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Threads (2):
File: Motion War.swf-(9.35 MB, 1280x720, Anime) [_] Anon 3005852 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 3005870 Sauce? :D (asking for a friend) >> [_] Anon 3005880 >># Black bullet >> [_] Anon 3005938 >># Thanks lad >> [_] Anon 3005946 >># >># Don't bother it's shit. >> [_] Anon 3006057 >># Nice opinion.
File: Motion War.swf-(9.35 MB, 1280x720, Anime) [_] null !!3lIxD8oFumJ 2851489 >> [_] Anon 2851492 haha, gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay >> [_] Nyannn 2851496 Name plzzz =3 >> [_] Anon 2851498 >># its called anime >> [_] Anon 2851500 >># sauce? >> [_] Anon 2851503 >># Go Go Combat Lolis: The anime This anime made me fucking depressed. Saddest I've been since my dad died. sauce to everything in the video is at the end of the video, just fucking watch it >> [_] Anon 2851504 Pretty sure it's Black Bullet, if not Darude Sandstorm definitely. >> [_] Anon 2851505 Song: Darude - Sandstorm Anime: Boku no Piko >> [_] Anon 2851532 >># bravo, well played >> [_] Anon 2851535 well the song is so chill that the video is completely unfitting >> [_] Anon 2851536 Too bad this anime is a trainwreck in it's story and rushed to hell. The characters were very likable and the soundtrack was great, plus the monster idea was really original. >> [_] Anon 2851538 Here's the sauce on the music, faggots. https://soundcloud.com/cryptex/feel-the- sound Also, check out his other stuff. Cryptex is GOAT. >> [_] Anon 2851579 >># wow jee wizz good thing you linked the source it's not like its in the flash or anything good thing we have people like you around to help people like me! :D I can't believe how faggot everyone on 4chan is... xD |