File: Updates.swf-(9.02 MB, 640x360, Anime)
[_] [U] [T] [I] [S] [M] Anonymous 05/09/16(Mon)22:45:58 No.3077994
You know you can just disable updates right?
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 05/09/16(Mon)22:51:26 No.3077996
>I'm rendering something
>I'm doing important shit
No you're not. If you were, you should be on Professional or Enterprise, and this wouldn't be a
>> [_] Anonymous 05/09/16(Mon)22:53:00 No.3077998
>Not disabling the automatic/manual start in services
>> [_] Anonymous 05/09/16(Mon)22:56:52 No.3078000
>> [_] Anonymous 05/09/16(Mon)22:57:15 No.3078001
>PCs used to be property.
>Now we are just renting them from the microdick so they can install the latest turdware whenever
they please
i hope this kind of anti-Features
drives off more People. also, this isnt really what i typed because i am using fucking EDGE and
every time i press space he changes some letters in my sentence but i just wont scroll back and
fix it, i just wont.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/09/16(Mon)22:58:07 No.3078003
holy shit you changed my life
>> [_] Anonymous 05/09/16(Mon)23:00:55 No.3078005
It's really not that hard to disable that shit..
>> [_] Anonymous 05/10/16(Tue)00:49:15 No.3078056
I opened this flash up before I closed the other flash "Off Limits", and the unintentional
combination of silly music and his autistic ranting created comedy gold. Everyone should try this.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/10/16(Tue)01:21:01 No.3078070
Windows 10 Pro doesn't allow you to postpone updates indefinitely. It does the same shit
So the claim that 'if he'd just bought pro' it wouldn't happen, is just false. Windows 10 Pro
doesn't give you the option to not install updates, and will still usually interrupt your work.
Now, if you're big enough to buy Windows 10 Enterprise LTSB from daddy M$, then yeah, you get to
actually get work done. (Oh, you can't buy that unless you do volume licensing essentially. )
Actually, in Windows 10 (unless you're talking enterprise) you can't disable updates.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/10/16(Tue)01:30:09 No.3078071
>buying windows 10 when 7 still works with everything perfectly
i still don't get the point of upgrading these days when programmers haven't stopped supporting 7
>> [_] Anonymous 05/10/16(Tue)01:30:24 No.3078072
This guy sounds like Robin from Teen Titans
>> [_] Anonymous 05/10/16(Tue)01:34:10 No.3078075
I just bought a new PC, how do I replace 10 with 7?
>> [_] Anonymous 05/10/16(Tue)01:35:09 No.3078077
>> [_] Anonymous 05/10/16(Tue)01:38:07 No.3078081
Sounds a little bit like PBG
>> [_] Anonymous 05/10/16(Tue)01:48:32 No.3078086
Oh, I don't run Windows 10.
But, you see, a lot of the people we support at work DO. For some reason. Probably because M$
told them to suck their dick, and they happily complied.
Good luck. If there are drivers for the hardware though, it's doable. (Unless it's a Surface.
Then I think you're still fucked on that one...)
>> [_] Anonymous 05/10/16(Tue)01:54:05 No.3078089
made an swf of this, just for you
>> [_] Anonymous 05/10/16(Tue)02:36:53 No.3078100
Wipe and reinstall 7
>> [_] Anonymous 05/10/16(Tue)02:39:30 No.3078101
It sounds like him if he grew up maybe
>> [_] Anonymous 05/10/16(Tue)02:42:11 No.3078104
linux ftw
>> [_] Anonymous 05/10/16(Tue)02:44:02 No.3078107
>Actually using an operating system that doesn't require you to restart every time you update
What are you, a dumbass?
>> [_] Anonymous 05/10/16(Tue)02:52:55 No.3078109
Actually, you can, because I did and I'm using windows professional. I haven't updated for 5
>> [_] Anonymous 05/10/16(Tue)03:00:35 No.3078112
>Actually using an operating system that doesn't require you to close all other programs and
restart every time you want to install software.
What are you, a dumbass?
>> [_] Anonymous 05/10/16(Tue)03:02:56 No.3078113
I'm not on windows, but i have to imagine that there's some kind of cmd command that can
circumvent this. also didn't windows use to update when it turns ON, that way this doesn't happen?
>> [_] Anonymous 05/10/16(Tue)03:37:51 No.3078123
i actually like windows 10. It's updates have never interrupted any of my work. I really don't
get why people hate it so much.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/10/16(Tue)03:49:09 No.3078127
What would be better is if instead of later it allowed you to set/schedule a time say 17:00
rather then it trying to do mid-day updates interrupting your work flow
>> [_] Anonymous 05/10/16(Tue)04:32:15 No.3078142
10/10 would laugh again.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/10/16(Tue)05:01:45 No.3078154
>Doing IT
>Not knowing this
Thank you good sir
>> [_] Anonymous 05/10/16(Tue)06:02:44 No.3078162
But windows 7 doesn't work with certain motherboards now