File: the-valley-rule.swf-(4.86 MB, 704x480, Game)
[_] Anonymous 06/29/16(Wed)12:42:05 No.3106642
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 06/29/16(Wed)13:04:45 No.3106649
I got the air jump but I can't climb the upwards cliff jumps well enough
>> [_] Anonymous 06/29/16(Wed)13:08:25 No.3106651
Persistence, friend.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/29/16(Wed)13:08:37 No.3106652
Didn't register one of the pieces that I got but I was able to go back and do it again and
registered it that time. Cute game tho.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/29/16(Wed)13:18:44 No.3106654
Get good.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/29/16(Wed)13:24:29 No.3106659
Beat the game finally, very nice game. It was really satisfying beating the last cliff face.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/29/16(Wed)15:21:24 No.3106713
That music is god damn great.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/29/16(Wed)16:07:01 No.3106744
great game
>> [_] Anonymous 06/29/16(Wed)17:15:33 No.3106779
nice little game. That wall climb was really challenging. Took me a while to get to the top
>> [_] Anonymous 06/29/16(Wed)17:34:07 No.3106788
>> [_] Anonymous 06/29/16(Wed)18:15:29 No.3106810
ending was shit but beating the last cliff was so satisfying
>> [_] Anonymous 06/29/16(Wed)19:16:47 No.3106850
Fucking last cliff was insanely challenging. Fun though. Great game.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/29/16(Wed)20:20:49 No.3106876
Jumping is really tight love it.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/29/16(Wed)20:35:52 No.3106882
Cute game.
The warped part was pretty spooky.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/29/16(Wed)21:09:52 No.3106903
Took me forever, but it was totally worth it
>> [_] Anonymous 06/29/16(Wed)21:26:18 No.3106911
Just like Knytt Stories. Ah, memories.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/29/16(Wed)21:33:32 No.3106915
Its because u died.
If you die, everything resets to last save, even a chest piece.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/29/16(Wed)22:01:48 No.3106925
>that's the ending
good level design, art, and music
the 2nd last cliff was fucking challenging though
>> [_] Anonymous 06/29/16(Wed)22:50:55 No.3106953
that last cliff. i'm sweating because of how many times i tried that.