Archived flashes:
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Happy New Year!

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

This is resource BJLAQ5I, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:20/7 -2016 00:27:18

Ended:20/7 -2016 06:46:31

Checked:20/7 -2016 06:55:39

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 11.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: TrumpCucks.swf-(403 KB, 900x550, Loop)
[_] Anonymous 07/19/16(Tue)18:22:44 No.3117441

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 07/19/16(Tue)19:33:42 No.3117462

  Hey Emily. What's been going on with you? Watching the RNC? ^.^

>> [_] Anonymous 07/19/16(Tue)19:54:04 No.3117467

  Thx for rename OP

>> [_] Anonymous 07/19/16(Tue)22:21:32 No.3117506


  Hello, frond. Not OP but it's me, and yes, the RNC !!!! Incredible speeches yesterday !! I've
  never been so wet and excited !!!

>> [_] Anonymous 07/19/16(Tue)22:59:26 No.3117535

  Quit renaming flashes, faggot.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/19/16(Tue)22:59:34 No.3117536

  If anyone can help, I want to upload the trailer for my new Alfred Alfer movie segment, but can't
  find any converter that will make the mp4 into a small enough swf for /f/.

  Does anyone here know how I can convert mp4's into small swfs, or convert big swfs into smaller
  swfs? I would be eternally gr8ful.

  : }

>> [_] Anonymous 07/19/16(Tue)23:18:37 No.3117550

  It's called (((google)))

>> [_] Anonymous 07/20/16(Wed)00:04:49 No.3117579

  I love emily, and her shenanigans. It's good to know she still out there lurkin

>> [_] Anonymous 07/20/16(Wed)00:16:37 No.3117583

  hi emily why arent u married and pregnant yet, u fat whore

  to reduce file size u need to reduce quality. import the mp4 into Flash (the computer program)
  and it should give u a bunch of options for decreasing resolution, video bitrate, fps, and audio
  bitrate. if its over 3 minutes it will end up looking like shit for under 10mb

>> [_] Anonymous 07/20/16(Wed)00:27:09 No.3117592

  I'll have you know I'm verified weight-appropriate for my height.

  I've tried that option before. Basically it just embeds and appears to play in the swf, but when
  I upload it to /f/ it appears as a blank white screen.

  Marriage and pregnancy will be reserved for after the movie's completion, and only if Trump gets
  elected. If not there will be guaranteed Sharia law within 10 years, and I won't want to continue
  my bloodline.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/20/16(Wed)00:42:27 No.3117604

  does it work when u open the swf from your computer. you can open the swf with your browser by
  right clicking on it then clicking "open with..." thats a good way to test swfs without uploading

  i use macromedia flash 8 (torrented) to import mp4s and export the flash with embedded movie as
  an swf. what version of flash u using. email me at modtrad2 at gmail dot com for more help after
  the thred closes

  btw i hope u make good on ur end of the deal if trump wins
Created: 20/7 -2016 00:27:18 Last modified: 20/7 -2016 06:59:53 Server time: 03/01 -2025 04:40:47