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This is resource KFOVUVZ, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:13/6 -2016 14:20:13

Ended:14/6 -2016 03:01:48

Checked:14/6 -2016 03:46:05

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[_] so I tried to play the first warcraft just to get with the story Anonymous 06/13/16(Mon)08:18:37

  and I did not learn anything [spoiler]because the controls sucks ass and I didn't get too

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 06/13/16(Mon)12:29:29 No.3097787

  i'd like to just walk around wow killing stuff as a level 60 in a level 60 capped map again.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/13/16(Mon)12:37:26 No.3097790

  Just read up on it online.
  Or ask around.
  Hell, World of Warcraft, Warcraft the movie, and Warcraft I all have straying story details so
  it's difficult to really nail down on it unless you want a vague summary.

  >Humans in peace
  >Guardian brings orcs here
  >Orcs cause war
  >Humans beat them back pretty much, but orcs stay anyway
  >Other races come in.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/13/16(Mon)12:59:42 No.3097795

  I hoped to get some backstory of the characters but so far I managed to
  learn that in orc campaign you saved garona and overthrew blackhand
  and in human campaign you kill Medivh and king Llane is killed by Garona

  too bad you play as an unnamed character either in orc and human campaign, perhaps I'll learn
  more in warcraft 2 which I'm currently downloading
  I hope it has better controls

>> [_] Anonymous 06/13/16(Mon)17:12:30 No.3097870

  Much better, faster paced, less waiting.
  Still a nameless gorm until you get hero characters in WC3.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/13/16(Mon)17:16:44 No.3097873

  I actually remember playing it once on ps1 but all I can remember is that there is at one point
  uther lightbringer as a playable unit

>> [_] Anonymous 06/13/16(Mon)18:38:51 No.3097901

  Thanks for making me nostalgia hard /f/ even though I still play the goddamn game ._. I just
  tamed Arcturis like maybe a month ago.

>> [_] Scrub-lord 06/13/16(Mon)18:45:56 No.3097902

  Main story for the first one you find out who the guardian of tirisfal is. You kill him only to
  find out he was possesed by a demon Kil-jaden. He did open the gate before hand. I think Humans
  lost the first war against the orcs if I remember correctly cause in Warcraft 2 which is possibly
  the best Warcraft in my opinion. You find out that the humans are trying to retake their land.
  During Warcraft You get to know of the original Blackrock Clan, Along with Ogrin Doomhammer. Its
  an awesome story line. If you dont have Warcraft 2 I know a website where you can get it.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/13/16(Mon)20:30:35 No.3097937

  i miss WoW from before it went to shit.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/13/16(Mon)20:54:18 No.3097943

  EvE Online is recruiting.
Created: 13/6 -2016 14:20:13 Last modified: 14/6 -2016 03:46:26 Server time: 03/01 -2025 03:47:04