File: HighScoreHero_2.swf-(3.69 MB, 1280x720, Loop)
[_] >>3097280 >>3097299 Anonymous 06/12/16(Sun)15:02:01 No.3097305
here's the newer one
still needs to be updated now though
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 06/12/16(Sun)15:19:08 No.3097312
Omar Mateen
America 2016 (I mean, come on)
Difficulty: Fruit Basket Insane
Injured: 53
Died in Battle (x3)
Total 1068
>> [_] Anonymous 06/12/16(Sun)15:25:36 No.3097314
Hot damn that shatters the previous America high score. Good for him. Finally placed an American
in the Worldwide top 3 too. I've never been more proud of my country.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/12/16(Sun)15:34:07 No.3097321
some of those injured are probably going to die in hospital later. This is so far based on whats
being reported from CNN Fox News and NYTimes
>> [_] Anonymous 06/12/16(Sun)15:34:38 No.3097323
Man, it's crazy there needs to be so many updates since just 3 years ago. Who wants to help me
take first place?
>> [_] Anonymous 06/12/16(Sun)15:39:34 No.3097325
I'm good, man, but if you can get a partner, taking first in co-op doesn't look too hard. Just
remember to get killed, not jailed.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/12/16(Sun)15:42:01 No.3097327
you mean slip away because that is x4
>> [_] Anonymous 06/12/16(Sun)15:44:43 No.3097328
Look, I'm just being realistic.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/12/16(Sun)15:52:06 No.3097330
ya, a long range sniper rifle like a Remington 700 with a 4x16 scope can pick a person from over
1000 yards away. Shoot a few people and then walk (not run) away. even 6 kills with a x4
multiplier as a decent score. Don't forget to leave a calling card.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/12/16(Sun)15:57:56 No.3097333
Elliot Rodger is even not in those. :(
>> [_] Anonymous 06/12/16(Sun)16:10:07 No.3097336
6 kills and died in battle is only 90 points
>> [_] Anonymous 06/12/16(Sun)16:35:56 No.3097341
The rules for multiple missions really needs to be changed/made more specific. I mean what
constitutes "a mission" and making the multipliers stack is ridiculous.
I mean all you'd have to do to take the top spot to is murder a random hooker on 11 separate
occasions. That would bring your multiplier to 44. (11kills x5 x44 = 2420)
>> [_] Anonymous 06/12/16(Sun)16:40:20 No.3097344
>implying getting away with it that many times wouldn't constitute a large score
>> [_] Anonymous 06/12/16(Sun)16:42:44 No.3097346
anyone know the name of the song?
>> [_] dragon_Jim !RrSLvmYGNI 06/12/16(Sun)16:43:02 No.3097347
I am Dragon Jim, the desperate tripfag destined to snack on 4chan.
>> [_] !JIM/eB0rd2 06/12/16(Sun)16:48:28 No.3097351
Here take this trip: 4CHhVG/.........
>> [_] Anonymous 06/12/16(Sun)17:09:59 No.3097357
Holy spirit/Rebel perhaps?
>> [_] Anonymous 06/12/16(Sun)17:27:28 No.3097365
Also we don't know what his loadout was other than gun/ieds do we?
>> [_] Anonymous 06/12/16(Sun)17:33:56 No.3097368
>24 hours for someone to go missing
>first night kill hooker
>second night kill another, this is when if someone notices the person might think she is not out
with a cold
>third night kill another, this is where a pimp, if they had one would notice the girls
disappearing, but it could be anything
>fourth night girls might start to be vary
So it would be the 5th night when they would start looking for anyone, if it is a bigger city
with larger slums, it might take even longer or they wont even start looking for her at all. It's
not that hard at all, why do you think serial killers go for them?
>> [_] Anonymous 06/12/16(Sun)17:40:23 No.3097371
Serial killer =/= killing spree otherwise we would have to add Ted Cruz at 37kills and a fuckton
of other serial killers
>> [_] Anonymous 06/12/16(Sun)17:40:47 No.3097372
definitely not for high score
>> [_] Anonymous 06/12/16(Sun)17:42:03 No.3097373
I am not the one originally coming up with this, I don't think it could be called a mass shooting
if it involves less than 10 people, but killing hookers is easy.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/12/16(Sun)17:51:19 No.3097379
no ones said anything about how the dude that is listed as responsible for 9/11 in the bomber man
list only has 6 kills, wth is that
>> [_] Anonymous 06/12/16(Sun)18:01:01 No.3097384
>>3097341 here
I agree with >>3097371 >>3097373 obviously serial killers don't deserve to be on the list, my
point is that the rules don't reflect this. According to the rules as they are listed in the
flash, serial killers would dominate the top spots.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/12/16(Sun)18:09:06 No.3097386
>Difficulty: Fruit Basket Insane
>Fruit Basket Insane
It must be real hard shooting a bunch of men standing still and sucking dicks in a crowded room.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/12/16(Sun)18:19:52 No.3097389
J 9 O 11 B
>> [_] Anonymous 06/12/16(Sun)18:20:23 No.3097390
>9/11 happened in 1993
ok m8
>> [_] Anonymous 06/12/16(Sun)18:25:44 No.3097395
>> [_] Anonymous 06/12/16(Sun)18:28:32 No.3097397
Posting an update to the score counter so far
Kills: 78
Injury: 25
Died in Battle (x3)
New score 1320
>> [_] Anonymous 06/12/16(Sun)19:12:28 No.3097419
Song is detvar.mod (full title det var en ulv)
The version in the flash sounds a bit warped though, perhaps it uses different sound samples than
the original (or is just distorted through compression etc)
It's an old tracker file, so I've rendered a copy as mp3.
Here you go: (to circumvent the spam filter, you're gonna have to put in front of this)
The portion used in the flash is around the 34 second mark.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/12/16(Sun)19:18:14 No.3097421
holy shit good looking out
how the hell did you find this out anyway though
>> [_] Anonymous 06/12/16(Sun)19:23:24 No.3097422
I recognized the guy who made the original (not sure they made this second version though), and
from there went to his site and sifted through the music section to find the right track.
For reference (said tracker files):
(also random trivia, the title means "It was a wolf" in Norwegian)
>> [_] Anonymous 06/12/16(Sun)19:25:27 No.3097424
Shit is dank as fuck bruh.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/12/16(Sun)19:28:20 No.3097426
damn that's specific i even went through old swfchan threads looking for answers from other
people on the source of it
noice either way though
>> [_] Anonymous 06/12/16(Sun)20:07:05 No.3097439
Difficulty should be "Holy Spirit," not insanity. Although religious killing is just one
subsection of insanity.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/12/16(Sun)20:19:16 No.3097446
I think the multipliers are unfair.
The number of killings is the most important factor, not the way you leave the party.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/12/16(Sun)21:58:11 No.3097496
Scenario should be Hotline Miami
>> [_] Anonymous 06/12/16(Sun)22:36:38 No.3097524
wow here it is, 3 years later and still people remember this flash. A lot has happened since
then. Needs an update for sure
>> [_] Anonymous 06/12/16(Sun)23:17:39 No.3097542
I do not appreciate the use of jpg artifacts in this flash.