File: CANT STUMP WONT STUMP.swf-(5.23 MB, 720x800, Anime)
[_] LONG LIVE THE GOD EMPEROR TRUMP! CRUZ KASICH BTFO! Anonymous 05/05/16(Thu)11:50:38 No.3075567
>> [_] Anonymous 05/05/16(Thu)11:53:28 No.3075568
lul glenn beck committed for attempted suicide
>> [_] Anonymous 05/05/16(Thu)11:55:43 No.3075569
cruz edition where
>> [_] Anonymous 05/05/16(Thu)13:12:28 No.3075602
>> more like "cruz edition, why?"
>> [_] Anonymous 05/05/16(Thu)13:41:10 No.3075615
>> [_] Anonymous 05/05/16(Thu)13:42:09 No.3075616
requesting bernie version of this.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/05/16(Thu)13:52:37 No.3075619
Who made this Junior Senior remix tho? it's poppin