25:53 No.3103613
>Nearly every economist, statesman, and expert in good standing who generally agree this is bad
is wrong because popular opinion means nothing
>Except when the plebs have a slight majority in a referendum, then of course the majority is
right as rain!
>> [_] Anonymous 06/24/16(Fri)07:29:41 No.3103617
Are you making an appeal to authority. It doesn't matter how many people agree with something,
and it doesn't matter who those people are or what their qualifications are. Whether or not
something is correct is determined by facts and reason, not by consensus.
Also I think it's funny how you're complaining about democratic processes when you'd probably be
fellating yourself in celebration if your preferred side won.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/24/16(Fri)07:31:54 No.3103618
Fucking traitors.
The EU was too good for us.
We will now be black balled by all of Europe and Obama will put us at the back of the US queue
Thanks you inbred white racist fucks
Hopefully our higher courts will toss their referendum out since you can't listen to your betters
>> [_] Anonymous 06/24/16(Fri)07:34:30 No.3103620
Literally everything about this secession is good and not bad. Also the EU is a fucking
tyrannical fascist regime which deserves to be abolished. Keep crying faggot.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/24/16(Fri)07:38:01 No.3103623
>N-nuh uh, I'm right because the facts (which I have not, and shall not mention because there are
none) are on my side. As a layman I clearly know how to examine these facts much better than
anyone else, clearly much better than people who have spent years of their lives studying the
issues involved.
Sure buddy sure.
>Also I think it's funny how you're complaining about democratic processes when you'd probably be
fellating yourself in celebration if your preferred side won.
Actually I wanted brexit to succeed, I love seeing an entire country fuck themselves over. Same
reason I am hoping trump will win in the U.S. election. Hell I even made some bank off of this
since I bet my last pay cheque on leave.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/24/16(Fri)07:42:00 No.3103628
I never even said what my position was, so fuck off. I was just saying that your argument is
sophistry at best.
>Actually I wanted brexit to succeed, I love seeing an entire country fuck themselves over. Same
reason I am hoping trump will win in the U.S. election. Hell I even made some bank off of this
since I bet my last pay cheque on leave.
Okay, and what will you do if Brexit actually turns out to be better for the people of Britian
rather than worse like you expected?
>> [_] Anonymous 06/24/16(Fri)07:43:50 No.3103629
Good on them.
Haha, nigger. Cry moar.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/24/16(Fri)07:56:59 No.3103634
>I never even said what my position was, so fuck off. I was just saying that your argument is
sophistry at best.
It's better than your argument which boils down to putting your fingers in your ears and shouting
about how everyone else and their conclusions can't be trusted and only facts matter. All this
without giving a single legitimate indication of how you conjure up your ill informed opinions
based not on consensus (something implicit to all symbolic reasoning) but somehow on "facts" that
are magically not the product of human knowledge (and thus consensus) but instead somehow exist
outside the realm of subjective experience. These facts which somehow are just available to you
through divination, perhaps you hold the Akashic Records and have read the "facts" from them hmm?
In any case you have given a dearth of legitimate evidence for your naysaying to be taken as
anything but rank contrarianism.
>Okay, and what will you do if Brexit actually turns out to be better for the people of Britian
rather than worse like you expected?
I guess I'll just have to wait till the next time they decide to screw themselves over. Happens
often enough. Though I highly doubt I'll have to do that anyways.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/24/16(Fri)08:35:56 No.3103652
>I guess I'll just have to wait till the next time they decide to screw themselves over. Happens
often enough. Though I highly doubt I'll have to do that anyways.
You see I was hoping you'd take the intellectually honest choice of admitting that you were wrong
about it being bad, but I guess you're too pathetic to do that.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/24/16(Fri)09:18:56 No.3103657
>free trade
>implying the UK doesn't need the single market
>> [_] Anonymous 06/24/16(Fri)09:51:55 No.3103667
>win majority, despite scots going fucking 62% for remain
>despite London, the cesspool it is
>redefines in good standings to mean "only economists who say what I like"
>he actually thinks that the hundreds of "but muh economic collapse will definitely happen" are
experts and not just parroting things that suit their interests
>> [_] Anonymous 06/24/16(Fri)10:04:59 No.3103669
but who will they trade with ? if not the European Union?
>> [_] Anonymous 06/24/16(Fri)10:08:25 No.3103672
>> [_] Anonymous 06/24/16(Fri)10:42:55 No.3103676
What do the brits have to trade anyways? They are mostly a service economy are they not?
>> [_] Anonymous 06/24/16(Fri)12:03:35 No.3103690
the same economists that didnt call out the recession before it was to late? nice
>> [_] Anonymous 06/24/16(Fri)12:22:24 No.3103698
Fuck off muzzie,us Americans will let our brexit bro's kick it with our supreme overlord King
>> [_] Anonymous 06/24/16(Fri)12:22:35 No.3103700
You mean the economists that called out the recession years before it happened but were ignored
by the stupid general public and drowned out by profiteers taking advantage of the situation?
>> [_] Anonymous 06/24/16(Fri)12:24:12 No.3103702
Glorious. Just glorious.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/24/16(Fri)12:25:04 No.3103703
Generally, tyrannical facist regimes don't allow their subjects to leave.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/24/16(Fri)12:26:00 No.3103704
It's going to be something like this:
>UK leaves the EU
>Northern Ireland and Scotland want nothing to do with it, independence, back to EU
>around 2026 UK comes back to the EU, only smaller and with less influence than now
retarded all around
>> [_] Anonymous 06/24/16(Fri)12:29:53 No.3103708
They're corporations based in the UK. It's in their best interest to keep trade flowing smoothly
and it's in EVERYONE'S best interest that the economy stays strong.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/24/16(Fri)12:35:08 No.3103712
>he believes Trump can do anything but blow hot air all day
Good goy, we wouldn't want a balanced economy would we?
>> [_] Anonymous 06/24/16(Fri)12:46:27 No.3103714
Shutup you mexican muslim freedom hater
>> [_] Anonymous 06/24/16(Fri)12:58:18 No.3103717
>believing the people who would benefit the greatest from a remain vote
>> [_] Anonymous 06/24/16(Fri)13:02:12 No.3103718
jesus damn
>> [_] Anonymous 06/24/16(Fri)13:16:53 No.3103723
oh, man... i was expecting to make good purchases for really low prices...
>> [_] Anonymous 06/24/16(Fri)13:18:37 No.3103724
i still wish them good luck. Have a good one
>> [_] Anonymous 06/24/16(Fri)13:22:05 No.3103725
joke's on the racists; no more white immigrants from europe, but plenty of brown immigrants from
>> [_] Anonymous 06/24/16(Fri)13:23:48 No.3103727
>literally everything
so no maternity leave, no paid holidays, no trading with the eu...all good things?
sounds like poncy middle class cunt nonsense to me
>> [_] Anonymous 06/24/16(Fri)13:26:26 No.3103728
well it ain't anything from the mines since that cunt thatcher
fun fact: actual kkk faggot lives couple doors down from me, hugely into the leaving idea
bunch of old racists and inbred british equivalent of fucking rednecks who think that being born
white in the uk means they've achieved something and deserve special pats on the back, that's
what this is about
>> [_] Anonymous 06/24/16(Fri)13:27:29 No.3103729
>implying we won't close our borders completely
>implying we can't still accept immigrants from Europe without being in the EU
>> [_] Anonymous 06/24/16(Fri)13:27:47 No.3103730
should've made a bet myself desu
human stupidity never fails
>> [_] Anonymous 06/24/16(Fri)13:28:37 No.3103731
I voted leave just because the young people are disrespectful shitheads saying us old white
people should go die and shouldn't be able to vote.
Fuck you young people. Fuck you in the ass.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/24/16(Fri)13:31:37 No.3103732
oh and i suppose hating someone because their skin isn't porcelain white is how you've earned
your respect, eh? or how about fucking up the economy and then complaining that it's this
generation's fault and not yours?
if your vote is only based on hatred due to something someone is born as and has no control over
then no, you shouldn't get it, since it's not your life you're fucking over, it's your grandkids
you hateful, ignorant old cunt
do the world a favour and kill yourself, you don't deserve respect, you deserve execution
>> [_] Anonymous 06/24/16(Fri)13:41:28 No.3103736
Hahaha, I enjoyed your message mate.
I am drinking a fine glass of whiskey, smoking a cigar and having a mighty fine chuckle at all
you angry young shitheads.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/24/16(Fri)13:43:10 No.3103737
Typical older generation. And you wonder why no one cares what you racist old morons have to say.
As long as you're fine who cares about the future of the country, right?
Enjoy your stay in hell.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/24/16(Fri)13:43:15 No.3103738
It's amazing how many conservative morons are on here these days. Quite typical, listen to a
bunch of bullshit and lies and believe it, then regurgitate it later like some kind of
territorial defense scream just like the tiny dick apes they are.
"The EU was tyrannical!" No, just cumbersome. What did you expect? It's a fucking huge
conglomeration. You need to get a shit-ton of people to agree how things are going.
"Free trade will now prosper!" Not really. Britain is a service, not goods, industry. And who
will they trade with anyways? Not the U.S., China, or Russia; we have bigger, better deals with
the EU now. Racist, conservative, money-grubbing UKIP has reduced Britain to trading with places
like Zimbabwe, Brazil, and Pakistan. Have fun dealing with the people who's nationalities you
hate so fucking much. If the rest of us don't find something more profitable to do with them
And the worst part is if the referendum doesn't get tossed, racist little fucks like UKIP won't
ever be able to admit that convincing everyone to leave the EU was a mistake based on their on
racism, hatred, and lies. All the "keep crying faggot/ muslim jew, etc" like they won something
and anyone else cares about their shit. No one is crying, we're all too stunned that idiot
bigotry like this works and so many of you fucking Downs children believe it so wholeheartedly.
Take the time to look behind you, the assholes spouting the shit you believe are the ones dicking
you over.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/24/16(Fri)13:45:19 No.3103741
Well said, mate.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/24/16(Fri)13:45:52 No.3103742
No matter how angry you get we still won and your still... OUT!
>> [_] Anonymous 06/24/16(Fri)13:46:27 No.3103743
enjoy it while it lasts.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/24/16(Fri)13:48:36 No.3103744
wow, you don't know the difference between "your" and "you're" - so you're not actual a little
private schoolboy still suckling on mommy and daddy's money tit, you're worse, just some pathetic
little sycophant.
welp, the ones at the top might be all right, but sorry to say they're gonna be cutting turds
like you loose sure enough. they only look after themselves, so enjoy it while it lasts, mate.
i already know plenty of people who have things planned for folks like you.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/24/16(Fri)13:49:37 No.3103745
Make sure your doors are locked tonight.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/24/16(Fri)13:51:17 No.3103748
They're not even liberals, no true liberal would want to be part of an undemocratic group.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/24/16(Fri)13:52:47 No.3103749
I have no idea what you're talking about m8.
I already have my savings and my plans.
Appreciate the concern though.
Also I noticed that typo long before you mentioned it. Figured a wanker like you would mention it.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/24/16(Fri)14:04:47 No.3103751
>plans and savings
>actually thinking that means you're safe
here's a friendly tip from me to you, might wanna check this out bitly/28RRhIu
>> [_] Anonymous 06/24/16(Fri)14:04:57 No.3103752
Actually there largest exports are with the United States.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/24/16(Fri)14:06:25 No.3103753
the EU got a jolly good buggering last night!
>> [_] Anonymous 06/24/16(Fri)14:07:22 No.3103754
> Figured a wanker like you would mention it.
Nice excuse, but it's as old as you. Looks like someone touched a nerve.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/24/16(Fri)14:08:33 No.3103756
there's something about you that seriously reminds me of my uncle
turns out he was a nonce
knowing the folks who feel the same as you, wouldn't be surprised if you were too
why would someone your age even be on this site if not for something to do with touching kids
>> [_] Anonymous 06/24/16(Fri)14:09:49 No.3103757
>actually being this stupid
This is why we're in this mess in the first place.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/24/16(Fri)14:11:40 No.3103759
Touching kidz is more an 8ch thing.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/24/16(Fri)14:13:30 No.3103760
good to know lmao
>> [_] Anonymous 06/24/16(Fri)14:19:17 No.3103763
Now that's one of the most petty reasons I've ever heard for voting for something.
I love it! Stay frosty anon, stay frosty.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/24/16(Fri)14:38:55 No.3103770
>gbp down 8%
>> [_] Anonymous 06/24/16(Fri)14:53:57 No.3103776
>everyone who voted to leave is an evil racist
>people that are white are inherently evil
>anyone who isn't white is a pure angle who can do no wrong
>Britans are not allowed to decide weather or not they want non-British immigration
>> [_] Anonymous 06/24/16(Fri)14:55:26 No.3103777
I'm surprised how many pomo retards who can do nothing but smash racist into their keyboard are
on this weebsite.
Tell me how UKIP is racist.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/24/16(Fri)14:57:32 No.3103778
>And the worst part is if the referendum doesn't get tossed, racist little fucks like UKIP won't
ever be able to admit that convincing everyone to leave the EU was a mistake based on their on
racism, hatred, and lies. All the "keep crying faggot/ muslim jew, etc" like they won something
and anyone else cares about their shit. No one is crying, we're all too stunned that idiot
bigotry like this works and so many of you fucking Downs children believe it so wholeheartedly.
Take the time to look behind you, the assholes spouting the shit you believe are the ones dicking
you over.
let me translate this
>> [_] Anonymous 06/24/16(Fri)14:57:49 No.3103779
>money grubbing UKIP
>the party that wanted Independence instead of money
>you who is complaining about how Brexit negatively impacts globalist financiers is not the
money-grubbing one, it's the poeple who don't care about money
among the least intelligent things i've read today, and i read youtube comments.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/24/16(Fri)15:00:19 No.3103780
It's like back when people were accusing Donald Trump of just wanting the Nominee and Super PAC
Such fucking morons.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/24/16(Fri)15:02:13 No.3103781
I think it is funny how they called British people who have in group preferences "racist" while
most British Muslims strongly practice in group preferences.
>its ok for the immigrants to be racist but not the natives!!!
>> [_] Anonymous 06/24/16(Fri)15:05:47 No.3103782
The core of the problem is the idea of a "white" identity.
When no such thing exists.
The oversimplification of race/ethnicity/culture for the advantage of Pomo politics and power is
>> [_] Anonymous 06/24/16(Fri)15:11:37 No.3103784
Nude version when?
>> [_] Anonymous 06/24/16(Fri)15:41:56 No.3103797
>> [_] Anonymous 06/24/16(Fri)15:54:46 No.3103803
Those aren't the words to "Let Freedom Ring".