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Threads (4):
File: the grabbler.swf-(8.89 MB, 480x320, Hentai) [_] Anon 3368407 >> [_] Anon 3368415 >># whoa is this real? >slowly disintegrate into ashes ayy lmao >> [_] Anon 3368417 >># It's The Onion. Parody news. Shit's literally the best thing ever. >> [_] Anon 3368567 jews these days
File: The Grabbler.swf-(8.89 MB, 480x320, Japanese) [_] Anon 3024378 >> [_] Anon 3024399 i love this >> [_] Anon 3024401 this is great >> [_] Anon 3024405 this is fucking retarded modsssss >> [_] Anon 3024409 hilarious, I honestly thought this was real until I saw the logo >> [_] Anon 3024411 >># gee, i wonder who's behind this post... >> [_] Anon 3024418 >># oy vey! >> [_] Anon 3024433 >># Nice try Shlomo. >> [_] Anon 3024441 This is cancer. I want /pol/ to fucking leave. >> [_] Anon 3024445 >># >people only started making jokes about jews since /pol/ came around >> [_] Anon 3024446 >># People here just don't care about that shit. We don't share their Jew obsession or their love of politics. Posting some of this content is fine but theres been a shitload recently. I would prefer it to stop. And actually before /pol/ forced their shitty memes all over the chan people rarely talked about Jews or had a positive vision of them typically. John Stewart was hugely popular back in the day. Not that I care but since you asked. >> [_] Anon 3024447 >># This is Satirical Comedy, and at least Pseudo-Intellectual content. Why dont you stick to spamming Touhou and Thursgay and whatever other cancerous bullshit you enjoy. >> [_] Anon 3024448 >># No shit is shit-tier /pol/ meme content. >>haha duh grabbler >>haha look merchant meme silly picture The whole video is mainstream commercial TV cringe leading up to a joke which is barely funny. >> [_] Anon 3024450 >># No this* Now take your 4 other raiding friends, go back to /pol/ and have fun shitposting in circles about da Jews and Trump you fucking loser. >> [_] Anon 3024453 >># And you would prefer what, In its place? This place is Flooded with fandom cancer. Touhou Tuesdays, Thursgay, Homefuck, Undertail, Remixes of Remixes of Remixes of AMV's made out of Playing some moonspeak over and over again at different pitches and tones to make some semblance of really annoying, really pointless music. /f/ Is Shit these days, It's only bearable on the weekends and only just then. Tl'Dr; This shit aint cancer compared to the other bullshit that is repeated posted on this God forsaken board. >> [_] Anon 3024454 >># Don't dis my board. /pol/ shit belong on /pol/ not /f/. >> [_] Anon 3024455 >># they really ought to cover it up better. i think they do it deliberty though. they don't actually want to fool anyone, just have a bit of fun >> [_] Anon 3024456 >># if you dislike the board then why are you even here? And anime content, game content from popular games (like Undertale) and some other shit we have is not bad. We get plenty of good shit posted here. Some people don't like that shit (thats fine) but thats what WE like. If you wanna shitpost about Jews thats also FINE but do it on the board designed for that. Please. We don't spread our shit on your board. >> [_] Anon 3024464 >># /f/ Used to be Great, And don't call it > anime "content" > game "content" It is in no way, shape, or form Content of any kind. It is regurgitated reposts of unrefined, unfunny, and uninteresting bullshit. Not to play the "I'm an Oldfag" card, but I've been on /f/ for a LONG god damn time. I've seen bullshit come and go, and I also know I'm not the only person who thinks you basement dwelling fucks are the definition of textbook autism. Don't play the "WE" card, you don't speak for anyone but yourself. I've been here for years, but I still am not so pretentious that I would play at knowing the minds of my fellow /f/riends. And beyond all that, I'm not defending the Stormfront fags who posted this shit, I dont give a damn about /pol/ memes, I just think it's nice to see something other than the Cancer that is making this board a good ol' boys club for you fucking autismal rejects too gods damned out of touch with humanity to exist on any other board. You people are worse than fucking Zeitgeist. >> [_] Anon 3024469 >># The only autist I see here is you. We get tons of good content posted here and yes its often from anime, popular games along with plenty of other shit. I don't see the problem with that. Sorry but you sound like an outsider or just an edgy autistic fuck who can't handle anything new and started hating the board long ago. The community here is small, cozy and friendly and while yeah OC isn't "that frequent" it is fairly regular and some of it is high quality shit or at the very least enjoyable and while yeah there is plenty of shitposting at times we still have fun and enjoy the board. I am glad you enjoyed this shitty Jew meme though... good for you man. Your grim view of the board is not shared by many here. Grow up. If that is really how you see things then it makes no sense for you to be here right now. /f/ hasn't honestly changed much over the years. >> [_] Anon 3024472 >># /f/ has always been a board populated mainly by NEET's and other people who have become out of touch with the world. You're a fucking troll. >> [_] Anon 3024473 >># coming from someone else, you look like the autismal one there friendo :^) >> [_] Anon 3024478 >># >Not to play the "I'm an Oldfag" card You know what, I don't believe you're an oldfag. Support your case. Give some examples and explain they are not content. Please enlighten us with your superior definition of flash content. >Don't play the "WE" card, you don't speak for anyone but yourself. He certainly speaks for me and all of the posters of the content you defined as inferior. >Cancer Examples? >out of touch with humanity So what? What sort of "in touch with humanity" content and flash board do you want? >> [_] Anon 3024482 >># > Small, Cozy, and Friendly I don't know what I find more amusing; The Fact that you actually believe that tripe, or the fact that you have such a hard time pretending to know /f/. /f/ is Not Small, It's no Longer "The Hidden Board", It hasn't been for a long ass time. There is an Abundance of shitposting. Not once have I seen you defend 2hufags or Thursgay in our little disagreement here, so I'm beginning to wonder if you're just arguing for argument's sake here. There is great content posted from Popular games and many Anime, that does NOT however include EXACTLY what I outlined in my first post. Take, for example, a very clever older flash by the name of "Rakeman Forever". When it was considered "New" It was hilarious, it was something people hit up SWFchan for just to save it later on. THAT is amazing, and the kind of content that should be encouraged. Now for example of Cancer, you should see a flash posted RIGHT THIS SECOND. lotion_Yukari.swf. It's cancer, through and through, a waste of bandwidth, and a waste of one of 30 Precious slots that could be filled with quality content, not wasteful trash. >># Not Trolling, Just sick of it. >># He speaks for himself, no one else, just as you speak for yourself. Arguing from a false position of confidence or strength doesn't make you right, it makes you look stupid. As for examples, take a look around. >> [_] Anon 3024484 >># >We >># >We Kill yourself. I genuinely mean that. >> [_] Anon 3024485 I have no idea what goes on in /pol, which is why i'm not sure how much trolling is happening right now, also keeping in mind I spent most of my time on this site when I was like 15 (about ten years ago). But... I just don't even see what the arguing is about, it's obviously a satire on people who blame jews for the worlds money problems, not jew bashing. Done in almost the same way The Onion movie did the entire film. Idk, I just don't see the point of trying to make a point on this site. >> [_] Anon 3024486 >># >># >># >># >># holy shit i was legit scared i was the only one who thought this way >> [_] Anon 3024491 Lot of samefagging in this thread. Jesus. Haven't seen a thread this cancerous in awhile. >># This guy is the biggest faggot. You don't understand the board at all and obviously don't spend time here atleast not anymore. Get out. >> [_] Anon 3024493 >># I've been saying this for a long time. We need to MAKE /f/ GREAT AGAIN. The problem is these losers see. They come onto this board and they post their converted youtube videos they like to share on facebook and they bring them here. That's no good. Nobody wants that bottom-feeder content except for the giggling chucklefucks exported from /v/eddit and tumblr. What we need is a big beautiful wall to keep these undesirables out. Now that I've brought this issue into the light other people are starting to say, "hey this guy knows his stuff, he's got some pretty good ideas" and that's a very good thing. The more people who can identify the cancer for what it is is what this board needs. Listen. if you want /f/ to be good, like I want /f/ to be good, you got to make me a mod. that's it. I'll take care of the /v/edditors and the tumblrtards and their undertale flashes and I'll make like Penn Gillette and put them where they belong. Believe you me.
File: The Grabbler.swf-(8.89 MB, 480x320, Other) [_] I think its referring to greeks Anon 2857672 >> [_] Anon 2857676 I like this >> [_] Anon 2857677 OY VEY >> [_] Anon 2857707 holy holocaust batman >> [_] Anon 2857716 Burn the jews >> [_] Anon 2857743 all the jews
File: The Grabbler.swf-(8.89 MB, 480x320, Other) [_] Anon 2854104 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 2854127 hahaha no fucking way. >> [_] Anon 2854143 No fucking way. What the fuck. >> [_] Anon 2854146 "Imagine The Grabbler slowly disintegrating and his ashes being blown away by a gentle wind" Topest of Kek >> [_] Anon 2854147 >onion >> [_] Anon 2854156 Where did they get a picture of Moot? >> [_] Anon 2854157 Took a second till I saw the Onion Logo. Well done. >> [_] Anon 2854179 >># >># What are guys talking about what does this Onion mean >> [_] Anon 2854196 >># Onion is a satire company/show >> [_] Anon 2854213 >># I didn't see it until the end. Fuck me.. >> [_] Anon 2854250 >># it's a satirical news paper that has branched out into online comedy skits >> [_] Anon 2854255 >># http://www.theonion.com/video/new-mariju ana-study-says-everyone-knows-youre-high- 35386 great shit like this >> [_] Anon 2854259 Okay they're making fun of people who blame everything on Jews but considering that I work on a Hasidic community, all of this shit is actually true. They do only hire their own kind and they only care about themselves. They demand to be served by the hundreds of other customers in line before them on Friday evening when Shabbos is about to start. Maybe don't come to my fucking store on Friday evening if you need to be home in 10 minutes you fucking kike. Also look at B&H, they only hire Jews. The non-Jews who work there are solely there for PR purposes. >> [_] Anon 2854296 jews are mad |