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Age: 54.33d Health: 0% Posters: 18 Posts: 24 Replies: 23 Files: 1+2
>> Pokemon off-white 4.2.9 18jun2016(sa)21:09 No.34571 OP P1
[G] Pokemon off-white 4.2.9
[IMG] pokemon off white 4.2.9.swf (8.35 MiB)
1300x850, Compressed. 3 frames, 24 fps (00:00).
Ver28, AS3. Network access: No. Text: Yes.
Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: No.
[find in archive]
>> Anonymous 19jun2016(su)00:23 No.34575 A P2R1
This guy's normal pokemon drawings are great, but he can't draw an attractive looking pokemon worth
>> Anonymous 19jun2016(su)00:40 No.34576 B P3R2
I like some of them, tbh. Flareon still looks god awful, as well as whatever that purple cats name
>> Anonymous 19jun2016(su)03:51 No.34579 C P4R3
This is looking good. And, unlike Breeding Season, actually stands a chance of being finished.
>> Anonymous 19jun2016(su)16:02 No.34606 D P5R4
Okay seriously, this needs to stop. Shit takes time, development with only a few people is slow,
get over it.
I dare any of you impatient, whiny cunts who love to complain about that game to try to make a game
of equal quality and complexity with only 3 people. See how long that takes you.
Until then, shut the fuck up about it - you aren't even paying for it, so you don't have a
legitimate stance to complain.
>> Anonymous 19jun2016(su)16:17 No.34607 A P6R5
Valid argument if there weren't many one man studio's pumping out more content on a regular monthly
basis while being paid less than a member of a 5 man studio that can give an average of 6,400
dollars to each member. Nice try Hartista (or whoever of the breeding season team is trying to do
damage control)
>> Anonymous 19jun2016(su)16:45 No.34608 E P7R6
What needs to stop? BS has already become the example of how not to do projects like that. It takes
time, but not that much time, and not that much money. Fuck outta here with your bitch ass "why
won't you do it yourself" excuses.
>> Anonymous 20jun2016(mo)05:48 No.34634 F P8R7
t. breeding season """"""""dev"""""""
>> Anonymous 20jun2016(mo)05:51 No.34635 G P9R8
>If you can't make a better game you're not allowed to complain
lol wut
>> Anonymous 20jun2016(mo)05:58 No.34637 H P10R9
it's not complaining, it's criticizing. also, you don't need to be a cook to have a mouth. so suck
my dick.
>> Anonymous 20jun2016(mo)06:10 No.34639 I P11R10
Well they only get 32,261 dollars each month, so no wonder it is so hard to make. ;c
>> Anonymous 20jun2016(mo)06:10 No.34640 J P12R11
Vaporeon in the showcase but not on the breeder?
For shame.
>> Anonymous 20jun2016(mo)11:04 No.34647 K P13R12
30 grand a month and only recently have they been able to pump out a half decent ammount of
animations. Yes "shit takes time", but the game was pumping out about an animation or two a month
tops. And then they'd remove and rework said animations. The animation process does not take that
long, as shown by the more recent updates where were getting about 4-5 new animations each. The
other issue being is that the longer they take, the more money they make.
>> Anonymous 20jun2016(mo)15:09 No.34650 L P14R13
Good goy, keep donating to that patreon.
>> Anonymous 20jun2016(mo)16:56 No.34654 M P15R14
You are a stupid cock sucker for defending them.
>> Anonymous 20jun2016(mo)18:23 No.34655 D P16R15
Not a dev, just really tired of seeing people bitch about it needlessly.
It grinds on my nerves when I see an endless wave of people bitching about it all the time, most of
whom have no idea what goes into actually making a game.
And on the one man team notion - a large majority of those projects also use pre-made assets for
the visuals and alter them slightly here and there, or are making games that aren't as complicated
in the way they're coded. Hell, I'll grant you that some of them may just work abnormally fast, but
not everyone does. Being payed more doesn't make the work take any less time outside of the fact
that they don't have to have other work taking up more of their time. But the amount of work to be
done is the same, and so is the time it takes. Not to mention that a lot of these other devs pump
out tiny, miniscule "updates" of a few things here and there being fixed or added. They're at least
trying to make their updates more substantial, but the art and animating takes time AND can bug out
just as much as the rest of the game, so there's only so much of it that can be added and
implemented at a time before it may need tweaks and fixes.
And for the record, I'm not backing them either. Don't back it if it's not what you want - that's
perfectly fine. But don't bitch about how the money isn't magically building the game for them
because that's not how that shit works. Don't claim it as criticism when all you're really saying
is you don't understand how developing things can take time. Those aren't valid arguments or
complaints. Rome wasn't built in a day. I'll certainly say there are things about their developing
that are worthy of complaint, but no one every complains about those things, here or anywhere else.
Ever. It's always "HURR WHY GAM NOT MADE FASTR WIT MORE MONEE?" That's simply not how shit works.
tl;dr - Learn how games are actually made and how long it actually takes, then try bitching.
>> Anonymous 20jun2016(mo)19:13 No.34658 M P17R16
Grade A bait mate,you'll get all the fishies.
>> Anonymous 20jun2016(mo)23:01 No.34661 E P18R17
lmao. Essay full of plaintive excuses ending with "who are you to critisize". Sounds like Hartista
Retard, you realize nobody cares about how hard or time-consuming it is to make such a game?
Everyone will look at your results. And your results are fucking poor. You know this, but still
keep making the same asinine excuse over and over again. Eat a dick, shithead.
>> Anonymous 20jun2016(mo)23:37 No.34662 A P19R18
Ive seen one man productions without 3d assets or CGs with bigger updates than breeding season
where everything has to be made from scratch (and one where the guy had to maintain a part time
job). The rest of your post just reeks of apologism
>> Anonymous 21jun2016(tu)00:19 No.34663 N P20R19
whats the song?
>> Anonymous 21jun2016(tu)00:20 No.34664 O P21R20
yeah but like 4 years on a huge salery is a bit much. i know how long it takes to animate and draw
but jesus christ man. if it was my fucking JOB to get up in the morning and crack out 8 hours every
day, that shit would be done as fuck in at least 2 years max.
>> Anonymous 22jun2016(we)14:58 No.34693 P P22R21
Yeah, you'd work much harder and longer hours and you'd get half as much money. That's the flaw of
patreon, it promotes laziness and slow updates. Work less, earn more.
>> Anonymous 22jun2016(we)15:25 No.34695 Q P23R22
That's a flaw with people with sense of entitlement.
And boy they have enough furfags shit-tier artists back there.
>> Anonymous 22jun2016(we)16:02 No.34696 L P24R23
Ta-Ku - Long Time No See