Archived flashes:
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<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

This is resource XAMC9QB, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:29/6 -2016 00:01:46

Ended:29/6 -2016 04:30:24

Checked:29/6 -2016 05:21:42

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 16.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: Why I Love You.swf-(9.66 MB, 480x272, Other)
[_] Anonymous 06/28/16(Tue)17:59:40 No.3106330

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 06/28/16(Tue)18:19:33 No.3106338

  Can someone sauce the music? Swfchan has nothing

>> [_] Anonymous 06/28/16(Tue)18:24:47 No.3106341

  CRi - Why I Love You ft. Ouri & Odile Myrtil

>> [_] Anonymous 06/28/16(Tue)18:31:40 No.3106342

  I enjoy this stuff, but... can we stop posting flash video files here? Please?

  There's a whole website for this,
  where the quality is 10x better and you can control playback.

  /f/ is supposed to be for actual flash animations, and ideally japanese ones at that.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/28/16(Tue)18:32:24 No.3106343

  cool vid

>> [_] Anonymous 06/28/16(Tue)18:32:50 No.3106344

  Come on. I'm one for helping someone out with finding the source, but come on, it took me a few
  second to find it myself with Google.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/28/16(Tue)18:43:51 No.3106353

  sorry moot maybe we would listen to u if u were still admin.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/28/16(Tue)19:37:05 No.3106368

  >/f/ is supposed to be for actual flash animations, and ideally japanese ones at that.

  Honestly, I hope Japanese flash animations phase out of /f/. I also really hope this board
  description changes. Anything Japanese related is becoming more and more irrelevant each year.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/28/16(Tue)19:57:04 No.3106376

  What are you even doing here
  is this a troll?
  why would you come to this place then

>> [_] Anonymous 06/28/16(Tue)20:41:57 No.3106384


  > /f/ for japanese

  nigga if thats true then why the fuck is there options



>> [_] Anonymous 06/28/16(Tue)21:25:01 No.3106404

  What was the name of that one flash with the Asian guys dancing with the pompadours, this vaguely
  reminds me of it for some reason.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/28/16(Tue)21:44:44 No.3106416

  I've been browsing here for 3 years, and all I've ever done is go down the list and click every
  single flash to see what it is. If the flash is even related to anime or weebshit, I close it
  While the Japanese stuff is still a large part of this board, I would rather it move somewhere
  I do realize that it's written in the board rules that all content posted must be related to
  Japan or its culture, however, the rule is unenforced, and I wish they would change it to
  discourage Japanese related content. Just my opinion. I know the zipperhead that moot left 4chan
  with isn't going to consider that opinion though.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/28/16(Tue)22:00:26 No.3106425

  >implying hentai isn't erotic anime
  >anime isn't japanese hurr
  >japanese live porn
  >japanese flash games
  >japanese music loops or looping animations
  >anything else vaguely related to japan
  The rule is unenforced because then 4chan would be a forum for weeaboos and otakus/real japanese
  Just because you dislike anime or japanese content doesn't mean there's not always going to be
  amvs, anime remixes and piles of 2hu content.
  Because this site started as an anime/manga imageboard and that culture is still largely a part
  of a good amount of boards.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/28/16(Tue)22:12:15 No.3106432

  >Just because you dislike anime or japanese content
  I know I'm not the only one.
  >doesn't mean there's not always going to be amvs, anime remixes and piles of 2hu content
  There will be less and less of it until it's gone or at least very sparse. It's all a fad. No one
  is going to give a shit about weeb shit in 2040 unless some hip teenagers try to pick it up again
  >Because this site started as an anime/manga imageboard
  That was in 2003 because a 14 year old weeb copy and pasted the source code from 2chan. Almost 13
  years later, It's now just a generic Yotsuba board that mostly has nothing to do with Japan.
  But that's not all too important. My only point is that I believe this board would be better with
  Japanese related content set to a minimum, and that is a perfectly valid argument given the
  current year.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/28/16(Tue)22:15:38 No.3106434

  nope, you're wrong
  now get out, newfriend

>> [_] Anonymous 06/28/16(Tue)22:22:48 No.3106436

  >argument is "current year"
  >believing a minority should dictate what boards have
  >I've been browsing here 3 years guys
Created: 29/6 -2016 00:01:46 Last modified: 25/4 -2017 08:18:02 Server time: 04/01 -2025 23:02:49