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11,09 MiB, 00:00 | [W] [I]

Threads (1):

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 2/6 -2015 17:36:39 Ended: 17/8 -2015 00:24:56Flashes: 1 Posts: 48
/ > /fap/ > Thread 7208 Age: 75.26d Health: 10% Posters: 37 Posts: 48 Replies: 43 Files: 1+2
>> Anon 20396 Breeding Season 6.2 This update was just released this morning with some new animations and bug fixes [IMG] BreedingSeason6.2.swf (11.09 MiB) 960x720, Compressed. 2 frames, 28 fps (00:00). Ver15, AS3. Network access: Text: Yes. Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: [find in archive]
>> Anon 20401 >new futa harpy on catgirl scene >it's 100% finished with great animations and even a cum scene fuck yes
>> Anon 20402 Are there still no scenes with the Neoteny trait? Seems like they're backing out of the whole loli/shota thing even after making promises.
>> Anon 20403 >># Well, it's a "new" trait so it'll probably be some time before we see those. Gallery code for those who need it iknowwhereyouliveanon
>> Anon 20405 At this glacial rate of 2 animations per month, the game may be semi-finished sometime next century. Nice business model!
>> Anon 20407 i cant even get this dumb game to load
>> Anon 20408 i stopped caring about this game as soon as it went pass version 4.2
>> Jack 20411 In the last one, I think there was one neoteny catgirl animation.
>> Anon 20413 this game is broken
>> Anon 20415 >># Before the change to the new artstyle, the patreon bullshit and -revisions- removal of everything is when they had animations. alpha 4.2
>> ListFag 20418 Here's the updated animation list: Catgirl x catgirl Catgirl x dickwolf Catgirl x harpy Catgirl x butt stallion Catgirl x elf(m) Catgirl x demon Catgirl x breeder (m/f) Dickwolf x dickwolf Dickwolf x elf(f) Dickwolf x elf(m) Butt stallion x holstarus Butt stallion x elf(f) Holstarus x demon Holstarus x breeder(m) elf(f) x Demon elf(f) x breeder(m) elf(m) x demon futas: (note: asterisk denotes traitee) Harpy* x catgirl holstaurus* x catgirl holstaurus* x elf(m) elf(f)* x catgirl harpy* x catgirl (note: just plays the harpy x catgirl animation)
>> Anon 20424 >># For the developer making over 30k per month on patreon, it's the ideal business model
>> Anon 20425 >># I don't think you understand how much work animating is.
>> Anon 20426 Does anyone have the debug codes
>> Anon 20441 >># No, no there wasn't.
>> Anon 20444 Catgirl x Breeder(m) That motherfucker just ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ed so hard that I had to shut the computer off for a bit. Holy fucking Christ those faces were digging into me
>> Anon 20472 >># I don't think you understand how much $31,696 is.
>> Anon 20477 it doesnt even fucking work. loads to 100, bar isnt full. title screen pops up, loader at bottom says 47%. click new game, game freezes. These guys are fucking garbage.
>> Anon 20478 For the sake of discussion, what if this same project were headed by someone with a strong sense of ethics. What would he do with the money? Hiring more people isn't reasonably going to make a better porn game. Even hiring better people might not consume 30k every month.
>> Anon 20481 >># Don't blame the developers for your own shitty internet
>> Anon 20482 >># pffhaha
>> Anon 20492 Who the fuck pays for this bullshit to have them get 30k/month for that amount of effort? Literally, I liked this stuff at first because there was actual pace but this? If I compare the progress at the start and the end of each month, facepalm isn't even enough, I have to resort to facedesk. But I guess good for them to rip-off people.
>> Anon 20493 Does anyone have the new pinups?
>> Anon 20494 >># Last I heard, the new ones were finished but not posted on the Patreon page yet.
>> Anon 20495 >># There are two people working on this Breeding Season. One is an artist who deluded himself into thinking nobody recognizes his style if he changes his psuedonym to "Purple-H" and thus manages his time on Breeding Season in such a way that it doesn't interfere with his regular, "clean" work (making everything more difficult for both himself and the Patreons of Breeding Season) and the other person is the guy who started this project and does the programming. When it was just the guy, the art sucked but changes could be made on the fly. When there's a programmer working with an artist (on a tight schedule), you get the following: Monday: >when's the next animation done? >"three days" Thursday: >clipping shows up here during the animation, and I can't use this asset differently without it looking mangled. You'll have to redo it >I'm booked until next Tuesday and I'm not working on the weekend Next Tuesday, 50% odds of the same thing happening. >but anon, there's no way that's right. They get 30k a month, surely the artist can spare the time Not without raising questions as to why he's not taking commissions, or doing much of anything. He can't say "working on highly lucrative porn", after all. Except, you know, his style is so unique that everyone and their pet hamster knows who the artist really is. Yet he refuses to drop the façade. So everything takes twice, if not thrice, as long.
>> Anon 20498 >># So, why couldn't the progammer guy get an artist who isn't afraid of drawing porn and who hasn't as tight a schedule? I really don't think this guy's style is worth waiting for the game for years. Even less so when they seem to take one step forward and two step backward.
>> Anon 20500 You know, while I agree that progress on this has been completely glacial, and it is crazy to think the developers have made 30k+ while producing so slowly, and if I had donated money I would be outraged... I still fapped like crazy for free right now. Life's not so bad.
>> Anon 20501 >># The beauty of crowdfunding is that most people forget about the 1-5 shekels they put towards a project like this every month because it's almost nothing. Most people simply don't care enough about the pittance they're putting into a project. It's not like flipstarter where people tend to give much larger amounts because they're only donating once, patreon is the long con. Makes me wanna get into the patreon scam, really.
>> Anon 20502 >># Wow, you're super wrong. S-purple and Hbomb are only two of the current four, sometimes five man team. There's another artist/animator Vanilly, and some other programmer whose name I forgot because he's only active on the streams. Also pretty sure Mittsies has helped out. They were going to hire some famous music dude, but I guess that fell through. You are right about Purples super secret identity though, a staggering amount of people really don't recognize him shockingly.
>> Anon 20503 >># So who is Purple-H? I'm not familiar with most western artists.
>> Anon 20510 >># >># Yeah, I was wondering who they are, since while the art style looks familiar, I can't place it. And I'm not familiar enough with the online artist scene to know.
>> Death to Nignoggery 20513 Since you niggers were to lazy to post it iknowwhereyouliveanon gallery youthinkidontknow.X Money butireallydo.X GP
>> Anon 20564 anyone got a link to the new pinup?
>> Anon 20799 When I press play, the game freezes.
>> Anon 20800 When I press play, the game freezes. It loads the game to 100%, then says the game is at 47% and if I press play from the title screen, freeze.
>> Anon 20804 >># nobody reads correct or helpful information, silly anon it's all about jacking each other's dicks
>> Anon 20805 >># >># Yeah, I was wondering this, too. Is it sb or something?
>> Anon 20823 s-purple is the guy who did the art for bro-quest. the reason why bro-quest fell through is because he quit the project and refused to allow them to use his art after he left
>> Anon 20831 >># wouldn't u quit too u have chance make money from stupid people support this, seriously i couldn't found this how slow they are in updates u basically got taken.
>> Anon 21106 6.3 when?!
>> Anon 21107 i stopped playing breeding season after version 4.2 it went to shit after that one
>> Anon 21118 >># Already out,alpha version,at least,according to Legend of krystal site. Codes for gallery and stuff are new ones,so,meh. Can't say what's new in here,and too bored to play this shit all over again to check 2 new animations. Sorry. ;3
>> Anon 21140 I love how they make over 30k a month and still hardly put anything out. Lol way to go guys you found dumbasses who pay money for nothing.
>> Anon 21141 I love how these guys make over 30k a month and still put hardly anything out. Way to go guys you found dumbasses who pay money for nothing.
>> Anon 21145 6.3 is out!
>> Anon 21170 Will someone finally post 6.3?
>> Anon 21172 >># done
>> Anon 21195 >># Bro quest was fucking retarded to begin with, started off as a simple "Which of these rpg party member archetypes would you pick?" then became all autistic and obsessive, seemed very reddit.

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Created: 2/6 -2015 17:43:12 Last modified: 8/8 -2019 15:12:41 Server time: 17/03 -2025 22:32:57