File: Placebo.swf-(4.71 MB, 329x302, Hentai)
[_] When did you start browsing /f/ and chans in general? Anonymous 05/28/16(Sat)12:11:22 No.3089036
I started browsing /f/ 11 months ago and started browing chans at the start of 2011.
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 05/28/16(Sat)12:50:01 No.3089051
Chans in 2005, /f/ around the same time. God help me.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/28/16(Sat)13:18:48 No.3089064
Before lolicatgirl shit and doses.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/28/16(Sat)13:30:57 No.3089068
Chans for about 2 years. /f/ for a couple months
>> [_] Anonymous 05/28/16(Sat)13:32:06 No.3089070
Started with chans in 2008 then /f/ about 2012
>> [_] Anonymous 05/28/16(Sat)13:37:31 No.3089072
Started around 2008 with /gif/ and /b/, then moved to /f/ and /co/ a couple years later when I
figured out that there's more to 4chan than just porn and memes.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/28/16(Sat)13:54:00 No.3089077
specifically 4chan, like 2007; I really got into /f/ since 2008
>> [_] Anonymous 05/28/16(Sat)15:56:01 No.3089125
around late 2014 I guess, 4chan in 2013
>> [_] Anonymous 05/28/16(Sat)15:59:53 No.3089127
heard of 4chan and saw a lot of 4chan shit on youtube and what not around 2009-2010, started
browsing 2012 on /v/ and /b/ then i stuck onto /f/ like a fly.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/28/16(Sat)16:14:42 No.3089133
I used to browse newgrounds as a middle-schooler, on the forums I heard about 4chan initially
found this website weird. About a year later I was hooked on 4chan and have been browsing daily
ever since....oh god how the time has gone. I have nostalgia about the days when CoC was first
created and the whole board went crazy for months. Remember the Christmas special? Remember when
loops began to get popular? Remember browsing all night during summer vacation in between rounds
of CS 1.6?
Now childhood is over but I still latch on to this site like I'm afraid to let go of the last
remnants of my youth.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/28/16(Sat)16:18:47 No.3089135
aug 2009 when my crazy chinese girlfreind left me had too much time on my hands
>> [_] Anonymous 05/28/16(Sat)16:22:14 No.3089137
about 2005-2006 too
good lord
Animutations and Japan break industries!
>> [_] Anonymous 05/28/16(Sat)16:31:07 No.3089138
my flash history predates 2004 with the first one being a red button that if you press unleashes
>> [_] Anonymous 05/28/16(Sat)16:32:38 No.3089139
Started on /b/ in 2008 and figured out there were other boards in 2009.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/28/16(Sat)16:35:51 No.3089140
Chans year ago, /f/ for a couple of months
>> [_] Anonymous 05/28/16(Sat)16:46:20 No.3089142
First started 4chan in 2012-ish. Didn't really know what to browse, so ended up just clicking
non-porn boards until I found /f/. Used to spend hours on newgrounds as a kid, and the nostalgia
took me over. Sure it isn't the fastest board, more of a relic from a time before social networks
exploded and killed the mainstream internet, but I'm happy that it's at least something.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/28/16(Sat)16:57:03 No.3089145
Don't even remember when I started browsing chans exactly, but I've been around 4chan for at
least 7 years, knew about it for longer but that's when I started consistently going here. Didn't
even check out /f/ until ~2 years ago.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/28/16(Sat)17:07:07 No.3089153
yeah, about 2005 as well.
visit mostly and firstly /f/, everything else was low priority
55chan nowadays, because I don't even understand the language, I cannot spot shitposting
>> [_] Anonymous 05/28/16(Sat)17:13:37 No.3089158
07 or 08 when i was 13.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/28/16(Sat)17:13:50 No.3089159
Where are you from? I visit that place a lot since I'm brazilian but I thought they automatically
banned foreign IPs as a proxy;
>> [_] Anonymous 05/28/16(Sat)17:15:47 No.3089160
Started browsing /b/ around -08/09, mained /wg/ around -11/12. Started browsing /f/ about two
years ago.
Only coming for /wg/, /f/ & /gif/ nowadays.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/28/16(Sat)17:52:44 No.3089179
Chans in 2010 I think. /f/ only 2 or so years ago though.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/28/16(Sat)17:57:36 No.3089181
my oldest saved flash was around 2009 so i guess around then
>> [_] Anonymous 05/28/16(Sat)17:57:58 No.3089182
Chans in 2010, /f/ in 2012
>> [_] Anonymous 05/28/16(Sat)18:18:03 No.3089189
Heard of 4chan like 2014, in the beggning it was /b/, but later that year started visiting /f/
for some reason, I have no idea why, but it has struck a chord with me.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/28/16(Sat)18:27:16 No.3089194
Btw question for oldfags, was /f/ more active in the old days? Like I mean more replies, flashes