File: instafeels.swf-(7.34 MB, 720x405, Porn)
[_] Anonymous 10/14/16(Fri)15:21:56 No.3162623
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 10/14/16(Fri)15:42:50 No.3162625
>that cowboy bebop good ending
thanks rtil
>> [_] Anonymous 10/14/16(Fri)16:17:28 No.3162633
whats the song in this?
>> [_] Anonymous 10/14/16(Fri)16:30:03 No.3162639
>> [_] Anonymous 10/14/16(Fri)17:09:27 No.3162658
does quality return on /f/ ?
>> [_] Anonymous 10/14/16(Fri)20:13:05 No.3162694
Lilly's route is boring as fuck and the conflict is completely out of place and makes no sense at
The conflict was so fucking forced it, it took me completely out of the story. From the moment
the conflict was introduced, I as a reader was wondering: Why? What is going on?
And that's just it. There's never given any fucking explanation for why. It's just conflict for
conflicts sake. Whether you get good or bad ending doesn't feel like it has anything to do with
the choices you made, it's just plot convenience either way.
It's not the worst route, but it's probably the one with the worst ending.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/14/16(Fri)21:20:14 No.3162707
What's the "tell her the truth" from? I recognize but I can't figure out where.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/14/16(Fri)21:34:09 No.3162712
>> [_] Former Ryder Club Vice President !T/nuP8UdCs 10/14/16(Fri)22:04:50 No.3162724
Goddammit I don't want to get sucked into this fandom! AHHHHH
>> [_] Anonymous 10/14/16(Fri)22:33:29 No.3162732
rip in peace ks/b/
>> [_] Anonymous 10/14/16(Fri)23:28:11 No.3162754
Lol fleetwood mac