/ > /fap/ > Thread 9009
Age: 47.74d Health: 0% Posters: 8 Posts: 9 Replies: 7 Files: 1+2
>> Anonymous 21apr2016(th)01:28 No.31967 OP P1
[IMG] Fruit bar.swf (2.62 MiB)
800x480, Compressed. 8 frames, 25 fps (00:00).
Ver28, AS3. Network access: No. Text: Yes.
Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: No.
[find in archive]
>> Anonymous 21apr2016(th)01:40 No.31969 A P2R1
Worst copy of MaF series ever.... well, not the worst ever, but come on.
>> Anonymous 22apr2016(fr)02:12 No.32010 B P3R2
Damn, I've almost had the wind knocked out of me from the high quality here. Absolutely stunning.
Beautiful! Thank you for posting this flash and bringing it to our attention, OP!
>> Anonymous 22apr2016(fr)16:48 No.32035 C P4R3
5 seconds into the game I got bored and started serving water with a lot of sugar.
>> Anonymous 22apr2016(fr)17:12 No.32039 D P5R4
Best server ever.
Reminds me of that NG bartender type game where I just ended up serving shots of hotsauce with a
lime wedge and cocktail glasses with nothing but Icecubes and an umbrella
>> Anonymous 22apr2016(fr)21:34 No.32052 E P6R5
"I want some apple fresh"
>No water pure apple
" That's not what I order"
> uses nothing but apples
"That's not what I order i won't pay"
>fuck you
also there is only one salvageable sex scene it's the last one
>> Anonymous 22apr2016(fr)21:36 No.32053 E P7
1) oops: more water one apple
>> Anonymous 22apr2016(fr)23:27 No.32058 F P8R6
lol what is this? Obviously someone put effort into this, but Jesus, this made me laugh at loud. It
started with the poor art, then dear God...the grammar...and finally the concept of the game had me
in tears. 10/10 would fap again
>> Anonymous 23apr2016(sa)21:36 No.32078 G P9R7
you're shitting me, right? if you can fap to that, you can probably also fap to Elephant Man.