File: me_lo_rin.swf-(8.99 MB, 640x360, Other)
[_] They decreased the file size count. Anonymous 06/14/16(Tue)11:50:30 No.3098245
>> [_] Anonymous 06/14/16(Tue)11:51:23 No.3098247
Used to be I could post some flashes at the ~10mb size.
Now I can't post anything over 9mb.
Does anyone know why they changed it?
>> [_] Anonymous 06/14/16(Tue)11:51:55 No.3098248
I know.
its super lame.
10mb was already extremely small and shitty to work with and they've made it even lower?
Absolute bullcrap.
Hoping its just a temporary glitch and they'll put it back to normal.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/14/16(Tue)11:56:27 No.3098249
How bad are 10mb stressing the servers really.
The shits like nothing, there are some webm larger than this shit.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/14/16(Tue)13:46:44 No.3098283
Is it true? What the fuck?
There were shitton of flashes with exactly 9.99 Mb size to fit the limit and now they all can't
be ever re-posted. Compared to /gif/ with all of its porn /f/ should not generate much traffic at
>> [_] Anonymous 06/14/16(Tue)13:49:08 No.3098284
oh no! not the youtuberips! oh the humanity
>> [_] Anonymous 06/14/16(Tue)13:54:15 No.3098285
It's not like taking 1 Mb out will reduce amount of youtube rips.
Also front page still says that
>Maximum file size allowed is 10240 KB.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/14/16(Tue)13:56:09 No.3098287
I just tried to upload a 10,239Kb and it said it was too large.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/14/16(Tue)13:56:56 No.3098288
just tried to post a 9.27 MB flash and it said it was too large
>> [_] Anonymous 06/14/16(Tue)13:58:55 No.3098289
So, what's the anime?
>> [_] Anonymous 06/14/16(Tue)14:02:03 No.3098292
Yuyushiki. It's decent.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/14/16(Tue)14:03:07 No.3098293
Please notify the feedback page as well as posting here. Last year swfchan was added to the spam
filter because so many people were directing other people to it. It got removed through the use
of that page.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/14/16(Tue)14:04:29 No.3098294
Already did. I hope they still read it since the last answer is from 2015.
Front page of /f/ states that "Maximum file size allowed is 10240 KB" which was true for a very
long time. But now when trying to upload file with size <10240Kb but >9 Mb you get "413 Request
Entity Too Large" error.
Please fix it. I can't believe that this change was intentional since /f/ should barely generate
any traffic. And even if it was intentional it should have been announced and front page message
should have been changed. There are so many great flashes with almost 10 Mb size which we won't
be able to ever re-post.
Seriously, bring it back.
Best regards
>> [_] Anonymous 06/14/16(Tue)14:09:40 No.3098295
Thanks for the copypaste, I was testing the size limit of the flash.
Don't worry the feedback which you can view is not reflective of how often they read it.
I submitted a bug report that was fixed the next day. There was a way to upload flashes as
>> [_] Anonymous 06/14/16(Tue)14:10:16 No.3098296
Thanks m8.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/14/16(Tue)14:13:04 No.3098298
Maybe to remove all the shitty flv converts from youtube?
Considering how shitty 4chan's been running the past few weeks, it's more likely hiroshima ran
out of pass shekels.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/14/16(Tue)14:23:10 No.3098308
>being notified about changes on /f/
this makes me laugh
moot didn't notify us about decreasing the amount of flashes to 2
moot didn't notify us about decreasing the reposting time of the same flash to 24 hours
moot didn't notify us about increasing flash size you can post from 8MB to 10MB
hiro didn't notify us about increasing the amount of flashes to 5
hiro didn't notify us about 10 minute delay between posting flashes
why the fuck should he notify us about anything now? or ever?
/f/ is a board nobody knows about nor cares so that's why he approaches things with /f/
you can go to >>>/feedback/ and whine all you want you'll achieve nothing
>> [_] Anonymous 06/14/16(Tue)14:25:57 No.3098311
>/f/ is a board nobody cares about
We care...
>> [_] Anonymous 06/14/16(Tue)14:30:02 No.3098316
>Maybe to remove all the shitty flv converts from youtube?
Even if that was the reason it should have been announced to everyone or at least the filesize
reminder when you open up the OP dialogue should have been changed.
I agree at the upper limit there are more video rips than other things because people try to give
it the most "quality" you can achieve and still post it though. This won't stop the video rips
though, it will just change the size that they are converted to.
>Considering how shitty 4chan's been running the past few weeks
Any examples, I haven't noticed anything besides this new bug.
>you can go to >>>/feedback/ and whine all you want you'll achieve nothing
I've archived stuff before. It's not unused they just to communicate very well.
Besides if we whine enough there maybe it will give them an incentive to actually report the
changes that were made.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/14/16(Tue)14:30:14 No.3098317
>moot didn't notify us about decreasing the amount of flashes to 2
>moot didn't notify us about decreasing the reposting time of the same flash to 24 hours
I'm pretty sure I read about these 2 changes from admin/mod post. It could be here or maybe on
Also you forgot
>moot didn't notify us about adding captcha
>> [_] Anonymous 06/14/16(Tue)14:32:32 No.3098318
>This won't stop the video rips though, it will just change the size that they are converted to.
It could actually make it even worse. Instead of converting youtube videos people will just
directly embed them into 3Kb flashes.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/14/16(Tue)14:37:09 No.3098322
well adding captcha was a pretty obvious change but everything else was just trial and error
I mean why it isn't under the post box where everything else is written about posting is beyond
my understanding
>> [_] Anonymous 06/14/16(Tue)14:37:57 No.3098324
I'm really curious as to why it doesn't give you the usual "Filesize exceeds limitations" error
when you post above 9MB. What's this 413 business about?
>> [_] Anonymous 06/14/16(Tue)14:40:44 No.3098326
The filesize used to be lower, so I doubt that everyone would switch to embedding youtube videos
as the standard video rip. It's still view-able in 8mb quality.
I agree, it should all be there.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/14/16(Tue)14:41:43 No.3098327
>/f/ is a board nobody knows about nor cares
m00t intervened when ZeitgeistFag was spamming the board
>I've archived stuff before. It's not unused they just to communicate very well.
Like >>3098293 said, swfchan got removed from the spam filter in about a day due to /f/ requests
on the feedback page last year.
>well adding captcha was a pretty obvious change
That was in response to [s4s] spamming /f/ for a get and a bad decision. Admin aren't flawless.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/14/16(Tue)14:42:26 No.3098329
The board did stop people from posting flashes period for a couple of hours right before these
changes though you could still post message replies during that time and other boards appeared to
be working fine.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/14/16(Tue)14:45:12 No.3098330
there were youtube rips even when size limit was only 8MB
decreasing it to 9MB won't solve shit
>> [_] Anonymous 06/14/16(Tue)14:50:04 No.3098332
>m00t intervened when ZeitgeistFag was spamming the board
ok but where was mOOt when knishes were shitting all over /f/?
where was mewt when takeo was taking over this board?
where was m11t when gachimuchi bombarded it's gayness on us?
I hope I don't need to remind you all these are forced memes
>> [_] Anonymous 06/14/16(Tue)14:50:36 No.3098333
>I've archived stuff before. It's not unused they just to communicate very well.
Wow, I made some bad typos there. It should read
I've used the the feedback page with results before. It's not unused, they just do not
communicate results very well.
Also I'm >>3098316 and >>3098293, not sure what point you were trying to make there.
>m00t intervened when ZeitgeistFag was spamming the board
I wasn't there but if I remember correctly he removed the captcha after it was added for a short
time before /b/ started spamming.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/14/16(Tue)14:54:34 No.3098336
forced meme's come and go
only the real meme's endure
/f/ is a board of true /f/reedom and we can endure
>> [_] Anonymous 06/14/16(Tue)15:00:42 No.3098339
I wasn't there but Zeitgeist is some sort of religious movement. The movie they were promoting
probably had an end game of profits for someone in the Zeitgeist religion.
The others while being forced were not posted with the ultimate goal of making money for someone.
You forgot yee and daily dose.
Another difference is that those forced memes were probably spread later on by people who
regularly visit this board, whereas that is not the case for ZeitgeistFag.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/14/16(Tue)15:22:14 No.3098352
Most Zeitgeist spam was pdfs embedded in swfs with the rare youtube rip video.
They would also usually take up half the board.
The worst thing you mentioned, knishes, had a max of 3 flashes at a time. It was bad but not on
the level of Zeitgeist spam.
>>3098339 is right about the other memes, while some may have been forced it was mostly /f/
making the new content and didn't occupy too much of the board.
Also 'yee' is a bad example.
I'm pretty proud of /f/ for ignoring that meme considering how forced it was and that it probably
came from reddit.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/14/16(Tue)15:25:21 No.3098354
I remember it just being a bunch of text and I don't recall him begging for money or something
like that
and the movie actually wanted quite the opposite, to free ourselves from the bankers
>> [_] Anonymous 06/14/16(Tue)15:41:31 No.3098366
I'm with you anon if enough bitch hard enuff about it it might change... if we don't bitch
nothing will happen
>> [_] Anonymous 06/14/16(Tue)16:14:37 No.3098382
I thought there was a day or two where gachimuchi was getting banned/deleted but it's been a
thankfully long time
One or two days out of many mind you
>> [_] Anonymous 06/14/16(Tue)16:35:55 No.3098389
Forced memes will always be there (see sugar baby), it's just how things work.