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This is resource QE8RO2E, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:1/7 -2016 19:44:31

Ended:6/9 -2016 18:31:35

Checked:6/9 -2016 18:44:49

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/ > /fap/ > Thread 9380

Age: 59.94d   Health: 0%   Posters: 16   Posts: 25   Replies: 23   Files: 1+3

>> Anonymous 1jul2016(fr)19:40 No.35007 OP P1

[IMG] 150453 - Animated Flash_Animation Princess_Rosalina Supe...swf (7.31 MiB)
500x700, Compressed. 2 frames, 30 fps (00:00).
Ver10, AS1/AS2. Network access: No. Text: No.
Bitmaps: No. Audio: No. Video: No. <METADATA>
[find in archive]

>> Anonymous 1jul2016(fr)20:08 No.35009 A P2R1

This type of interracial is my type of interracial.

>> Anonymous 1jul2016(fr)20:12 No.35010 B P3R2

Where is the seeker version of this?

>> Anonymous 1jul2016(fr)21:59 No.35011 C P4R3

know why this is so rare?
Because most black women are ugly as fuck.

>> Anonymous 2jul2016(sa)02:34 No.35013 A P5R4

>passing opinion as fact

>> Anonymous 2jul2016(sa)04:07 No.35015 D P6R5

While you're right partly you're also partly wrong. Black females are the least desirable female
race combo in dating situations and that's shown via dating sites data.
While it's obviously the user's opinion if they prefer one race's females in general over another
it raises the question, if black women are constantly the least desirable on dating sites and in
mixed race marriages are black features on women unattractive in modern society?

At what point does opinion become objectivity and fact if black women are constantly getting less
clicks and action on dating sites compared to other females? Is everyone subconsciously racist? Or
are some black features on women just not attractive to males when compared to other features from
other ethnicities?

Not sure why I made this autistic post

>> Anonymous 2jul2016(sa)06:19 No.35016 E P7R6

I think it's mostly just black women not seeing many hot black females in hollywood, assuming
they're not desireable, and giving up. Shame, really, since most black girls I see have the same
opportunity to look hot as white and asian girls do, though distinctively different. That
difference would only serve them well though, since us men are hard wired to fuck oustide our
social group. Also... there is some racial prejudice towards dating black girls, particularily in
south america and guys with yellow fever. You need to get past that casual racism to appreciate the
wide array of pussy the world gave white man to conquer.

...Glad the race of the male in this flash is the superior one btw

>> Anonymous 2jul2016(sa)06:35 No.35017 A P8R7

But black women are also genetically predisposed to have bigger butts/breasts and wider thighs/hips
which makes them biologically more attractive to men due to the brain thinking it makes them more
competent at bearing a child. (even if those traits might not make them more competent at it)

Certain Hispanic cultures that mixed with black people also have these traits which is why you see
it often enough on Latinas (although porn does try to overstate that)

>> Anonymous 2jul2016(sa)08:46 No.35019 F P9


You forgot to mention average Nignog IQ is around 85. Which implies that black women are dumb as
bricks. No personality, low intelligence and pampered by 'murican black culture.

Only desirable negro is a white washed and groomed negro.

>> Anonymous 2jul2016(sa)11:10 No.35020 C P10R8

Anon C here
Sorry, I was kind of drunk when I wrote that...
What I meant to say was basically what anon D explained in more detail.
And one more thing: Can you think of any hot fictional female characters who happen to be black?
I can only think of Shantea(who isn't even that dark skinned), Yoruichi from Bleach and maybe 1
more and that's it...

I have to disagree.
There are 'hot' black female actors in hollywood. But they don't have many 'black' features. They
basically look like white people with darker skin and that's pretty much what I mean. Black
features are simply not attractive.
I also lol'd over your last line there.

It is true that the average IQ of blacks is lower, but you are kind of exaggerating here.
And what exactly do you mean with 'white washed' here?

Sidenote: A lot of fictional characters have been turned from white to black over the years (Nick
Fury, Heimdall...) and universes/worlds where black people shouldn't exist out of logic got them
anyway (most notable Naruto) and not a single character was turned from black to white EVER. (Not
that I ever heared of it at least)
So why is 'white washing' even a term to begin with? Seems hypocritical to me.


>> Anonymous 2jul2016(sa)12:40 No.35021 G P11R9


They're the least desirable because majority white nations have gone out of their way over the
course of history to portray black features as less desirable, and it stuck. If history had gone a
completely different course, european features could possibly be considered unwanted, and so on. In
short, the victor wrote the history books and decided non-white features were not representative of
themselves and thus should be culled. You only find white features primarily attractive because you
grew up around constant stimulus telling you that they should be attractive.


Also a direct result of primarily white influenced history doing it's best to slow down the
progress of black communities and tell them they will not succeed, making it difficult to get out
of impoverished life styles and zones, and denying them opportunities, which in return leads to
poorer education, poorer jobs, and passing on all the same problems to the next generation, with
very few managing to escape that lifestyle. You are only what you are now because your parents had
the opportunities they did in their lifetime to then give you the opportunities you had in your
lifetime, and thus, black people never got that chance, and are still taught to believe they don't
have those opportunities, combined with the above, with society considering black features less
desirable, and you have generation after generation of black people unable to get out of their
current predicaments, barely progressing.

tl;dr You are secretly racist because you believe black undesirability is a nature thing and not
societally implanted thing that you've been mouthfed from the day you were born.

Also 'white washed' originated as a term to describe the dressing up and hiding of criminal
activity by erasing it or presenting it in an extremely biased manner (read: history textbooks) by
people in high up places of power in order to cover their tracks and make themselves look bad. The
'dressing up' of undesirable things, once again, and making it 'pure white' or 'clean' again. It
got copped to represent the 'dressing up' or disguising of black features in order to appear more

Also. 'Not a single character was turned from white to black ever'.
Intentional blindness. You can put 'whitewash' into google and white washing in films is the first
thing that comes up.
Not entirely related, but blackface is a thing, and that should probably say enough about how white
people would feel if they could take a black character and turn it white.

Tl;dr 2: White people are self-centered and made everything about themselves.

>> Anonymous 2jul2016(sa)13:11 No.35024 C P12R10

>Also a direct result of primarily white influenced history doing it's best to slow down the
progress of black communities and tell them they will not succeed...
This is so much brainwash bullshit that I don't even bother to read the rest of your nonsense.

>> Anonymous 2jul2016(sa)13:24 No.35025 G P13R11

And the common racism tactic rears it's head; Ignoring all counter-arguments.

>> Anonymous 2jul2016(sa)13:42 No.35026 C P14R12

What you wrote are not counter-arguments. These are lies.
Africa has always been a shithole becaue of africans and white people had nothing to do with that.
In fact a lot of people there had it a lot better during the colonization period.

Another example for your bullshit lies:
> You can put 'whitewash' into google and white washing in films is the first thing that comes up.
First 5 things for me are:
1)Urban dictionary
2)A wiki page about lime paint
3)A wiki page about 'covering things up' (getting a white vest)
4)a definition on merriam-webster which states the same as wikipedia does
5)A definiton on thefreedictionary

I'm on google page 6 now and didn't find that yet.
Let's google for that in particular: "whitewash in movies"
Wikipedia: "In the early 20th century, white actors caricatured minority characters by wearing
blackface or yellowface and exaggerating the perceived behavior of minorities.[...] Due to the lack
of characters of color in the film industry, these roles were well received at the time by

You are talking BULLSHIT!

>> Anonymous 2jul2016(sa)14:32 No.35027 H P15R13


Why would you bother typing all this

>> Anonymous 2jul2016(sa)15:05 No.35028 C P16R14

Because he's delusional and/or in denial.

Might be one of these black people who accomplish nothing in life and blame it on white people
because they refuse to blame themselves.

That's especially funny because (at least in the U.S.) there are special scholarships exclusively
for black people. Not for poor or socially disadvantaged people. Just for black people. (yes I
know, the former exist as well)
I've even read of one case in which someone from south africa applied for a scholarship and he got
it at first, but later it was canceled because they found out that he was actually white. (can't
find the article right now)
Hypocrisy at it's finest.

>> Anonymous 8aug2016(mo)16:24 No.37432 I P17R15

So many Pan Sapiens here...

>> Anonymous 8aug2016(mo)17:29 No.37433 J P18R16

It's 2016.
There are STILL isolated/uncontacted nigger tribes out there, running around clad in grass and
leaves, that has barely even discovered fire on their own yet.

I DARE you to tell me that they are victims of oppression through institutionalized racism.

>> Anonymous 16aug2016(tu)20:28 No.37773 K P19R17

It’s scientifically proven, you worthless fucking kike.

>> Anonymous 17aug2016(we)05:47 No.37792 E P20R18

Did you actually read that study? Because there is literally nothing in there saying, or even
insinuating, that "black women are ugly as fuck". I don't know how you even came to that conclusion.

tl;dr version: Hispanics, Aztecs and two groups their mixed children (from early and late colonial
period) were studied to see if the facial structures of the offspring are, as laws of genetics
would suggest, somewhere between hispanic and aztec. This was proven correct.

super tl;dr version: Children look like their parents.

>> Anonymous 17aug2016(we)14:55 No.37814 L P21R19

I will always find it hilarious that /fap/ has become an argument ground between crackers and

>> Anonymous 17aug2016(we)15:54 No.37816 E P22R20

I don't think there are any niggers in this thread though. Just weak, fat, cowardly, impotent
manginas arguing with glorious White Master Race who are eager to conquer women of other races and
take them for themselves. that I think about it, maybe there are niggers trying to scare us away from their women? You
might have a point.

>> Anonymous 18aug2016(th)01:42 No.37843 M P23R21

Futa maybe?

Soooo could anyone post a version of this where she transforms to futa? Could be funsies. Like
trough the flash she grows a wang? :D

>> Anonymous 21aug2016(su)05:47 No.38014 N P24R22

i hope someone makes an edit to make her shantae

>> Anonymous 22aug2016(mo)03:53 No.38195 O P25R23

Needs more white people
Created: 1/7 -2016 19:44:31 Last modified: 6/9 -2016 19:13:39 Server time: 05/11 -2024 06:44:29