File: Twerking2Wagner.swf-(6.64 MB, 320x240, Loop)
[_] OC FRESH OFF THE GRIDDLE FOLKS! Anonymous 04/29/16(Fri)03:28:00 No.3071373
Get your OC here.
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 04/29/16(Fri)03:30:11 No.3071374
Disgusting, you burned them!
>> [_] Anonymous 04/29/16(Fri)04:19:43 No.3071393
most of those butts were too jello.
also fuck off back to vine.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/29/16(Fri)04:26:48 No.3071399
>most of those butts were too jello
>> [_] Anonymous 04/29/16(Fri)04:59:02 No.3071413
This OC is fucking garbage. Fuck off back to vine.
>> [_] cat 04/29/16(Fri)05:13:34 No.3071421
anyone else find this shit gross
white black asian, i dont care, you arent thick, you're fat
>> [_] Anonymous 04/29/16(Fri)05:34:28 No.3071425
>so many asylum demons
*puking estus*
>> [_] Anonymous 04/29/16(Fri)06:04:55 No.3071435
twerking is for plebs
>> [_] Anonymous 04/29/16(Fri)06:32:41 No.3071440
ITT: a bunch of dumbass faggots who missed the point of the flash completely.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/29/16(Fri)06:37:36 No.3071442
Tell us then, oh wise one. What was the point of this pile of shit excuse of a flash?
>> [_] Anonymous 04/29/16(Fri)06:45:19 No.3071444
No, I'm not going to spoon-feed you. Use your fucking brain.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/29/16(Fri)07:03:59 No.3071453
>hurr hurr the flash isn't shit u just dont get it
>what is there to get?
>hurr hurr im not telling just figure it out
go chew on glass, OP
>> [_] Anomynous 04/29/16(Fri)07:05:26 No.3071454
>> [_] Anonymous 04/29/16(Fri)07:29:27 No.3071469
Why are you so hostile friend? Did your mom not tuck you in last night with a plate of tendies?
>> [_] Anonymous 04/29/16(Fri)07:46:27 No.3071474
Why so much damage control, OP? Did your feelings get hurt when everyone hated your garbage flash?
>> [_] Anonymous 04/29/16(Fri)07:55:01 No.3071477
Not even OP, just wondering why you're so butt-blasted about a flash
>> [_] Anonymous 04/29/16(Fri)07:56:44 No.3071478
>replying to faggotry = buttblasted
good one
>> [_] Anonymous 04/29/16(Fri)08:01:46 No.3071479
OP here, you guys realize the more you hate on this flash, the more reason I have to start
posting it every single day from now on?
See you tomorrow :-^)
>> [_] Anonymous 04/29/16(Fri)08:05:58 No.3071480
>I'm being a faggot an no one can stop me!
cool. have fun with that.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/29/16(Fri)08:13:10 No.3071483
Wagner is rolling in his grave
>> [_] Anonymous 04/29/16(Fri)08:13:51 No.3071484
for fuck's sake this shit has to stop!
fucking degenerates
>> [_] >>3069596 04/29/16(Fri)08:54:40 No.3071497
This guy is retarded, the other guy made perfectly fine points and he just replies with some
agression, because he lost that argument there
>> [_] >>3069596 04/29/16(Fri)08:56:26 No.3071498
Btw the flash sucks, for me atleast, because Im a boob guy, but I can see why people would like
this kinda shit.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/29/16(Fri)09:09:57 No.3071502
god damn it my conquistador blood is burning for racemixing
>> [_] Anonymous 04/29/16(Fri)09:55:56 No.3071514
Wagner is rolling in his grave.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/29/16(Fri)09:58:02 No.3071516
I'm an ass man and I hate twerking. It's trashy and it looks fucking stupid.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/29/16(Fri)10:32:07 No.3071529
It's a pretty funny flash. If you don't see the juxtaposition, I don't think we can help you.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/29/16(Fri)10:42:52 No.3071532
Garbage OC, but the reactions are priceless
>> [_] Anonymous 04/29/16(Fri)10:47:14 No.3071535
>Be Wagner
>Look down at Earth from glorious home in Valhalla
>"I wonder if the emotion in my music has stood the test of time"
>See a bunch of pedophile virgins arguing about twerking to my music.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/29/16(Fri)11:31:45 No.3071554
"All according to keikaku"
>> [_] Anonymous 04/29/16(Fri)12:03:51 No.3071564
This guy gets it.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/29/16(Fri)12:07:02 No.3071567
>If you don't see the juxtaposition, I don't think we can help you.
Everyone sees it, but it sure as hell isn't funny. If they were actually twerking to Wagner then
you might have a point but you've just slapped RotV over the top and thought yourself to be a
comic genius. Look at the reactions in this thread. Nobody cares about what you've done, only
that you've reminded them how retarded twerking actually is.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/29/16(Fri)12:27:57 No.3071574
I think it's fucking hilarious. This thread is hilarious too.Well done OP