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This is resource PD38DX4, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:17/4 -2016 06:30:42

Ended:17/4 -2016 13:09:57

Checked:17/4 -2016 14:32:45

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Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 46.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: Still_Life_(Betamale).swf-(10 MB, 480x272, Porn)
[_] Anonymous 04/17/16(Sun)00:27:37 No.3063475

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 04/17/16(Sun)00:31:34 No.3063476

  So... whats the message here?
  Stop being a beta and wasting your life on the computer?
  Also that part where the furfag was bouncing on the ball aroused me. I don't know why. Im not gay.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/17/16(Sun)00:36:22 No.3063478

  The "message" is to feel sympathy for those engaged in a life of fantasy and spectation, or, if
  you yourself are trapped within such a life, to realize that your life is nothing other than a
  tragic fantasy.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/17/16(Sun)00:43:23 No.3063483

  I just want the furfag to bounce on my face.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/17/16(Sun)01:01:40 No.3063494

  >Also that part where the furfag was bouncing on the ball aroused me. I don't know why. Im not
  go on and thank me later ;)

>> [_] Anonymous 04/17/16(Sun)01:10:42 No.3063498

  Judgy McJudgington much, OP? Whatever happened to "Different Strokes for Different Folks?"

>> [_] Anonymous 04/17/16(Sun)01:28:27 No.3063504

  to those shitholes with you degenerate fetish hugboxes

>> [_] Anonymous 04/17/16(Sun)01:58:30 No.3063528

  you need to BE TAMALE!

>> [_] Anonymous 04/17/16(Sun)02:28:31 No.3063539

  -Since when does a 'live and let live' attitude equate to "degenerate fetish hugboxes?"
  Do "Muh FREEDOMS" only to apply to one specific class/type of people?

>> [_] Anonymous 04/17/16(Sun)02:39:08 No.3063542

  (side note... I mention personal freedoms and I'm told to go to 'tumblr...' I mention political
  freedoms, and I'm told to go to /pol/... I mention intellectual freedoms, and I'm told to go back
  to 'reddit...' I'm beginning to think 4chan just doesn't remember why 4chan exists anymore.)

>> [_] Anonymous 04/17/16(Sun)02:42:19 No.3063543

  >*pets you*

>> [_] Anonymous 04/17/16(Sun)02:45:19 No.3063545

  b-BAKA!! That doesn't make me happy at all! ...probably.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/17/16(Sun)02:52:10 No.3063552

  just because someone can have the freedom to do something doesn't mean it's not detrimental to
  their health and society in general.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/17/16(Sun)02:57:10 No.3063555

  What if society is not worth caring about? or if changing it is so difficult that one would not
  be unreasonable to give up on the task individually especially if they lack the tools.
  The idea that it is easy for an individual to gain influence over society or that society is
  something that cares about him or is even neutral towards him is debatable.

  I think society has been horribly twisted and degraded over the last few decades but I don't
  think it is because off gays, furries or escapists.

  If we lived in a society before the corruption has gotten so bad and these "different" types were
  a more significant detriment (in relative terms) then perhaps I would be more willing to adopt
  your sort of mindset when looking at them.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/17/16(Sun)03:03:07 No.3063558

  And someone appointed you the arbitrator of such determinations? How convenient. I'm absolutely
  certain, then, that everything you do is healthy and socially positive, given the history of
  every past group that liked to talk about 'degeneracy' and 'enforcing healthy lifestyles.'

>> [_] Anonymous 04/17/16(Sun)03:05:18 No.3063560

  Take a look at Japan, ever heard of hikikomori, or NEET? If you haven't, basically they're young
  people who live off of their parents, not working or going to school. They have become a
  significant enough problem in Japan that they are actually having a tangible economic impact.
  People who choose to live in a fantasy are not healthy. Having fetishes and sexual desires is
  alright, if you want to dress up like a dog and yif with other people dressed as dogs, go ahead.
  But when that is your whole life, when everything you do is focused around that one thing, and
  other stuff falls to the wayside, that's a mental disorder.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/17/16(Sun)03:09:09 No.3063562

  do remember that this definition of mental disorder can also apply to 'socially acceptable'
  fetishes, like the acquisition of wealth or material possessions, or power, and that they are far
  more likely to directly impact society as a whole than someone staying in their room playing
  video games.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/17/16(Sun)03:13:46 No.3063566

  Yes it can apply to those, because focusing entirely on any one thing completely is called
  addiction and is unhealthy. And the "one vote won't count" argument has already been proven false
  in the past. The issue isn't with one or two people doing something, the issue is that there is a
  huge amount of people doing it.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/17/16(Sun)03:22:11 No.3063570

  >the issue is that there is a huge amount of people doing it.
  Not really. The percentage of people who are gay is pretty small and furries are practically
  Islam is a horrible thing that is practiced by a huge number of people.
  I'd focus on dealing with that problem and many others long before I took on irrelevant ones like
  furries that is if I cared about the future of society and humanity.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/17/16(Sun)03:33:19 No.3063579

  That's deflecting, something doesn't become less bad just because there is something worse. Also,
  homosexuality is different from being a furry pretty fundamentally. Regardless, I think furries,
  NEETs, drug addicts, homeless, and all others who generally are removed from society or otherwise
  damage its operation are symptoms, not the disease. Look how well the war on drugs has gone,
  that's what you get when you try to cure a symptom. We need to focus resources into figuring out
  the psychological and emotional issues that cause people to go to extremes and then combat the
  cause of those. I'm not looking at just furries or any specific group, I'm looking at every group
  that exhibits extreme behavior.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/17/16(Sun)03:36:15 No.3063582

  The real problems only exist and get worse because we enable them.
  When you remove excessive Governmental influence and financial safety nets the "lesser peoples"
  atleast the majority who don't have trust funds or wealthy parents will either improve, die off
  or go to jail.
  Obviously the problems we have in society can't all be solved so simply but its a start.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/17/16(Sun)03:45:22 No.3063590

  If that would solve things, that would be great. I'm not saying I know how to fix the problem,
  I'm just saying how I view the whole thing. I feel like it's a little more complicated than that,
  though. Also, most people aren't super okay with using natural selection to cull the proverbial
  herd, despite its efficiency. I do agree that there is a fine line between helping and enabling.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/17/16(Sun)03:46:02 No.3063591

  I posit to you that those 'extremes' are to some extent a form of Darwinian evolutionary
  diversity, and are within tolerable norms. Its not elegant, but that is part of how our species
  adapts and evolves. As such, even if somewhat problematic to a segment of society, these
  variations are self-correcting in the long term. Think of them as the growing pains of human
  evolution on the way to "Homo Superior" and "Homo Transcendent."

>> [_] Anonymous 04/17/16(Sun)03:53:26 No.3063593

  >most people aren't super okay with using natural selection to cull the proverbial herd
  Not sure how true that is.
  Most adults I know are pretty pissed that some of the money they work for is taken by the
  Government to give to ghetto chicks who were too stupid to not get knocked up by a one night
  stand at a strip club.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/17/16(Sun)03:56:13 No.3063596

  (cont'd from >>3063591)
  For example, something like the "Furry Mentality" could prove useful in adapting to the arrival
  of an alien civilization, as unlikely as that is. In that case, it would possibly thrive.
  Otherwise, Darwin and history tell us it won't, so try not to fret about it too much.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/17/16(Sun)03:58:34 No.3063599

  I live in a pretty liberal area, where people celebrate that sort of thing. I guess this at least
  goes to show there's at least some division over the subject.

  I haven't given that much thought, so I don't really have a response, sorry. I do struggle to see
  how emotional instability and inability to cope would be effective adaptations though.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/17/16(Sun)04:00:06 No.3063601

  if they paid their taxes while working for the club until they got 'knocked up,' then they're
  just as entitled to that money as Joe Normaljobbs who got backed over at the construction site
  'cause he was 'too stupid' to move out of the way.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/17/16(Sun)04:04:18 No.3063603

  I don't think that's really how adaptation works. There isn't any agency to evolution, it is a
  cause and effect thing. A good example is sickle cell anemia. Sickle cells, due to their shape,
  are naturally less likely to be susceptible to malaria. In areas where malaria is a bigger
  concern than anemia, people who had the sickle cell mutation tended to survive and reproduce,
  thus passing on their genes, whereas people without it were less likely to survive. Elsewhere in
  the world, anemia was a larger concern than malaria, so those without the sickle cell would tend
  to reproduce more often than those who had the mutation, or one similar.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/17/16(Sun)04:04:36 No.3063604

  Fuck that.
  It is not my obligation to help pay for another couples child.
  I never agreed to that charity and I wouldn't want it or expect it either.
  People need to take personal responsibility for themselves and their lives.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/17/16(Sun)04:06:25 No.3063605

  emotional instability and inability to cope may be the partial step before a more viable
  adaptation, or they may be just detriments. Or they may be a trade-off to different benefits,
  like being sensitive to a stimulus we have yet to exploit, but might lead us to advancements.
  Time will tell.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/17/16(Sun)04:10:14 No.3063608

  As you look at the screen, it is possible to believe you are gazing into eternity. You see the
  things that were inside you. This is the womb. The original site of the imagination. You do not
  move your eyes from the screen. You have become invisible. The images captivate you, but you
  still drift off. You can still see every detail clearly, but can't grasp the meaning. Whenever a
  shift in your spiritual life occurs, fragments such as these surface.

  You won't be distracted; either by the reflection of yourself, or by the last glimps of the
  things now being lost forever. As you look at the screen, it is possible to believe you are
  gazing into eternity.

  For a moment, it all interlocks. But then a new pattern of ordered disorder emerges in front of
  you. Always the one before last.

  You are again in a dream, walking endlessly winding paths. You can't find your way out of the
  maze you are convinicced has been solely created by you.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/17/16(Sun)04:15:56 No.3063610

  Ah. 'Charity' is not what DSHS/SSA/SSI does, though. Government Welfare is a buy-in thing that
  everyone pays for so society has a cushion against hardship. Charity is voluntary. You don't want
  to give or receive charity, great. You don't have to. Welfare, though, is something the country
  needs to survive bumps and hiccups. The people benefiting from it paid for it, and you're paying
  for yours. When everything goes right, you get it back in retirement. If it doesn't, you get it
  earlier until you can get on your feet again, or until it runs out. And it is really easy to be
  dropped, and hell to get in, even when you fully qualify; all rumors to the contrary

>> [_] Anonymous 04/17/16(Sun)04:23:11 No.3063612

  ...Jon Rafman, Jon Rafman, Does Whatever a Jon Raf-can...
  Does he Troll? Listen, fags!
  Got more cancer than eight 9GaGs

>> [_] Anonymous 04/17/16(Sun)04:23:53 No.3063613

  Forced charity is still charity.
  If you wanna help the dumb girl who got knocked up despite having no job or serious partner thats
  on you.
  And no I will never benefit from spending those dollars. That isn't SS which will collapse soon
  anyway unless they print more money or steal it by raising taxes.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/17/16(Sun)04:40:58 No.3063621

  ...It'll only collapse if congress keeps plundering it, instead of putting the mechanisms back
  together that made it the model system it was in our parents and grandparents time. Sure, the
  Boomer population bubble is impacting it, but the system is not as flawed as many self-motivated
  FisCons say it is.
  Social Security Assistance and/or Supplemental is meant to safety net all of us by keeping a key
  cause of societal instability (pervasive poverty due to illness or incapacitation,) at bay.
  Quelling riots and revolutions from hundreds of thousands people starving in the streets gets
  tiring and expensive. Welfare is an imperfect but somewhat effective preventative measure, and
  cheaper than the alternative.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/17/16(Sun)05:57:42 No.3063645

  Go back to observing. You are getting dangerous with those thoughts.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/17/16(Sun)05:59:53 No.3063647

  And what else would they be doing?
  Replacing or updating an old protected industry that only hellfire missiles could change? No. No
  one is doing that. Not until things get so fucking retarded everything but only the richest and
  most protected will flourish.

  And then... nothing will happen.

  Do you know whhhhhKAWAIII DES

>> [_] Anonymous 04/17/16(Sun)06:03:01 No.3063649

  >>look at the war on drugs
  Can we PLEASE stop referencing any pop-culture ideas? It gets us stuck in an endless loop.

  Its like you are all suffering from some virus thats making humanity mentally ill.

  Anyone want to make an intelligent comment without referencing something from the white house??
  Or are you afraid of having an idea.

  Endless observations and not a single fucking solution. Not a single fucking one.

  You know what the problem is? There are people with money in the way and they need to NO LONGER

>> [_] Anonymous 04/17/16(Sun)06:04:05 No.3063651

  What are you going for there buddy? What exactly are you trying to suggest???

>> [_] Anonymous 04/17/16(Sun)06:05:33 No.3063653

  this whole thread is tl;dr
  please kill yourselves for shit posting so much

>> [_] Anonymous 04/17/16(Sun)06:05:39 No.3063654

  Its called 'social security' because it prevents people from ransacking the government. If people
  weren't given their circus and bread there would be far few heads. I'm writing this while in bed.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/17/16(Sun)06:06:40 No.3063655

  Oh look the twitter generation is getting edgy again. I'll tell you what, speed reader, why don't
  you ---

>> [_] Anonymous 04/17/16(Sun)06:08:55 No.3063657


  He's trying to suggest that the problem comes

  from people who press enter twice when they

  want to write a new line.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/17/16(Sun)06:11:46 No.3063662

  Do you think its possible to get enough bacteria in one place so that it could randomly write a
  novel about dick sucking or kissing of the neck?

  Keep in mind that bacteria have no idea what writing is or the peripherals to conduct such an

>> [_] Anonymous 04/17/16(Sun)06:25:38 No.3063673

  Well that was entirely uninteresting.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/17/16(Sun)06:58:53 No.3063678

  This is the problem right here, you and your mentality. Freedom has been traditionally defined as
  being able to do whatever you want as long as you hurt no one except yourself, which most will
  argue you have a right to do. Rather than try to change this belief, people like you have
  invented new definitions of harming others, like economic harm, and public health. There is no
  solution to society's problems because society's problems are being shaped by society. The public
  at large has been trained in what is good and what is bad regardless of actual fact. Further they
  have been trained to meddle in other people's lives. Mind your own business, world.
Created: 17/4 -2016 06:30:42 Last modified: 17/4 -2016 14:32:50 Server time: 11/03 -2025 13:14:54