/ > /fap/ > Thread 9369
Age: 62.81d Health: 0% Posters: 13 Posts: 16 Replies: 13 Files: 1+3
>> Anonymous 28jun2016(tu)12:26 No.34898 OP P1
Minus 8
[IMG] lo2.swf (99.1 KiB)
550x400, Compressed. 80 frames, 30 fps (00:03).
Ver10, AS1/AS2. Network access: No. Text: No.
Bitmaps: No. Audio: No. Video: No. <METADATA>
[find in archive]
>> Anonymous 28jun2016(tu)12:38 No.34900 OP P2
Btw anybody know what characters these are?
>> Anonymous 28jun2016(tu)15:31 No.34904 A P3R1
Can't remember their names, but they're from the Loud House.
>> Anonymous 28jun2016(tu)16:49 No.34907 B P4R2
>no sound
come on, man.
>> Anonymous 28jun2016(tu)17:15 No.34909 C P5R3
That's Leni (16, "dumb blonde") and Lori (17, "bossiest") Loud.
They are Lincoln's (11, only boy) sisters, the eldest. There are five sisters older then him, and
five sisters younger than him.
Anyway, it was about time this was made. So much rule 34 potential.
>> Anonymous 28jun2016(tu)18:59 No.34915 D P6R4
Wincest is the best.
>> Anonymous 28jun2016(tu)22:07 No.34924 OP P7R5
Thanks mate.
A character named Lori eh? Lolicon (loli) in Japanese is ロリ, which actually translates to "Lori".
>> Anonymous 28jun2016(tu)23:24 No.34925 E P8R6
Cool but not really fappable.
>> Anonymous 29jun2016(we)04:58 No.34935 F P9R7
It's more just to get people interested in it, which means more content.
>> Anonymous 29jun2016(we)05:16 No.34937 G P10R8
That cock is way too white tho, can anyone make it darker?
>> Anonymous 29jun2016(we)15:47 No.34941 H P11R9
Where do you think you are?
>> Anonymous 1jul2016(fr)01:56 No.34992 I P12R10
>> Anonymous 5jul2016(tu)05:09 No.35089 J P13R11
I wish the was a full animation. I'd love to see a hentai game of Leni.
>> Grande Autisimo 6jul2016(we)00:48 No.35119 K P14R12
0/10 cancerous
>> Anonymous 5aug2016(fr)06:11 No.37298 L P15R13
>> Anonymous 5aug2016(fr)06:12 No.37299 L P16