/ > /fap/ > Thread 9131
Age: 42.61d Health: 0% Posters: 8 Posts: 10 Replies: 9 Files: 1+2
>> Anonymous 18may2016(we)14:44 No.33240 OP P1
[IMG] Taokaka.swf (7.24 MiB)
1000x600, Uncompressed. 3243 frames, 30 fps (01:48).
Ver20, AS3. Network access: No. Text: Yes.
Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: No.
[find in archive]
>> Anonymous 18may2016(we)15:12 No.33242 A P2R1
Hot, does the artist have more work?
>> Anonymous 18may2016(we)15:15 No.33244 B P3R2
Yeah, this is actually a modified version of a main flash with Makoto instead. There's also a
Litchi version. They're on SWFChan as well
>> Anonymous 18may2016(we)15:23 No.33245 A P4R3
nice I noticed the makoto one has more options (and an intro), how about any other non edited
completely different flashes from the same author?
>> Anonymous 19may2016(th)00:49 No.33261 C P5R4
not really, the only other work they released (that I know of) Is a makoto BJ flash
Besides that if you want the various other versions of this, I posted a Mega link a while ago in a
previous posting of this which had all of them in their "as purchased" state (.exes)
>> Anonymous 19may2016(th)02:32 No.33263 A P6R5
Damn, I wish they did more the quality is pretty solid.
>> Anonymous 19may2016(th)05:32 No.33265 D P7R6
Needs more anal
>> Anonymous 19may2016(th)14:49 No.33275 E P8R7
almost everything needs more anal.
>> Anonymous 19may2016(th)21:30 No.33289 F P9R8
An uncensored version would be nice but, I've seen this multiple times but, can never come across
an uncensored one. It's good but, kinda disappointing in a way.
>> Anonymous 17jun2016(fr)11:25 No.34506 G P10R9
Demon cats, my favorite.