File: entropy.swf-(1.22 MB, 256x192, Loop)
[_] entropy Anonymous 06/27/16(Mon)17:55:22 No.3105393
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 06/27/16(Mon)19:23:50 No.3105464
I don't think that's what that word means
>> [_] Anonymous 06/27/16(Mon)19:26:38 No.3105465
>> [_] Anonymous 06/27/16(Mon)19:29:49 No.3105467
Yeah. I mention that every time I see this, but if that is our biggest complaint then maybe it is
not so bad. As someone else pointed out, the word choice is more poetic than strict dictionary
INB4 "entropy means chaos" -- No. Entropy has a specific meaning: energy going from orderly to
less orderly, such as stored energy in the form of gasoline being burned and the energy being
converted to heat.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/27/16(Mon)19:37:19 No.3105473
Yeah alright fair enough. It's just being poetic.
I may loathe MLP, but this flash is alright.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/27/16(Mon)20:19:13 No.3105513
thinks like these make me sad i don't have a 3ds so i can use flipnote
>> [_] Anonymous 06/27/16(Mon)20:53:02 No.3105542
If I lived with someone who had a voice like this I'd have a hard time deciding between murder
and suicide.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/27/16(Mon)21:05:40 No.3105566
It's a shame they made it so you can't check out other people's Flipnotes on the 3DS version and
you can only make them and share them wirelessly...