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This is resource XU4I3QP, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:13/5 -2016 22:05:55

Ended:14/5 -2016 03:08:09

Checked:14/5 -2016 04:22:11

Original location:…
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 8.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: everydaythesamedream.swf-(1.73 MB, 1024x768, Game)
[_] Every day the same dream Anonymous 05/13/16(Fri)16:03:13 No.3080065

  Have fun.

  If you're stuck, consider this

  the five "steps" are choices you can make

  Me? I've made lots of progress at that cubicle.

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 05/13/16(Fri)16:26:28 No.3080075

  >oh no! I do something everyday so life is pointless!

  I guess it's time to stop showering and brushing my teeth.

  Why don't people make depressing games about eating food?

  Oh look, the human that looks like other humans sits in a chair and consumes nutrients. How

>> [_] Anonymous 05/13/16(Fri)16:57:41 No.3080086

  edgy game about the monotony of everyday life. how many times has this been done?

>> [_] John Moses Browning 05/13/16(Fri)17:03:54 No.3080091

  >I guess it's time to stop showering and brushing my teeth
  >implying becoming full Diogenes is a bad thing

>> [_] Anonymous 05/13/16(Fri)17:12:13 No.3080096

  I stopped showering a long time ago.

  The myth that you need to shower everyday is was created by Jewish controlled "personal hygiene"
  companies to push their products that in actuality only make your hair and skin drier and less
  healthy, which only makes you think that you need to buy more products from them to get yourself
  back up to where people naturally are.
  This goes for brushing your teeth as well, we have a natural protective barrier on our teeth to
  keep them healthy and sturdy, and tooth paste strips that away every day, a problem which only
  get worse when you bay some happy merchant at the dentists office thousands to cut holes in your

  Wake up and smell the ashes.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/13/16(Fri)18:18:31 No.3080132

  >wake up and smell the ashes
  More like wake up and smell your stinky ass.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/13/16(Fri)20:49:39 No.3080183

  Just because you can't make it without society's yoke of monotony doesn't mean others haven't
  found different, more fulfilling ways to live.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/13/16(Fri)21:08:04 No.3080187

  >being a wage slave
  >not moving into the woods and living off the land
  >not hacking satellite codes for free internet

Created: 13/5 -2016 22:05:55 Last modified: 14/5 -2016 04:22:27 Server time: 11/03 -2025 12:43:49