File: Chaplin Speech.swf-(7.48 MB, 400x224, Other)
[_] Op !bvFUbE94PE 07/09/16(Sat)11:48:32 No.3111542
>> [_] Anonymous 07/09/16(Sat)14:06:40 No.3111600
What a pice of shit
>> [_] Anonymous 07/09/16(Sat)14:09:25 No.3111602
Most comedians are, and nice dubs.
>> [_] Op !bvFUbE94PE 07/09/16(Sat)14:17:26 No.3111613
amazing how much the people around here change over time.
Why is it a piece of shit?
>> [_] Anonymous 07/09/16(Sat)14:18:26 No.3111615
don't worry about it op, it's just the summer talking, pay no heed to their ignorance
>> [_] Anonymous 07/09/16(Sat)14:24:13 No.3111617
Agreed, no clue if these dumbasses know who charlie chaplain is. Oh well.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/09/16(Sat)14:24:33 No.3111619
They (comedians and globalists in general) love to preach about how righteous and noble they are
and how humanity should be, but when push comes to shove they just talk and then take my taxes to
fund programs, giving zero money of their own.
Yes, we know how chaplin is, moron. Everyone knows who he is.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/09/16(Sat)14:28:58 No.3111621
I hate this version with those cutscenes from present times as if we're fucking dumb to realize
what he's talking about
>> [_] Op !bvFUbE94PE 07/09/16(Sat)14:30:45 No.3111623
What the hell are you talking about, so comedians and globalist are taking your hard earned cash
to fund what programs? Also pretty sure they do pay taxes as well.
Well both have its charm, and if its not in the movie and some people would see/hear this for the
first time, i would prefer the version i posted.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/09/16(Sat)14:31:47 No.3111624
>What is mass immigration
>What is welfare
>What is EBT
Were you born yesterday?
>> [_] Op !bvFUbE94PE 07/09/16(Sat)14:34:20 No.3111625
okey, fuck this, i have spent enough time arguing with /pol/tards on 4chan, cant you for once
enjoy nice naive speech by chaplin, and not be a nationalistic ass about it?
>> [_] Anonymous 07/09/16(Sat)14:35:16 No.3111626
>I have no argument
>> [_] Op !bvFUbE94PE 07/09/16(Sat)14:36:24 No.3111630
who are you quoting?
well you were not stating the facts, so yeah, you were trying to shove your ideal on others.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/09/16(Sat)14:36:46 No.3111631
>I still have no argument
>> [_] Op !bvFUbE94PE 07/09/16(Sat)14:38:15 No.3111633
great, did you like "dictator" by chaplin?
I think its still an amazing flick, thats great fot showing how even in an opressive regime
people can help each other and find a way.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/09/16(Sat)14:51:04 No.3111640
I forgot to mention it's not just the cutscene but that remember-how-to-feel song
back when I watched let's players on youtube and they upload a milestone video or something
similar they always put this fucking song in the background as to add some seriousness to it
it's manipulative as fuck
>> [_] Op !bvFUbE94PE 07/09/16(Sat)14:54:08 No.3111643
fair enough (i did not create this flash), i necer really notice this, because i follow nothing
from the youtube community, maybe at best i did like some "RSA" videos on youtube, or yale uni
has some cool videos.
Sorry if ti makes you feel as tho its suppose to manipulate you, just search for the original
version on youtube.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/09/16(Sat)15:09:28 No.3111647
i cri evrytim