File: dancing_onigiri_taketori_nofailhack.swf-(3.77 MB, 700x500, Game)
[_] Touhou Anonymous 06/28/16(Tue)04:39:39 No.3106074
>> [_] Anonymous 06/28/16(Tue)04:56:06 No.3106085
I refuse to believe anyone has actually completed this
>> [_] Anonymous 06/28/16(Tue)10:11:42 No.3106161
I would have failed within 5 seconds. I'm terrible at this shit.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/28/16(Tue)11:48:37 No.3106198
It doesn't get difficult that early.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/28/16(Tue)12:16:28 No.3106208
it takes practice and muscle memory/hand eye coordination but something at this level isnt too
difficult as far as weeaboo rythym games go.