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Harry Potter Exposed.swf
9,03 MiB, 06:18 | [W] [I]

Threads (1):

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 7/5 -2015 04:54:45 Ended: 7/5 -2015 08:02:17Flashes: 1 Posts: 6
File: Harry Potter Exposed.swf-(9.02 MB, 240x176, Other)
[_] Anon 2772978 Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anon 2773014 got that everyone?
>> [_] Anon 2773017 you know back in the old days no body credited themselves with their ideas, inspiration came from the gods, it kept man humble, and artists motivated, because you don't waste a message from the gods, otherwise they'll get bored with you and stop sending and then you'll just be a regular uninspired schmuck
>> [_] Anon 2773030 Dat speculation.
>> [_] Anon 2773140 This is completely understandable. The Twilight Saga was my gateway into the real world, the underworld. It opened my eyes and I've been living as a wolf for 4 years now, so I could totally see how this might make young children aware of the magical world that shadows our own.
>> [_] Anon 2773141 >># There are literally people stupid enough to believe this dribble. I wish man were like what you see in the movies when they describe a scientific society. You know, white coats, all working towards a common goal - the betterment of society through innovation. I'm dreaming too large.
Created: 7/5 -2015 08:15:55 Last modified: 18/10 -2018 00:43:15 Server time: 02/01 -2025 23:22:26