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This is resource SBLEXKA, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:21/5 -2016 21:15:31

Ended:22/5 -2016 04:30:14

Checked:22/5 -2016 06:35:15

Original location:…
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 53.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: hospital46.swf-(5.49 MB, 570x501, Game)
[_] Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)15:01:51 No.3085036

  /f/igure it out nigga

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)15:40:46 No.3085056

  wasn't that difficult

>> [_] Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)16:12:54 No.3085068

  I found A, B, C and E. Not sure where D is. I've also got a hammer I can't seem to use for

>> [_] Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)16:50:16 No.3085073

  I can give you the D if you want it.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)16:53:26 No.3085074

  D is in the room with the guy laying on the bed.
  The hammer is used to smack that fuse box in the next room.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)17:03:57 No.3085080

  i just guessed all the buttons...

>> [_] Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)17:19:30 No.3085084

  I don't normally play games like this, but I work in a mental hospital and this really caught my
  eye for that reason. I kind of enjoyed that little challenge. Thank you OP

>> [_] Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)17:27:29 No.3085088

  wat do with wind up doll thing

>> [_] Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)17:30:12 No.3085089

  totally stuck on the code part

>> [_] Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)17:40:02 No.3085092

  the code on his forehead is reversed

>> [_] Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)17:51:40 No.3085096

  you can peel the doctor's notes apart

>> [_] Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)17:53:44 No.3085097

  I figured out the A B C D E part but I dont know where to go next

>> [_] Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)17:55:13 No.3085098

  Same I have the half of the elevator key after freeing the electric chair guy but what then

>> [_] Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)17:58:46 No.3085099

  go back to the room with the computer (room to the left of man lying in bed) and search around
  some more.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)18:01:15 No.3085101

  Pressing escape key on computer only shows the escape key and the color black and red, so far
  that the only thing I can find

>> [_] Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)18:03:41 No.3085103

  Theres also that drawer thats stuck

>> [_] Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)18:04:07 No.3085105

  I can't find C.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)18:06:02 No.3085108


  Nevermind. It is on the inside of the door of the number guy's cabinet.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)18:08:35 No.3085110

  I'm at the end, have both pieces of the elevator key but they don't go into the elevator slot

>> [_] Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)18:08:40 No.3085111


  There is a orange note taped to the wall to the upper left of the computer. I shows you the code
  to open a drawer with the other half.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)18:08:59 No.3085113

  Im on that too wtf i thought I fucking won lmao

>> [_] Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)18:09:43 No.3085114

  nvm I got this within 5 seconds of posting

>> [_] Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)18:09:45 No.3085115


  Use one piece on the other to combine them.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)18:38:22 No.3085125

  i dont know how to free the electric hair guy.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)18:48:54 No.3085131

  Remember the letters?
  Push the colors that correspond to the letters in alpabetical order

>> [_] Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)18:52:18 No.3085134

  I just guessed till i got it
  I remember b is blue and c is orange d is white

>> [_] Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)18:52:19 No.3085135

  Where is the fuse and where is the guy laying on the bed?

>> [_] Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)18:54:08 No.3085136

  in room 501 there is a door you need to open that

>> [_] Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)18:54:40 No.3085137

  and howd i do that

>> [_] Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)18:54:55 No.3085139

  yeah thats where im stuck. ive got the hammer and that door is all i can do left

>> [_] Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)18:57:04 No.3085141

  well you need to figure out the code in the room with the electric chair guy.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)18:58:06 No.3085142

  where do i push the colors?

>> [_] Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)18:59:27 No.3085144

  where is the 3rd piece of the computer with the green key guy?

>> [_] Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)19:01:33 No.3085146

  inside of a painting in the hallway

>> [_] Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)19:04:13 No.3085149

  the far one that i cant open?

>> [_] Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)19:07:00 No.3085150

  no the 1 closest to your prespective there is a painting and you can open it and there is nothing
  inside but there is a hidden closet inside of the hidden painting but you need a doll to open it.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)19:11:59 No.3085151

  yea i figured it out and everything else was simple. THEY WERE WATCHING ME THE WHOLE TIME!

>> [_] Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)19:17:59 No.3085154

  still need to figure out where to put the colors.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)19:22:58 No.3085156

  >>3085154 nvm figured it out.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)19:23:38 No.3085158

  How do you find the code to free the guy in 625?

>> [_] Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)19:28:54 No.3085161


>> [_] Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)19:37:10 No.3085168


>> [_] Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)19:43:58 No.3085172

  shit ending

  and really, for the combinations at the end, I just brute-forced it for the computer as well as
  for some of the colors at the end, because fuck that

>> [_] Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)19:46:37 No.3085174

  yea the ending was pretty predictible.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)20:01:33 No.3085181

  >escape the lab
  >get put back into lab
  fuck right off. literally anything would have been better. even an earrape daily dose.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)20:18:56 No.3085192

  I would've appreciated a dosage

>> [_] Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)20:37:53 No.3085198

  better than the doses this games doc was giving certainly.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)21:30:36 No.3085220

  for a schizo/psychedelic game i'd assume the puzzles would be way more convoluted

  i think the artist and gameplay designer were two separate people (or just the one schizo dude
  maybe now that i think about it)

>> [_] Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)21:37:08 No.3085226

  >left click
  >press play repeatedly
  >sometimes forward
  >win shitty flash game

>> [_] Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)21:42:26 No.3085230

  what is the fucking code?

>> [_] Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)21:59:33 No.3085239

  What do I open with the blue key? I've got that, a tube thing, and a hammer. I feel like I've
  interacted with every interactable thing there is. I only have the right half of the elevator key.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)22:11:20 No.3085244


  door in the room next to the computer room

>> [_] Anonymous 05/21/16(Sat)22:14:31 No.3085246

Created: 21/5 -2016 21:15:31 Last modified: 22/5 -2016 06:35:23 Server time: 11/03 -2025 12:55:37