/ > /fap/ > Thread 9359
Age: 61.03d Health: 0% Posters: 18 Posts: 23 Replies: 20 Files: 1+3
>> Anonymous 26jun2016(su)00:47 No.34808 OP P1
[G] and another one
that's all folks
[IMG] summer-heat.swf (6.78 MiB)
700x600, Compressed. 1084 frames, 30 fps (00:36).
Ver15, AS1/AS2. Network access: No. Text: Yes.
Bitmaps: No. Audio: Yes. Video: No. <METADATA>
[find in archive]
>> Anonymous 27jun2016(mo)01:07 No.34838 A P2R1
this is awesome and should have more replies
>> Anonymous 27jun2016(mo)05:33 No.34850 B P3R2
I hope there's more where this came from
>> Anonymous 27jun2016(mo)15:47 No.34864 C P4
>> Anonymous 27jun2016(mo)22:20 No.34879 D P5R3
Actually, that was not that bad! Would not mind seeing more of these
>> Anonymous 28jun2016(tu)08:54 No.34891 E P6R4
>Woman wears giant hoodie and... stockings(?) to the beach on a hot summer day
>Apparently is the only woman at the beach that day
>Despite the hoodie not showing off her body in the slightest, every man on the beach knows she's
super-duper-hot, bro!
>So much so that 4 unrelated guys coordinate an attack to rape her out of nowhere
>Oh, she can teleport now. Okay.
>Oh! And she's cool with being raped, so it's not rape. That's how it works, right?
>Gets assaulted again in the shower trying to clean up. Either she used the mens' shower or all the
guys just couldn't wait and went into the womens' shower to have their turn.
>But she's still cool with it.
I know you shouldn't look too much into the writing of porn, but this is just particularly dumb.
The girl is animated well enough, though, and that's half the battle.
>> Anonymous 28jun2016(tu)10:56 No.34894 F P7R5
>he watch porn material for the history
>> Anonymous 28jun2016(tu)11:54 No.34896 G P8R6
The dude made something detailing her, shes a slut and they all probably knew it. Also she can
always teleport, is groggy after, and that was the mens shower yes.
>> Anonymous 28jun2016(tu)12:00 No.34897 A P9R7
>Oh! And she's cool with being raped, so it's not rape. That's how it works, right?
Actually yes, that is how it works. If there are no hard feelings there is no actual rape.
A girl also have to send out signals that indicate that she doesn't want to do X during the act. In
the flash you can clearly see how she happily pleasures three men at the same time, while being
recorded. I assume it's also her that teleports them all away from the bar to begin with after they
grab her.
Half of human communication happens non-verbally. Affirmative consent is horse shit and a you can't
claim to have been raped because you regretted it later or because you "really didn't want to" when
you didn't send out clear signals to make the guy understand that if he proceeds it is rape.
It's important to know that sometimes body language speaks louder. You've probably seen it in a
movie sometime where a girl says no but her body says yes. It's a real thing and if she follow her
words with a "kiss" instead of "get away from me" behaviour, who would take her words serious?
A famous example is when Han Solo kisses Princess Leia in Star Wars. By feminist standars he rapes
her but anyone with half a brain can read in her body language that she wants him. I have no doubt
that if things continue the way they are Disney will censor that scene in future releases, I think
they have already done some work with the Slave Leia scenes (just some rumours I've heard).
They don't think it be like it is but it do.
>> Anonymous 28jun2016(tu)16:53 No.34908 C P10
in terms of tags though, it's still good enough for rape
>> Anonymous 28jun2016(tu)18:22 No.34913 H P11R8
>people that write essays on porn swf comments
>> Anonymous 29jun2016(we)03:27 No.34932 I P12R9
>> Anonymous 29jun2016(we)03:54 No.34933 J P13R10
Some people on this site are so autistic and/or retarded it fucking crazy, even worse than sadpanda.
>> Anonymous 29jun2016(we)04:03 No.34934 C P14R11
wait, sadpanda comments are autistic? I need examples of this. there isn't enough autism in my
life, I need more.
>> Anonymous 13jul2016(we)10:09 No.35463 K P15R12
yeah some of em can be pretty....bad.
>> Anonymous 13jul2016(we)14:58 No.35475 L P16R13
What the fuck is sadpanda?
>> Anonymous 13jul2016(we)15:10 No.35477 OP P17R14
>> Anonymous 14jul2016(th)06:57 No.35508 M P18R15
royalty free music cancer
>> Anonymous 14jul2016(th)15:32 No.35538 J P19R16
If it's not autism and drama, it's just memes and youtube tier comments, avoid them if you don't
want to be pissed.
>> Anonymous 6aug2016(sa)15:37 No.37344 N P20R17
>Affirmative Consent is Horseshit
>What you said, which was basically for the other person to make it clear whether or not they want
it, is basically that
Are you retarded?
>> Anonymous 23aug2016(tu)16:33 No.38350 O P21R18
Nice flash :)
>> Grande Autisimo 24aug2016(we)09:55 No.38386 P P22R19
royalty free music cancer
>> Anonymous 25aug2016(th)04:44 No.38402 Q P23R20