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This is resource MFEJB3I, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:5/5 -2016 18:25:14

Ended:6/5 -2016 00:13:16

Checked:6/5 -2016 00:43:42

Original location:…
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 47.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: Bernie Sanders Neely.swf-(5.6 MB, 1280x720, Other)
[_] Anonymous 05/05/16(Thu)12:17:29 No.3075578

  Step the fuck back Shebeast and Wallfag supporters. Snow White is here to save America.

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 05/05/16(Thu)12:45:29 No.3075591


  LMAO WEED 2016


>> [_] "The goal of socialism is communism." Vladimir Lenin 05/05/16(Thu)12:49:13 No.3075592

  "The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other peoples' money." Margaret

  "Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its
  inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery." Winston Churchill

  "Socialism states that you owe me something simply because I exist. Capitalism, by contrast,
  results in a sort of reality-forced altruism: I may not want to help you, I may dislike you, but
  if I don't give you a product or service you want, I will starve. Voluntary exchange is more
  moral than forced redistribution." Ben Shapiro

  "Democracy and socialism have nothing in common but one word, equality. But notice the
  difference: while democracy seeks equality in liberty, socialism seeks equality in restraint and
  servitude." Alexis de Tocqueville

>> [_] Anonymous 05/05/16(Thu)12:49:42 No.3075593

  le literally doesn't understand what collateral is candidate

>> [_] Anonymous 05/05/16(Thu)12:56:13 No.3075596

  Cool anecdotal evidence bro.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/05/16(Thu)12:57:59 No.3075597

  Bernie wants us to be like Sweden, socially and economically.
  UN predicts Sweden to be a 3rd world country by 2030 due to it's social and economic policies.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/05/16(Thu)13:37:26 No.3075613

  that HDI article is retarded and Sweden didn't fall very far in the last few years, they're still
  at 14

>> [_] Anonymous 05/05/16(Thu)13:49:04 No.3075617


>> [_] Anonymous 05/05/16(Thu)13:50:32 No.3075618

  >whaaa, I didn't like the source you gave me
  Here are some more about Sweden being a 3rd world country by 2030.

  Here are some more about Bernie wanting our country to be like Sweden.

  Knowing this, it shocks and bothers me that anybody would unironically vote for Sanders. He wants
  to make an economically collapsing country the model for the United States. It's insane.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/05/16(Thu)13:52:54 No.3075620

  >Sweden didn't fall very far in the last few years, they're still at 14
  I don't think you get it.
  They ARE falling. This you admit. Economic experts in the UN are saying that it will continue to
  But the fact that you are okay with Bernie wanting the US to be like a country that has a
  downward economic trend (something you admitted) makes me wonder if you are even an American
  citizen. Nobody in their right mind would want this for their own country.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/05/16(Thu)13:52:55 No.3075621

  >i don't like the facts you showed me

  what a bernie supporter

>> [_] Anonymous 05/05/16(Thu)14:01:42 No.3075627

  Most of his supporters are uneducated "college" kids who have no reason to be there other than
  "My daddy has a lot of money"

  They don't really understand what they're doing.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/05/16(Thu)15:09:35 No.3075645

  Capitalism inevitably chokes the very people that prop it up, you can spam meme quotes from
  douchebags all you like, it doesn't change reality.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/05/16(Thu)15:13:29 No.3075646

  Just because your professor said that doesn't mean it's true.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/05/16(Thu)15:15:48 No.3075647

  >Snow White

  It's funny because he's a jew that lets BLM steal the stage at his own rallies.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/05/16(Thu)15:16:57 No.3075648

  Even if Bernie makes it in, most of the stuff he wants wont happen because congress is mostly
  republicans with opposing views. Trump/Hillary have a greater chance of ruining the country with
  congress' help.

  I'd side with Bernie if only for that.. or at the very least not Trump.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/05/16(Thu)15:17:01 No.3075650

  And Bernie's supporters are mostly baristas with BAs in english who will end up useless and in
  debt regardless of how much their tuition is.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/05/16(Thu)15:19:51 No.3075651

  why do bernouts always refer to capitalism like it's some sort of fucking living entity or evil

>> [_] Anonymous 05/05/16(Thu)16:11:26 No.3075671

  >Even if Bernie makes it in, most of the stuff he wants wont happen because congress is mostly
  republicans with opposing views
  The only reason I feel comfortable supporting him desu. Hilary's just going to get us into war
  with somebody, so even if Sanders doesn't accomplish anything domestically I feel like we'll
  still be better off with him

>> [_] Anonymous 05/05/16(Thu)16:47:42 No.3075692

  hello bit fag here , sanders only want to do stuff that that we do here like to free health care
  and that does mean higher taxes but that mean that the government can better deals . for all of
  its citizens and obviously Marxist madness does lead to the failure of sociality but some element
  of socialism like banding together to colectivly have more power is the underlying idea of
  civilsation and I think that Bernie is the the most progressive candidate in the sense that heal
  bring real change and he's not under the thumb of the establishment because he never sold out for
  money for his campain like a candidate I can think of

>> [_] Anonymous 05/05/16(Thu)16:51:24 No.3075695

  not that he'll win

>> [_] Anonymous 05/05/16(Thu)16:55:16 No.3075696

  Your grammar needs work, but you're mostly right.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/05/16(Thu)17:03:22 No.3075698


>> [_] Anonymous 05/05/16(Thu)17:04:58 No.3075699

  Thatcher was a fucking retarded feminist cunt, Churchill was an autist who almost lost WW2 for
  the British, Shapiro is a religious bumblefuck who's at least halfway decent at debate, and de
  Tocqueville is French. Step up the sources next time.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/05/16(Thu)17:06:19 No.3075700


  How will trump ruin our country anon?

>> [_] vipper 05/05/16(Thu)17:09:32 No.3075702

  >trying to make /f/ /pol/

  If you ain't posting about gays, jabronis, or wrong gyms, get the fuck out

>> [_] Anonymous 05/05/16(Thu)17:13:01 No.3075705

  Cool anecdotal evidence bro.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/05/16(Thu)17:14:05 No.3075708

  why do trump supporters/conservatives always do the same to socialism?

>> [_] Anonymous 05/05/16(Thu)17:14:38 No.3075709

  Cool, but news articles speculating don't mean shit, show me an actual peer reviewed economic and
  sociopolitical study on Sweden's decline that backs up the shit you're spewing.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/05/16(Thu)17:16:19 No.3075710


  There are sources done by the UN in the very article. THERE IS A LINK TO THE STUDY ITSELF IN THE

  Can commies not read or something? I mean you don't even have to read, just look for the blue

>> [_] Anonymous 05/05/16(Thu)17:17:27 No.3075712

  Human psychology. Us vs them tribal mentality. We are very reluctant to see the group we perceive
  as our own as having any faults and find it very hard to admit or even see any validity in what
  the outside groups say or do.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/05/16(Thu)17:18:39 No.3075714


>> [_] Anonymous 05/05/16(Thu)17:19:45 No.3075715

  Yeah I must be a commie because I want the only person who isn't a complete shithead to be
  president. It's not even about his policies it's just that the other two options are so fucking
  horrible. It's like choosing between Hitler, Stalin and some normal guy who might have a few bad
  ideas but he's a decent person.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/05/16(Thu)17:21:42 No.3075716

  I also posted a thrusgay flash after posting this. I just saw a post for Shebeast and two for
  Trump and thought it wouldn't be fair to not represent Bernie.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/05/16(Thu)17:21:42 No.3075717


  Just accept Trump already anon, he is the future and savior of this country, and you don't even
  have a single valid reason as to why you are against him.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/05/16(Thu)17:25:55 No.3075720

  >because he never sold out for money for his campain like a candidate I can think of
  You mean besides taking millions of dollars from the average citizen?
  Trump is entirely self funded, that is the TRUE never sold out for money.
  You should see the ridiculous shit Bernie spends his campaign money on
  >Bernie is the the most progressive candidate
  so in short, the worst candidate.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/05/16(Thu)17:26:55 No.3075723

  Because he's going to hurt our foreign relations severely. He's going to go and piss off other
  countries and further damage our already strained relations with a lot of countries. That is my
  biggest fear for a Trump presidency.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/05/16(Thu)17:28:18 No.3075724


  You biggest fear is "he might upset people". And then you compared him to Hitler/Stalin in your
  previous post.

  I didn't know hurt feelings was on the same level as world war and genocide.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/05/16(Thu)17:30:07 No.3075725

  >Because he's going to hurt our foreign relations severely.
  Pissing off shitty weak European countries and strengthening our relations with Russia is a good
  thing, not a bad one.
  >further damage our already strained relations with a lot of countries
  Doesn't really matter when you have the worlds most powerful military.
  >It's like choosing between Hitler, Stalin and some normal guy who might have a few bad ideas but
  he's a decent person.
  >everyone I don't like is [Hitler] or [Stalin]
  Fuck off, Bernie is a moron, there is a reason he literally got NOTHING done while elected as a
  senator. Trump is a very average guy, just not in anyway anyone understands yet.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/05/16(Thu)17:35:24 No.3075728

  Also Bernie voted for the securities and futures modernization act that caused 2008.
  He literally helped the "billionaire class" that he so highly detests.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/05/16(Thu)17:38:32 No.3075730

  God bless the DTIF

>> [_] vipper 05/05/16(Thu)17:40:49 No.3075731

  Not complaining about you op, this is fine as is the can't stump the trump flashes.

  Comments are cancer though

>> [_] Anonymous 05/05/16(Thu)17:45:22 No.3075732

  D U D E
  W E E D

  L M A O

>> [_] Anonymous 05/05/16(Thu)17:54:22 No.3075733

  >pissing off other nations is a good thing
  stopped reading right there. literally nothing good will come from pissing off a bunch of
  european nations.
  >he wants to waste tens of billions of dollars building a huge wall that won't work and continue
  to spend tens of billions of dollars every year maintaining the wall and paying people to patrol
  the wall
  >he actually thinks mexico would ever pay for it
  >he actually, unironically wants to END nuclear non-proliferation because he actually,
  unironically thinks everyone having nukes means the world is safer
  >he spends his free time getting into flame wars on twitter like a fucking middle schooler
  >he actually, unironically thinks global warming doesn't exist and that china made it up to get
  more money
  how's that? should I list more?

>> [_] Anonymous 05/05/16(Thu)18:03:33 No.3075741

  "All the nations beating the U.S. by every measure are capitalist"


>> [_] Anonymous 05/05/16(Thu)18:11:26 No.3075745

  >he wants to waste tens of billions of dollars building a huge wall that won't work
  Who says it wont work? Steven Colbert? Good one.
  >and continue to spend tens of billions of dollars every year maintaining the wall and paying
  people to patrol the wall
  It wont cost that much to maintain the wall, you're lying through your teeth.
  >he actually thinks mexico would ever pay for it
  He can easily force them to by either taxing their products, or garnishing money from the
  billions of dollars sent back to mexico from illegals a la western union.
  >he actually, unironically wants to END nuclear non-proliferation because he actually,
  unironically thinks everyone having nukes means the world is safer
  Anyone who is FOR proliferation is a fucking moron. Other nations will always build nuclear
  weapons, if we disable ourselves as a nuclear power, we are vulnerable to others who wish to
  build theirs.
  >he spends his free time getting into flame wars on twitter like a fucking middle schooler
  Literally just cant handle the banter can you? 90% of the time it isn't him. Its funny that you
  think it is.
  >he actually, unironically thinks global warming doesn't exist and that china made it up to get
  more money
  China has profited massively from the global warming alarmists, their REM industry is fucking
  exploding because of all the materials they were selling to us that we could have produced
  ourselves.They most certainly perpetrated and assisted the Zelots that thing they are the saving
  grace of the earth, when have done more harm than good. Especially when Oil companies partially
  fund them to fight Nuclear energy production and research.
  >how's that? should I list more?
  Go ahead, faggot.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/05/16(Thu)18:12:27 No.3075746

  >stopped reading right there. literally nothing good will come from pissing off a bunch of
  european nations.
  So you're a retard. got it.
Created: 5/5 -2016 18:25:14 Last modified: 25/4 -2017 08:13:15 Server time: 05/01 -2025 05:23:36