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Threads (4):
File: suburban septic2.swf-(2.36 MB, 420x300, Loop) [_] Trump's First Day In White House Anon 3166665 dirty job but someone has to do it >> [_] Anon 3166697 >># I love the fact that someone could be paid to do something they have a fetish for. If only we were all so lucky. >> [_] Anon 3166742 >mouth and eye holes. Isn't that dangerous?
File: suburban septic2.swf-(2.36 MB, 420x300, Other) [_] some creatures have adapted to this environment Anon 2850392 Some creatures have adapted to this kind of environment. >> [_] Anon 2850399 >># song? >> [_] Anon 2850414 >># ya sauce on the music >> [_] Anon 2850415 >># Sauce of the video >> [_] Anon 2850419 >># What was once a torture in the midlle age, now it's a fetish. >> [_] Anon 2850423 >># Song name = sky wikluh Pazi sta radis found it on one of those crazy norway vidoes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5gZCjMjo ilo >> [_] Anon 2850425 >># >also https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O8mGkct3 oys >> [_] Anon 2850453 I can smell that shit from here, jesus fucking christ. >> [_] Anon 2850459 >># https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IrUf-QBB ngY he dips his head in there and what not >> [_] Anon 2850463 >># Damn I never thought of that. Sounding, ball crushing, having your dick split wide open, have someone's entire arm shoved up your ass, having your dick chopped off - all of this stuff would have been considered worse than death in the middle ages, but now people actively seek out this shit. Also there is no way that this is a real septic tank. There is way too much harmful bacteria and the fumes are too toxic for someone to repeatedly get away with someone like this. The workers in India who sewer dive have a low life expectancy due to this kind of exposure.
File: suburban septic2.swf-(2.36 MB, 420x300, Hentai) [_] sum 1 wanted sauce for the song? Anon 2844231 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 2844233 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O8mGkct3 oys >> [_] Anon 2844243 humans are the weirdest things in the universe >> [_] Anon 2844367 reminds more mr. nobodytm's vids.
File: suburban septic2.swf-(2.36 MB, 420x300, Loop) [_] Anon 2843487 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 2843488 fuck the compression was wrong >> [_] Anon 2843524 >># Song? >> [_] Anon 2843530 I call bullshit >> [_] Anon 2843532 >># gogle A Serbian Film soundtrack >> [_] harry 2843535 i still don't understand the attraction to shit it just makes no sense. if you can then please explain >> [_] Anon 2843536 >># mental disorder >> [_] Anon 2843544 Aren't septic tanks like ridiculously dangerous places to get into? >> [_] Anon 2843545 >># both men and women have genetically hardwired sexual queues which we have evolved over the years as a specices to ensure that we reproduce. The main queues for men are feet, ass, breasts and dicks. Feet, ass and breasts are prime indicators of a female's health and ability to reproduce, while erect dicks are a social sexual queue that someone is fucking so you better start fucking too. The reason we evolved that trait is that before humans practiced monogamy and understood that sex made babies, they practiced polgamy, and group sex was the main way to copulate. Safety in numbers and all that jazz. People who have fetishes tend to have a few wires crossed in their brains. Heavy emphasis on feet, the foot fetish, is the most common sense its closest to all the other sexual queues in the brain. But it's possible to have some kind of mental defect, or sustain an injury to the brain, which shifts your focus to... other things... >> [_] Anon 2843562 I just can't imagine the smell or the fact that all that bacteria is getting in his skin, eyes, and mouth he won't live long >> [_] Anon 2843568 >># >bacteria I'm still impressed he didn't die from the gases. Near to where I live 7 people died in one of those (a whole family and 3 field workers) >> [_] Anon 2843574 >># >attracted to dicks >not pussy >> [_] Anon 2843589 >># >2015 >not liking both >> [_] Anon 2843601 >># Does me having no attraction to feet make me less of a man? >> [_] Anon 2843603 >># >feet Fuck off footfag, stop trying to pretend your fetish is normal, like your love for dicks. >> [_] Anon 2843604 why, just why >> [_] Anon 2843608 >># Dirge of Slaanesh >Slaanesh is with this one >> [_] Anon 2843609 >># I consider foot fetish to be okay compared to scat. Eugh. >> [_] Anon 2843631 >># >2015 >beeing sexuell overdone like 1969 |