/ > /fap/ > Thread 9358
Age: 58.22d Health: 0% Posters: 11 Posts: 14 Replies: 12 Files: 1+3
>> Anonymous 26jun2016(su)00:37 No.34807 OP P1
[G] new derpixon flash
seems nice :v)
[IMG] Derpixon-433883-Commission_-_Resident_Evil_Hounded_-_...swf (16.08 MiB)
700x500, Compressed. 1411 frames, 30 fps (00:47).
Ver15, AS1/AS2. Network access: No. Text: Yes.
Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: No. <METADATA>
[find in archive]
>> Anonymous 26jun2016(su)01:41 No.34809 A P2R1
He is improving.
>> Anonymous 26jun2016(su)01:57 No.34810 B P3R2
Love this guys work
>> Anonymous 26jun2016(su)05:24 No.34811 C P4R3
There was a nice game called 'Resident Evil Progeny' this reminds me of; hasn't been updated in two
years, sadly. The knotted animation was really something else.
>> Anonymous 26jun2016(su)12:11 No.34822 D P5R4
this was great thanks
>> Anonymous 26jun2016(su)17:07 No.34825 E P6R5
fucking triple a
>> Anonymous 26jun2016(su)21:19 No.34827 F P7R6
Derpixon's getting good.
>> sage 26jun2016(su)23:12 No.34832 A P8R7
Isn't this the guy who did "double trouble" and "hypno mercy"?
If he is then he is actually getting better, that's cool.
>> Anonymous 27jun2016(mo)22:24 No.34880 G P9R8
Agreed that this is pretty good stuff, even if I'm not particularly into zombie dogs
>> Anonymous 28jun2016(tu)15:58 No.34905 H P10R9
anal scene traced from that one saria flash, anyone?
>> Dumper 1jul2016(fr)03:53 No.34993 I P11R10
Looks it yeah, not that I'm complaining
>> Dumper 1jul2016(fr)03:55 No.34994 I P12
Also the first scene looks familiar too but I've forgotten what it's traced from
>> Anonymous 1aug2016(mo)07:21 No.37188 J P13R11
there's another one out already!
>> Anonymous 9aug2016(tu)03:33 No.37447 E P14R12
woot, upload it here!