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This is resource W1KE0G7, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:25/4 -2016 15:27:00

Ended:25/4 -2016 18:29:25

Checked:25/4 -2016 19:10:31

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 11.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: So, You Don't Date Trans People.swf-(9.53 MB, 320x240, Other)
[_] Anonymous 04/25/16(Mon)09:23:24 No.3069056

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 04/25/16(Mon)09:47:22 No.3069065

  Weird shit.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/25/16(Mon)10:24:19 No.3069082

  My default response to this sort of argument is the lesbian card:

  As a heterosexual cis-male, if I asked a lesbian to put aside her own sexual preferences and stop
  being "prejudiced" against my penis, that's not advocating equality, that's being an asshole. So
  how is a trans-person asking a cis-person to put aside their own sexual preferences any different?

  Its not a matter of disrespect. Its a mater of preference that is just as legitimate (and perhaps
  even as natural) as sexual or gender identification. You have the right to identify as the gender
  you want. I have the right to identify as the sexual orientation I want.

>> [_] DA FUK WRONG WITH YA 04/25/16(Mon)11:51:01 No.3069119

  Go to the kitchen, grab that knife that you use to cut yourself with every now and then and SLIT

>> [_] Anonymous 04/25/16(Mon)11:56:36 No.3069121

  you clearly don't get this flash
  it's here not to provoke an intelligent discussion but quite the opposite, it's to start
  shitposting thus gain the guaranteed replies status

  and just like that I've started the inevitable

>> [_] Anonymous 04/25/16(Mon)11:58:17 No.3069124


>> [_] Anonymous 04/25/16(Mon)12:16:06 No.3069133

  >I have never dated anyone
  >let me tell you about relationships and how they work

>> [_] Anonymous 04/25/16(Mon)12:24:13 No.3069135

  lesbian here, couldn't agree more

  I don't have a problem with trans-women in any other context, but when it comes to something as
  intimate as sharing your body with someone, there's just too much going on with that...

  I can't pretend to not constantly be thinking about how a trans-woman might smell like a man,
  feel like a man, if they're post op how their vagoo is genital flesh that has been cut into and
  mutilated, and if they don't have bottom surgery, well, that's a penis, even if they didn't want
  to use it I don't want that shit in my bedroom.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/25/16(Mon)12:25:02 No.3069137

  "I don't get how it's such a surprise for them when they were looking for da puss and find out I
  have a penis."

  Mental illness.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/25/16(Mon)12:25:11 No.3069138


>> [_] Anonymous 04/25/16(Mon)12:27:01 No.3069139

Created: 25/4 -2016 15:27:00 Last modified: 25/4 -2016 19:10:38 Server time: 03/01 -2025 06:34:27