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Original location:… Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 41. Discovered flash files: 1 File: Bernie Sander Neely.swf-(5.6 MB, 1280x720, Other) [_] ur next president everyone Anonymous 04/13/16(Wed)22:33:04 No.3061522 >inb4 reddit Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anonymous 04/13/16(Wed)22:41:34 No.3061528 >>3061522 Trump supporters >Take existing memes and pastes a hat on them. Bernie >Create something new and original. >> [_] Anonymous 04/13/16(Wed)22:41:40 No.3061529 He'll never become president OP, just give into the Trump >> [_] Anonymous 04/13/16(Wed)22:43:04 No.3061531 >>3061529 >Jesus will never return anon >just give into Satan >> [_] friendsofsandwiches 04/13/16(Wed)23:27:07 No.3061557 I like the art on this. >> [_] Anonymous 04/13/16(Wed)23:29:33 No.3061560 >>3061522 >reddit >> [_] Anonymous 04/13/16(Wed)23:37:27 No.3061566 Three facts: 1) "Reddit" is not a verb. 2) Alternate and opposing viewpoints belong on 4chan more than anywhere else. 3) I am a potato who dearly wishes to one day become vodka. >> [_] Anonymous 04/13/16(Wed)23:40:03 No.3061570 >>3061528 But all sorts of memes were created from trump. Build wall You have to go back etc. the cuck crew happened because of him. >> [_] Anonymous 04/13/16(Wed)23:40:28 No.3061571 >>3061566 >I am a potato who dearly wishes to one day become vodka. This is a prime example of reddit tier humour, you aren't even trying to hide it. >> [_] Anonymous 04/13/16(Wed)23:41:17 No.3061572 >>3061522 back to 9gag you go >> [_] Anonymous 04/13/16(Wed)23:44:49 No.3061573 Bernie will tax the super rich thieving bankers and give big money to all the average citizens. How can you not vote for him? >> [_] Anonymous 04/13/16(Wed)23:48:57 No.3061575 >>3061571 Oh, I see... Because I don't say "Cuck" and "Mudslime" every three words, my humor doesn't 'fit' on 4chan? Thank you for enlightening me, sempai. >> [_] Anonymous 04/13/16(Wed)23:51:12 No.3061576 >>3061575 >doesn't even know how to spell senpai point proven, fagtron. >> [_] Anonymous 04/13/16(Wed)23:52:17 No.3061577 >>3061575 Your humour is shit just accept it. >> [_] Anonymous 04/13/16(Wed)23:53:19 No.3061578 >>3061575 Both spellings work in romaji, dorkface. Chelk your facks. >> [_] Anonymous 04/13/16(Wed)23:54:27 No.3061581 >>3061573 Orly? Because all I am getting under his tax plan is a 6k increases on my taxes. I didn't realize my salary of 60k made me a "rich banker". >> [_] Anonymous 04/13/16(Wed)23:55:39 No.3061582 >>3061577 Oh, yes. That is at least true; I still enjoy it, so meh. >> [_] Anonymous 04/13/16(Wed)23:57:16 No.3061584 >>3061581 Yes but you get free college, food and everything else. So you will save far more then a paltry 6k. >> [_] Anonymous 04/14/16(Thu)00:01:56 No.3061590 hate to say this you tax the most abundant source, only a few rich tons of us poor and middle class, and everything "free" gets paid for by someone.... you can guess who's gonna get fucked us or the rich that can afford irs lawyers to work them a deal within the law. >> [_] Anonymous 04/14/16(Thu)00:02:22 No.3061592 >>3061581 anyone with money is the enemy. Tyrone Ladindu doesn't believe in money, it's a white man's invention. Why he have to use it to get he food n shiet? He gonna starve. How else he gonna get fed, racist motherfucker? >> [_] Anonymous 04/14/16(Thu)00:19:20 No.3061604 I'm an avid Bernie supporter; I fucking love the man, but I ain't even gonna lie. If Hillary beats out Bernie then I'm voting Trump. It'll make for a lot of lulzy shit. >> [_] Anonymous 04/14/16(Thu)00:25:37 No.3061610 >>3061573 Because he'll let in more shitty foreigners and give the rich and powerful 1,000,001 ways to get out of paying every cent, he doesn't give a fuck about the everyman, he's just another rat trying to build his nest out of lies and false promises. >> [_] Anonymous 04/14/16(Thu)00:26:30 No.3061611 Dude, he isn't even gonna get out of the primaries, how is he going to be president? Stop being so delusional. I bet you aren't even 18. >> [_] Anonymous 04/14/16(Thu)00:27:08 No.3061614 >>3061584 What if you don't use things like this meme "free college"? Then you are spending money, are you not? >> [_] Anonymous 04/14/16(Thu)00:29:20 No.3061616 >>3061573 >Bernie will tax the super rich thieving bankers You do know his proposed tax plans include increasing taxes against the poverty class by over 50%, right? >> [_] Anonymous 04/14/16(Thu)00:37:16 No.3061625 Free college is fucking retarded and only serves to benefit those who go into unemployable degrees. Nothing pisses me off more than the fact that my tax dollars will go towards producing more baristas with BAs in english and minors in gender studies. Unless we abide by a system where college costs less if you're going for a career with high employment, it will be a giant fucking waste of money and will only produce professional whiners. These are the drones that Bernie appeals to; hapless retards who will be useless to society regardless of their tuition cost. >> [_] Anonymous 04/14/16(Thu)01:03:16 No.3061636 >>3061616 If he did that he would get murdered. Stupid. >> [_] Anonymous 04/14/16(Thu)01:16:45 No.3061641 >>3061636;%20height:auto He is planning on it. I completely, 100% agree. He is stupid. >> [_] Anonymous 04/14/16(Thu)01:29:20 No.3061651 >>3061616 You have literally no idea what you're talking about. >> [_] Anonymous 04/14/16(Thu)01:30:20 No.3061652 >>3061641 >a picture with exactly zero citations on "" great source there, faggot >> [_] Anonymous 04/14/16(Thu)01:30:30 No.3061653 >>3061651 see >>3061641 I know facts hurt, Berniecuck, but you'll grow out of this phase eventually. >> [_] Anonymous 04/14/16(Thu)01:32:04 No.3061656 >>3061652 >i don't like the citation I was given All you had to do was just google the cited source at the bottom and type "sanders tax plan" next to it. For example, "Vox sanders tax plan." It took all but 15 seconds. >> [_] Anonymous 04/14/16(Thu)01:36:05 No.3061660 >>3061656 To further spoonfeed you, and BTFO you, here's the link. >> [_] Anonymous 04/14/16(Thu)01:38:20 No.3061665 The saddest part about Bernie supporters is that even in the face of direct evidence they'll still support the psuedo-Communist because they want to believe that they'll receive benefits at the cost of everyone else, but when everyone can simply quit their job and make more money than actually working, they'll see why it literally pays to take even a beginner's course in economics. Still better than Hillary, tho. >> [_] Anonymous 04/14/16(Thu)01:42:00 No.3061668 >>3061665 >Still better than Hillary, tho. That's the saddest part too. Bernie is shit. His supporters are shit. His economic plans are shit. His policies are shit. His pandering is shit. He's just pure shit. A majority of his supporters don't really know what they're talking about and fucking defend him ZEALOUSLY, despite having absolutely no idea what they're talking about! It's crazy. Insanity. But at least he's not as bad as Shillary. >> [_] Anonymous 04/14/16(Thu)01:44:53 No.3061672 I had a friend who was a staunch Bernie Sanders supporter. Haven't talked to him since kicking his freeloading ass out of my house. Wish I was joking. >> [_] Anonymous 04/14/16(Thu)01:45:06 No.3061673 >>3061528 Not event that good desu senpai. >> [_] Anonymous 04/14/16(Thu)01:46:07 No.3061678 >>3061531 Even heaven has a gate. >> [_] Anonymous 04/14/16(Thu)01:48:47 No.3061680 Problem with the Vox proposal is that it's at odds with virtually everyone else except for those that cite the Vox proposal. I hit up the Sanders campaign site and Forbes to see what they had to say and the numbers were very different. Looking at how the Vox guy got his numbers he seems to have just taken every proposal and slapped it onto every bracket. According to Forbes you're not taking a hit until you make $231,450 or more a year. |