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This is resource YL3TJEK, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:14/4 -2016 03:32:21

Ended:1/6 -2016 01:00:48

Checked:1/6 -2016 01:11:34

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Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 35.
Discovered flash files: 1

/ > /fap/ > Thread 8948

Age: 40.89d   Health: 0%   Posters: 27   Posts: 35   Replies: 32   Files: 1+3

>> Anonymous 14apr2016(th)03:26 No.31564 OP P1

[G] Crossfire ACTUAL Skin Fix noGlitches Edition

Also known as:
Anon learns how to properly edit flash files.

[IMG] CrossFireFixed2.swf (1.16 MiB)
700x480, Compressed. 4 frames, 24 fps (00:00).
Ver15, AS1/AS2. Network access: No. Text: Yes.
Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: No. Video: No. <METADATA>
[find in archive]

>> Anonymous 14apr2016(th)03:50 No.31568 A P2R1

it's an improvement but they still don't have master race skin color

>> Anonymous 14apr2016(th)04:23 No.31569 B P3R2

i didnt know PC was a skin colour

>> Anonymous 14apr2016(th)09:10 No.31574 C P4R3

PC mustard race.

>> Anonymous 14apr2016(th)10:10 No.31575 D P5R4

not white enough

>> Anonymous 14apr2016(th)10:18 No.31576 E P6R5

Can someone make the dicks black, I can't fap to these tiny-ass inferior pepe's.

>> Anonymous 14apr2016(th)14:25 No.31580 F P7R6

Den outta den

>> Anonymous 14apr2016(th)15:58 No.31585 G P8R7

You fap to the dicks?

>> Anonymous 14apr2016(th)19:25 No.31597 H P9R8

Do you not?

>> Anonymous 14apr2016(th)20:47 No.31598 G P10R9

... should I?

>> Anonymous 14apr2016(th)21:04 No.31599 F P11R10

That is a question you must ask yourself.

>> Anonymous 14apr2016(th)21:37 No.31601 I P12R11

>Actually knowing how to use Flash
good OP is good

>> Anonymous 15apr2016(fr)00:18 No.31607 A P13R12

If I may get serious for a moment.

It's sad how people keep reinforcing the myth that blacks have monster dicks, especially so when
black people do it themselves. I can't imagine how sad and embarrassed most blacks must get from
their dick - even though it has a completely normal size they think it is small because of how
everybody keep talking about how big black dicks is supposed to be. Even if they are aware
themselves that it's just a myth they know that many girls believe blacks have monster dicks and
will then fear the disappointment she might show when finding out that his dick is of completely
normal size.

Black people that have below average size must feel absolutely terrible about themselves. There are
few things as damaging to ones confidence with women as thinking that you have a small penis. It's
not an easy thing to escape either since guys in porn almost always have twice the average penis
size. Us guys that take open showers in the gym will realize that it's in no way reflecting reality
of penis sizes but girls (that do watch porn too) will see nothing but big dicks and come to expect
it in real life as well.

I remember being at a party once and two chicks were clicking through chat-roulette. They came
across a guy showing his dick and started mocking him over how small it was. I looked at the screen
and it was actually pretty big, clearly above of what I typically see at the gym. The guy seemed to
not take it well and disconnected.

Overall I think it paints a pretty grim picture how much people seem to care about penis size
nowadays. It's especially weird when guys rip on other guys over it, these people act like they
have earned some kind of achievement and behave like idiots. In reality it's just as much
achievement as winning the lottery. There's literally nothing someone can do about their penis size
unless they are willing to cut it off and perform a really complicated and expensive surgery. It's
not near as easy as girls fixing their breasts. Then if a guy is found out to have had such a
surgery it is usually looked down upon as well.

Belittling someone over their dick size is on par with racism honestly, both things were assigned
at birth and both things are out of his control. Strangely enough it's totally okay to rip on
someone because of his dick size in mainstream but don't you dare rip on someone for being black or
handicapped. You hear dick jokes all the time in sitcoms ("think he is compensating for
something?"). Girls are born with value due to their baby factory while us guys have to earn it and
prove ourselves in life time and time again, we really don't need shit like our penis size to think
about as well.

>> Anonymous 15apr2016(fr)00:58 No.31610 J P14R13

Hey man, I've been on this site for quite awhile. I just want you to know that you're probably the
most intellectual and thoughtful person I've ever seen on this site.


>> Anonymous 15apr2016(fr)08:04 No.31621 K P15R14

Wow this was the greatest post on this site

>> Anonymous 15apr2016(fr)09:53 No.31626 L P16R15

The ironic thing about girls thinking big is better is that even an average dick is longer than the
average vaginal canal.
A penis well above average might even just hurt her instead of beeing pleasurable.
Meanwhile even a far below average penis can stimulate the clitoris.
(I'm only sorry for guys with a micro penis...)

Oh, and one thing about the big black dick myth:
I think the main thing responsible here is the fact that the difference in length between flacid
and errect is different for each climate.

Black people come, obviously, from hot countries. So their penis when flacid is pretty much just as
long as when it's errect.

Meanwhile in cold countries, like in northern europe, the penis is a LOT smaller when flacid
compared to when it's errect.
It's not unusual for them to double, triple or sometimes even quadruple in length.
(Ever heared the term "It's a grower, not a shower."?)

So when you see a flacid white dick and a flacid black dick, the black one looks a lot bigger. But
when errect they might be the same size or it might even be the other way around.
But try telling that a girl. Good luck with that.
You immediately get accused of penis envy.

And one more thing:
In some "bbc"-porn they actually use some kind of 'penis extend dildo thingies...' basically a fake
black dick that the guys strap on to their own.
They are well made, so it's hard to see. But sometimes you can see the line between flesh and
It's just retarded...

>> Anonymous 15apr2016(fr)14:26 No.31640 M P17R16

sure is feeling reddit up in here

>> Anonymous 15apr2016(fr)14:41 No.31642 F P18R17


>> Anonymous 15apr2016(fr)14:48 No.31643 N P19R18

as long as it doesn't feel like tumblr...

>> Anonymous 15apr2016(fr)22:16 No.31653 O P20R19

Hey, it's only about sexual preference. Some people like big black dicks, multiple sex partners,
and getting bukkake'd. The minute you say the color needs to be fixed because it makes you
uncomfortable or because it makes you question the artist's beliefs on ethnic stereotypes, that's
when you bring race into it, and that is totally uncool.

Brb, got some work on another flash I need to get done, there's an illegal immigrant doing yard
work in it whose skin color is a little too brown for my liking.

>> Anonymous 15apr2016(fr)22:24 No.31654 P P21R20

Someone edit these Anons to be white plz

>> Anonymous 16apr2016(sa)04:20 No.31666 Q P22R21

Good job fucking up the framerate.
And the dicks don't even look white.

>> Anonymous 16apr2016(sa)05:16 No.31671 R P23R22

Can someone make her tits big?

>> Anonymous 16apr2016(sa)19:12 No.31701 S P24R23

muh triggers

>> Anonymous 13may2016(fr)18:45 No.33008 T P25R24


>> Anonymous 14may2016(sa)11:31 No.33043 U P26R25



>> Anonymous 21may2016(sa)04:12 No.33333 V P27R26

Whatever helps you sleep at night, micro-penis.

>> Anonymous 21may2016(sa)04:16 No.33334 V P28

They look like a bunch of dirty beaners. Change them to the white Aryan master race instead of

>> Anonymous 21may2016(sa)18:18 No.33347 W P29R27

ITT: tiny-dicked crackers

>> Anonymous 21may2016(sa)18:29 No.33348 X P30


>> Anonymous 21may2016(sa)18:40 No.33349 Y P31R28

Wow. That's some necromancy shit right here.
You replied to an over one month old comment on a topic that had no new comments for a week.

>> Anonymous 21may2016(sa)21:59 No.33356 V P32R29

He was asking for it. Also, that get was worth it. Quints are never wrong.

>> Anonymous 21may2016(sa)22:33 No.33357 F P33R30

Impressive,very nice.

>> Anonymous 22may2016(su)01:33 No.33365 Z P34R31


>> Anonymous 22may2016(su)04:16 No.33367 M P35R32

so hot. thanks for multiple versions for my folder
Created: 14/4 -2016 03:32:21 Last modified: 1/6 -2016 01:11:51 Server time: 03/01 -2025 03:38:13