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This is resource GIAYVED, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:9/7 -2016 02:51:28

Ended:14/9 -2016 08:09:19

Checked:14/9 -2016 08:25:36

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Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 67.
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 / > /fap/ > Thread 9411

 Age: 60.22d   Health: 0%   Posters: 34   Posts: 67   Replies: 56   Files: 1+3

 >> Mario583 9jul2016(sa)02:48 No.35240 OP P1

 [G] ☆Flash版ぶるーすきんの森 ver1.02 [FOBS]

 Get the latest version at

  act.swf (791 KiB)
 640x480, Compressed. 2 frames, 60 fps (00:00).
 Ver14, AS3. Network access: Yes. Text: No.
 Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: No. Video: No. <METADATA>
 [find in archive]

 >> Mario583 9jul2016(sa)02:50 No.35241 OP P2

 Forgot to give the controls:

 X is jump and A is attack. Those are pretty much it other then the arrow keys.

 >> Anonymous 9jul2016(sa)04:05 No.35244 A P3R1

 Anybody know which monster girls you can get abilities from and cant?

 >> Anonymous 9jul2016(sa)04:07 No.35245 B P4R2

 could've posted the link to download the newest version with loads more content. I would but then
 he don't got a white dick, so you guys wouldn't like.

 >> Anonymous 9jul2016(sa)05:51 No.35249 C P5R3

 Looks good, reminds me eroico.

 Post is, I don't mind.

 >> Anonymous 9jul2016(sa)09:20 No.35257 D P6R4

 Despite you being a snarky nigger, I appreciate your restraint.

 >> Anonymous 9jul2016(sa)10:37 No.35258 E P7R5

 So yeah, you need a password in order to download the latest version

 >> Anonymous 9jul2016(sa)10:41 No.35259 E P8

 Disregard this post, I'm beyond retarded

 >> Anonymous 9jul2016(sa)11:24 No.35260 F P9R6

 How the hell do you capture most of these

 >> Anonymous 9jul2016(sa)15:47 No.35270 G P10R7


 For most of them, you get them during a sex attack, i.e. the spider girl you can only catch while
 fucking another monster, then escaping and smacking the spider girl.

 >> Derp 9jul2016(sa)19:13 No.35278 H P11R8


 Just how does this game work?

 >> Anonymous 9jul2016(sa)20:24 No.35280 I P12R9

 dick is dick just give me the game

 >> Anonymous 9jul2016(sa)21:03 No.35282 J P13R10

 Lowest link lowest password

 how the fuck do I seduce that white わは screamer in the desert? I have masturbation, amazon speed,
 kappa dash and slime wall.

 >> Anonymous 9jul2016(sa)21:03 No.35283 J P14

 Have you missed "get the latest version at"?
 Lowest link lowest password.

 Btw how the fuck do I seduce that white わは screamer in the desert? I have masturbation, amazon
 speed, kappa dash and slime wall.

 >> Anonymous 9jul2016(sa)21:04 No.35284 J P15

 uuh sorry, I thought it wouldn't post if I failed to fill captcha

 >> Anonymous 9jul2016(sa)21:32 No.35285 I P16R11

 A) wasn't paying any
 b) wasn't sure if i actually wanted it, well now i know since there wasn't any instructions on the
 blog posts.
 C) wanted to comment dick is dick

 >> Anonymous 9jul2016(sa)21:35 No.35286 F P17R12

 Alright I figured out how to catch most of these monster girls.

 Slime is the easiest; smack her around once or twice and she should rise up and let you capture her

 The ant(?) can be captured if you let another critter start fooling around with you; once she's
 masturbating just break free and knock her down

 The orc is easy enough to figure out; just knock off her mask, let her finish herself off on you
 and she's yours

 For the minotaur, just jump over her bull rush and smack her

 The rabbit in the desert seems to be bugged; you have to run up behind her with the orc's speed
 and smack her in the ass three times but you can't catch her

 The bunnies in the forest will let you tame them if you let them watch you get fucked twice

 The little goomba-looking thing can be captured if you beat off then jump away when she tries to
 sprout under you; do this three times and you can capture her

 The zombie lolis can be captured by letting their slime attack hit you, then if you can knock them
 down when they come running

 The gooey purple lizard things can be captured if you attack them from behind three times; their
 tail gets cut off and leaves them vulnerable

 The white word lady can be captured by hitting her twice, then letting her charm attack hit you.
 Break free, run up and swat her on the ass and she'll be vulnerable for a moment.

 The wizard kitties have you walk up and smack them as soon as they start charging a spell, or
 maybe when they rush at you. I'm not particularly sure about them.

 >> Anonymous 9jul2016(sa)21:37 No.35287 F P18

 Oh and I almost forgot all you have to do to get the kappa girls is dodge their dash and hit them
 in the back.

 >> Anonymous 9jul2016(sa)21:50 No.35288 J P19R13

 >swat her on the ass and she'll be vulnerable for a moment.
 I tried ejaculating but I couldn't make it in time. Thanks, didn't occur to me to simply attack.
 >smack them as soon as they start charging a spell
 That's the one that works from my experience.

 I'll drop ones I figured out:
 Shroom girl: cum on her (masturbate) three times

 >> Anonymous 9jul2016(sa)21:53 No.35289 J P20

 also not exactly an enemy but if you masturbate near the catgirl sitting on the bench at the top
 of the desert she'll give you footjob and move next to you

 >> Anonymous 9jul2016(sa)22:16 No.35290 K P21R14

 Here is a full walkthrough for the 1.08 version

 >> Anonymous 9jul2016(sa)22:23 No.35291 F P22R15


 >> Anonymous 10jul2016(su)01:06 No.35300 A P23R16

 Thanks buddy.

 >> Anonymous 10jul2016(su)03:00 No.35307 L P24R17

There's a way to resize the exe version of the game? It's too small for me =/

 >> Anonymous 10jul2016(su)06:47 No.35311 M P25R18

 try pressing F4.

 >> Anonymous 10jul2016(su)07:33 No.35313 L P26R19

 thanks <3

 >> Anonymous 12jul2016(tu)14:20 No.35408 N P27R20

 Is there a site where I can download the latest version that is 1) In English, 2) Free, and 3)
 Doesn't require me to sign up to any site/create an account.

 If someone who has the 1.08 file could upload it so, say for example Mediafire or wherever, that
 would be greatly appreciated.

 >> Anonymous 12jul2016(tu)15:35 No.35411 D P28R21

 Are you retarded?
 OP has free and latest, no signup to anything required.

 Want English translation?
 Try doing as a bare minimum a single search on your preferred search engine first, you lazy
 fucking dickhead.

 >> Anonymous 12jul2016(tu)17:15 No.35413 O P29R22

 Downloaded the 1.08 and the slash attack(A) don't work after you leave the hut and there is no
 enemies in the game.

 Wut do?

 >> Anonymous 12jul2016(tu)19:36 No.35420 P P30R23

 Your hut and the surrounding area are "peaceful" (for display of monsters you caught).
 Go through the portal on the very right.

 >> Anonymous 13jul2016(we)06:11 No.35451 Q P31R24

 any infinite life cheats? can it be hacked?

 >> Anonymous 13jul2016(we)08:58 No.35459 C P32R25

 >he doesn't know how to unlock gallery
 C'mon now, boi. Read the thread.

 >> Anonymous 13jul2016(we)15:09 No.35476 N P33R26

 Not everyone knows japanese you little fucking weeb. I figured it out through random clicking
 thank you very much, and not thanks to you and your pathetic little aggressive comment.

 Have fun on the internet troll, and go spread your little rage everywhere if that makes you feel
 better. I will always, no matter what you say, be better than you ;)

 >> Anonymous 13jul2016(we)16:10 No.35479 A P34R27

 There's no gallery in this thread,just instructions how to beat various monsters.

 >> Anonymous 13jul2016(we)17:38 No.35482 D P35R28

 Oh dear, I am so sorry that I have offended you m'lady.

 >What is translation software.
 >What is common sense.
 Get the sand out of your cunt, and toe the line bitch.

 >> Anonymous 14jul2016(th)01:46 No.35492 C P36R29

 You are not very bright.

 >> Anonymous 14jul2016(th)01:47 No.35493 C P37

 >*pssss* nothing personal kiddo

 >> Anonymous 14jul2016(th)03:48 No.35502 R P38R30

 So i downloaded the game but can't play it,any advice?

 >> Anonymous 14jul2016(th)08:07 No.35517 S P39R31

 dll is missing can't start it

 >> Anonymous 14jul2016(th)09:29 No.35520 C P40R32

 download it and put in in the damn carpet, use your fucking shitty brain.

 >> Anonymous 14jul2016(th)11:10 No.35525 T P41R33

 So in the downloaded version when you die and there are two options, why does the top one do
 nothing? I assumed it was some sort of checkpoint thing, but those glowing blue orbs that I hit
 don't do anything. Also, is there any way to heal yourself? Or do you have to go back to square 1
 every time you die?

 >> Anonymous 14jul2016(th)11:16 No.35526 T P42

 Sorry I figured it out

 >> Anonymous 14jul2016(th)11:30 No.35527 U P43R34

 When you die, yes the first opcion is to go back to your checkpoint, blue orb are checkpoint, it
 save your current progress in the case you die by unsing the Up key (also it heals you)

 The second opinion is to stop playing the game, losing all your progress

 >> Anonymous 14jul2016(th)23:12 No.35553 R P44R35

 1. don't be a dick. them with detail.

 >> Anonymous 15jul2016(fr)02:25 No.35561 V P45R36


 No one in this entire thread has explained how to "capture"... I can get the monsters to be in the
 vulnerable state (where they sit down looking dazed) but I don't know where to go from there. If I
 hit them while they're in that state they either stand back up and start attacking or they die and
 fall off screen. Jumping on them does nothing, running up to them does nothing, there is no clear
 way to capture.

 How the hell do you capture?

 >> Anonymous 15jul2016(fr)02:58 No.35563 W P46R37

 When they're vulnerable, press down on them

 >> Anonymous 15jul2016(fr)04:31 No.35564 X P47R38

 i figured out the wizard kitt, your'e suppose to smack their spell when their charging it

 >> Anonymous 15jul2016(fr)05:54 No.35566 Q P48R39

 reinstall directX that did it for me

 >> Anonymous 15jul2016(fr)06:55 No.35568 Q P49

 Im only seeing the desert and forest/tree zones, what am I doing wrong?

 >> Anonymous 15jul2016(fr)08:03 No.35569 Y P50R40

 why are you so angry about someone on the internet? are you autistic?

 >> Anonymous 15jul2016(fr)12:43 No.35586 V P51R41

 Thank you, much appreciated!

 >> Anonymous 15jul2016(fr)12:44 No.35587 V P52

 Does anyone know what key it is to "equip" a skill? I've found skills but I can't use any of

 >> Anonymous 15jul2016(fr)13:23 No.35589 Z P53R42

 space bar

 >> Anonymous 15jul2016(fr)13:23 No.35590 V P54R43


 >> Anonymous 15jul2016(fr)14:52 No.35592 AA P55R44

 Well my encounter with the mannequins sure escalated quickly. I suggest saving before going deeper
 into their room.

 >> Anonymous 15jul2016(fr)21:40 No.35597 C P56R45

 >you will never get drained by a THICC mannequin pussy
 Why live?

 >> Anonymous 15jul2016(fr)22:16 No.35601 G P57R46


 Fun fact: there's another mannequin in a secret room next to the bottom right mannequin.

 >> Anonymous 16jul2016(sa)09:24 No.35621 AA P58R47

 I know, I found it afterwards.
 But I went PANIC when Escape didn't work.

 >> Anonymous 16jul2016(sa)12:32 No.35630 T P59R48

 Anyone know where to find or download the rest of this guy's games?

 >> Anonymous 8aug2016(mo)12:53 No.37424 AB P60R49

 There was an adventure game where you were in a town full of slimes, and the farmer could catch
 you and make you fuck his animals. what was that or where can I find it?

 >> Anonymous 8aug2016(mo)15:11 No.37428 Z P61R50

 "Pet" by Scolexx.
 He abandoned that project to work on a new game

 >> Anonymous 8aug2016(mo)21:58 No.37436 AC P62R51

 Is there more from this creator?

 >> Anonymous 8aug2016(mo)23:12 No.37439 AD P63R52

 I know how to capture them, but I'm not telling you because normie plebs should be kept out of the
 patrician monstergirl fetish.

 >> Anonymous 9aug2016(tu)03:52 No.37450 AE P64R53

 The fact that something like this doesn't exist in this dimension proves that there is no good end.

 >> Anonymous 9aug2016(tu)04:09 No.37453 AF P65R54

 How did you figure it out? After dying the first option does not seem to work. I guess I am
 retarded and doing something wrong? How am I supposed to start from the checkpoint?

 >> Anonymous 9aug2016(tu)07:03 No.37461 T P66R55

 Haven't played it in ages now but if I remember correctly you press the up button when you're
 standing on one of those lantern orb things, which will also heal you, and the 1st option when you
 die is to respawn from checkpoint

 >> Anonymous 12aug2016(fr)18:27 No.37579 AG P67R56

 So I got the latest but it's just text, how do I get the swf??
Created: 9/7 -2016 02:51:28 Last modified: 14/9 -2016 08:44:09 Server time: 03/01 -2025 06:40:14