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This is resource ZMUCIF1, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:24/4 -2016 19:00:41

Ended:18/6 -2016 00:30:14

Checked:18/6 -2016 00:42:50

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 19.
Discovered flash files: 1

There are 2 links ending with .swf in this thread (1 more than the discovered amount of flash files).

/ > /fap/ > Thread 9023

Age: 47.23d   Health: 0%   Posters: 15   Posts: 19   Replies: 17   Files: 1+2

>> Anonymous 24apr2016(su)18:52 No.32116 OP P1

[IMG] xqvhtt[1].swf (7.68 MiB)
1920x1080, Uncompressed. 89 frames, 24 fps (00:04).
Ver10, AS3. Network access: No. Text: No.
Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: Yes.
[find in archive]

>> Anonymous 24apr2016(su)20:03 No.32119 A P2R1

Heeey,it's that animator who did the animation for the Crow woman from Dark souls unless I'm
I forgot his name. Damn. Shoulda write it down somewhere.
Can anyone name him?

>> Anonymous 24apr2016(su)21:43 No.32121 B P3R2

It's wattchewant im pretty sure, he stopped animations now though.

>> Anonymous 24apr2016(su)21:43 No.32122 B P4

It's wattchewant im pretty sure, he stopped animating now.

>> Anonymous 25apr2016(mo)03:37 No.32132 C P5R3

I know he hasn't posted anything in a while, but how do you know that he's "stopped"?

>> Anonymous 25apr2016(mo)04:40 No.32135 D P6R4

What is this creature supposed to be? Something from Halo?

>> Anonymous 25apr2016(mo)04:45 No.32136 E P7R5

Well he has stopped for now at least. He hasn't for really long time is all and there's no
information on him coming back. He hasn't even shown an wip

>> Save the Jewish Whales 25apr2016(mo)06:05 No.32137 F P8R6


Not Halo, Warframe.

>> Anonymous 25apr2016(mo)14:17 No.32144 G P9R7

Welcome to the 1337 Anoninumus Leggion.

>> Anonymous 25apr2016(mo)21:45 No.32161 H P10R8

He said in his FAQ that he wont make anymore warframe animations. Theres still a chance that he
could animate something else.

>> Anonymous 28apr2016(th)10:34 No.32274 I P11R9

Warframe porn just isn't the same when you realise that all those sexy biomechanical killer robots
are being telepathically controlled by abused mutant children.

I can't fap to this stuff anymore.

>> Anonymous 28apr2016(th)13:21 No.32275 J P12R10

Well I guess NOW I can

>> Anonymous 29apr2016(fr)19:59 No.32314 C P13R11

Actually made me snicker. 8/10

>> Anonymous 29apr2016(fr)21:37 No.32315 K P14R12

Hopefully somebody posts what you're talking about.

>> Anonymous 30apr2016(sa)11:39 No.32335 L P15R13


Behold! The mighty Ornifex!

>> Anonymous 1may2016(su)05:27 No.32357 M P16R14

If it makes you feel any better the game SORT OF treats them as separate entities because the kids
seem to talk to the frames instead of just being them.
Or you could just pretend it's robot fucking, I mean, it's no different from fapping to say... a

>> Anonymous 1may2016(su)19:13 No.32373 D P17R15


Ha, are the developers just making fun of the people that play FPS games?

>> Anonymous 1may2016(su)19:46 No.32375 C P18R16

>>32121 mentioned his name. Google is your friend.
Remember to read the thread before posting.

>> Anonymous 22may2016(su)04:23 No.33384 N P19R17

so gud
Created: 24/4 -2016 19:00:41 Last modified: 18/6 -2016 00:49:15 Server time: 03/01 -2025 03:17:45