File: Toast Magic.swf-(9.91 MB, 1280x720, Other)
[_] what could this be i wonder vipper 04/30/16(Sat)00:37:48 No.3071941
>> [_] Anonymous 04/30/16(Sat)01:39:09 No.3071974
pretty good, is what
>> [_] Anonymous 04/30/16(Sat)01:55:49 No.3071982
Future Funk.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/30/16(Sat)01:57:29 No.3071983
Shit I misread your reply. Fuck it I'm going to bed.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/30/16(Sat)02:14:31 No.3071995
waht anime?
>> [_] vipper 04/30/16(Sat)02:16:07 No.3071996
Project A-KO
>> [_] Anomynous 04/30/16(Sat)02:49:43 No.3072019
Minimize the window and squish it horizantally
>> [_] Anonymous 04/30/16(Sat)06:50:03 No.3072107
Kids these days are used to spoon feeding. They don't know the old ways.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/30/16(Sat)07:27:07 No.3072113
man I remember Project A-KO, always had it on sci fi saturday mornings, miss the shit out of
that. It was so trippy, nothing was explained, it was just a fantasy, and with the exception of
missing B-Ko, this flash nearly captures the moment perfectly
>> [_] Anonymous 04/30/16(Sat)08:02:42 No.3072120
B-Ko best girl, fite me.