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This is resource D69IVE9, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:6/10 -2016 12:38:34

Ended:6/10 -2016 23:08:17

Checked:6/10 -2016 23:18:14

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 26.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: Freedom.swf-(6.08 MB, 480x272, Loop)
[_] We all love you /f/, dont leave us 10/06/16(Thu)06:33:35 No.3159166


  Don't let them do away with one of the best boards.

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 10/06/16(Thu)06:49:30 No.3159169

  That was a pretty pimp speech.
  Unfortunately I think we're heading towards that 1000 years of darkness.
  But one day... yes one day true /f/reedom will be restored.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/06/16(Thu)07:00:33 No.3159171

  the sound track is that of the first live action transformers movie

>> [_] Anonymous 10/06/16(Thu)07:05:28 No.3159173

  Great actor, master of misdirection
  >Uuuh we have to stop them nazi, remember owr dead soldiers
  The same ones your banking keepers established?
  >muh apeesement

>> [_] Anonymous 10/06/16(Thu)07:35:00 No.3159180

  /f/reedom isn't free. We are sustained by an ocean of blood from the fallen Anons. This is just
  one more battle.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/06/16(Thu)07:41:34 No.3159181

  If you could hear, at every jolt, the blood
  Come gargling from the froth-corrupted lungs,
  Obscene as cancer, bitter as the cud
  Of vile, incurable sores on innocent tongues,
  My friend, you would not tell with such high zest
  To children ardent for some desperate glory,
  The old Lie; Dulce et Decorum est
  Pro patria mori.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/06/16(Thu)08:12:17 No.3159190

  And that's why Reagan was the worst president ever. Even though every republican loves him.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/06/16(Thu)08:19:25 No.3159193

  you misspelled Obama

>> [_] Anonymous 10/06/16(Thu)10:34:59 No.3159207

  you do realize that outside of /pol/ people don't find this guy that awful, right?
  he got nothing done only because a republican-controlled congress refused to work with him on
  literally any issue.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/06/16(Thu)11:01:14 No.3159215

  But he was awful, beyond awful.
  He did more damage to this country then any President in history.

  I was actually hoping he would be good back before I really knew anything about him other then
  his charisma and positive messages but I was truly ignorant then and judged him as many do
  without knowing much about him.
  But yeah, politics aside and all the evil, divisive and harmful shit he did while in office he is
  a fairly charismatic human being.

  Also the congress never refused to work with him except when he pushed agendas that were
  unconstitutional or against the interests/will of the American people.
  So yeah when he tried to push through garbage or radically change things in a bad way or that
  didn't need to be changed they stood in his way and we should all be thankful for that.
  The whole purpose of the balance of powers is to keep Government power in check.
  Without it America would already be a distant memory. Obama even with the restrictions did a
  great job weakening and dividing it while also forcing through economically disastrous polices
  like Obamacare.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/06/16(Thu)13:26:53 No.3159233

  good goyim

>> [_] Anonymous 10/06/16(Thu)14:45:56 No.3159252

  >But he was awful, beyond awful.
  >He did more damage to this country then any President in history.
  Which "damage" are you referring to?

  >he pushed agendas that were unconstitutional or against the interests/will of the American
  What? Elaborate please.

  >The whole purpose of the balance of powers is to keep Government power in check.
  So a Congress unable to pass shit because it is split by both parties in a gridlock instead of
  passing needed legislation is good? In what universe?

  >Obama even with the restrictions did a great job weakening and dividing it while also forcing
  through economically disastrous polices like Obamacare.
  Where is Obamacare even remotely "economically disastrous" ? I wanna see some numbers.
  Yeah sure, the first black president divided us further, because liberals hate minorities...

>> [_] Anonymous 10/06/16(Thu)15:13:13 No.3159257

  >Yeah sure, the first black president divided us further, because liberals hate minorities...
  No, its because of the extremely racist, evil, divisive and disgusting identity politics he
  openly promoted in his 2nd term.

  He wasn't nearly so bad in his 1st term probably because he wanted to get re-elected but with his
  time running out he made sure to divide and weaken the country as much as he could.

  In every possible way our country is more divided and worse off then when he first stepped on the
  He was a disaster and if you can't see it well, don't worry about it. Your political knowledge is
  probably so shallow anyway that you shouldn't be attempting to discuss it in the first place.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/06/16(Thu)15:17:50 No.3159258

  anyway here is a good video if you wanna know alittle about our President and what a great guy he

  I am not really that into politics myself and generally try to avoid disussing it so... lets
  leave the convo here.
  If you like Obama thats fine. He can be your hero if you like do you brotha.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/06/16(Thu)15:22:02 No.3159260

  >still nothing specific
  have a (you)

>> [_] Anonymous 10/06/16(Thu)15:27:13 No.3159264

  Like I said I am not an expert nor in the state of mind to be discussing this stuff.
  I have just seen enough incidences of Obama doing horrible evil shit or promoting irrational
  agendas based on fantasy that I don't like him as a human being. I can excuse incompetence, I
  can't excuse purposeful evil or the promotion of obviously false and factually disproven
  I mean if you want one example I remember this loser on stage at a fucking funeral for cops and
  still couldn't refrain from pushing his racist, bullshit "cops are a problem" agenda you know the
  type BLM pushes despite all national statistics disproving said ideas and the whole movement
  being based around a few isolated incidents that took place over months (most which were proven
  to not be wrongdoing in the end anyway).

  So yeah, I just don't like the guy as a human being.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/06/16(Thu)15:40:59 No.3159272

  Obama is not a god, I get it, he isn't prefect, but it is easy saying "Obama is at fault for
  dividing our country further"

  That is very simplistic view that crunches down many complicated factors, mechanics and dynamics
  and spins it as one administration is at fault(regardless of Obama).

  Society, Zeitgeist, Mindsets got so politicised and polarised that opposing parties literally
  won't see into each other's eyes anymore, which leads to this destructive gridlock, whether or
  not the president is red or blue.
  The class has gone missing, the etiquette, Obama mostly preferred a diplomatic way of solving
  issues instead straight up war (Bush).

  I think there is a more systematic fault here, largely the 2 party systems is garbage and leads
  to this sort of crap sooner or later.

  I don't disagree that there are many sides to issues as BLM or cop violence that are not easily
  solved but pinning all fault on Obama is not going to help this case at all as it divides even

  >Your political knowledge is probably so shallow anyway that you shouldn't be attempting to
  discuss it in the first place.
  Your observation is the only thing shallow here, what I mostly seen here is everything else but
  But staying in a bubble doesn't help either, so lets discuss the matter at hand.

  Under Obama the employment went down, now more people then ever have access the health insurance,
  he didn't start any new wars, he continued to establish the USA as a strong contender of peace,
  under his rule Osama was killed.
  You may not like him as a human being, which is your call and entirely fine, but the fact is he
  is one of the most influential presidents of recent history.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/06/16(Thu)15:46:17 No.3159275

  Look, my final point is this, not a specific party or a particular president is going to
  magically reverse this divide of economics, cultures, ideas and lastly the people.
  If the American people don't find a common ground by coming together with mutual respect and
  class in a civilized manner then there is no government that can fix this as it only represents
  the people.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/06/16(Thu)16:21:17 No.3159282

  This is a global trend, it's by no means limited to the USA. Blaming 'globalism' is not the
  answer; Isolationism, since the 20th century, has only worsened financial woes and played a key
  role in deepening the crisis caused by the great depression, and this combined with deregulation,
  'small government' and flat taxes of the type proposed by Trump would be an unmitigated disaster
  for the economy and destroy the USA's middle class. You have to remember that Obama weathered a
  financial crisis and is still suffering a sluggish global economy.

  >race relations which were great in the late 80's, 90's

  This is patently false. Remember the LA riots? Gang culture in major cities? Ghettos and
  division? Race relations only really improved in the 2000s, and even then suffered under Bush. In
  my experience, under Obama we saw a similar gradual improvement until the last few years.

  >He could have promoted National unity, ideas that race/appearance don't matter and that we are
  all Americans.

  This is exactly what he has been doing. Have you listened to any of his recent speeches?

  >emulated a guy like Soros.

  What is the obsession of you guys with him? Searching his name, all I get are a bunch of articles
  from such dodgy sources as Russia Today and Conservapedia. He's a billionaire who invests in the
  causes he supports - what's so uniquely awful about that?

>> [_] Anonymous 10/06/16(Thu)16:29:17 No.3159283

  I think you are overestimating the role the president has very heavily, worth mentioning that
  Obama didn't have as many policies implemented because of the the already existing division when
  he entered office.

  >this President supported globalism and a strain of truly evil and irrational identity politics
  where he purposelly demonized certain groups, this countries history and told other groups they
  are under attack and need to fight back while supporting subversive and often violent groups
  based on lies like BLM.
  I call Bullshit, you just spouted an endless amount of buzzwords, where exactly did he say this?

  >So yes he is at fault for disunifying the nation.
  The cracks already started showing during the Bush terms when he implemented the god-awful
  legislation which led to an uprise to this "Cops shoot unarmed blacks"-horseshit

  >Its not a coincidence that race relations which were great in the late 80's, 90's and early 00's
  magically got worse and worse as his tenure went on. His very words and actions caused this.
  I highly doubt that either Mitt Romney or McCain would have bettered the situation, on the

  serve the agendas of nasty, twisted people.
  Excuse me, who????

  >Not to mention increasing our National debt by an incredible amount, bailing out criminal
  bankers with tax payer money and spending more money then every other President in history
  Let me guess, you didn't adjust for inflation, also this is false, debt has not risen as rapidly
  as when Bush was in Office (for example).
  Not to mention, what would every sensible president have done, not bail them out and let the shit
  system crash down on nearly 90% of the population? The president is not some magical figure with
  a level that says "Economy up".
  Also, there is not any real legislation that would criminalize bankers that do that shady shit,
  so Congress inability is the presidents fault, no, I don't think so.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/06/16(Thu)16:33:06 No.3159286


  Thank you proving my points by deleting you posts, I rest my case.


  Also, thank you.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/06/16(Thu)16:34:49 No.3159287

  >OP tries to make a "/f/ is being deleted" fearmongering thread like the one last night even
  after the thread he was basing his worries on was deleted while the last thread was still up
  >turns into /pol/ instead
  I don't know which is worse

>> [_] Anonymous 10/06/16(Thu)16:38:00 No.3159288

  I take first.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/06/16(Thu)16:58:35 No.3159296


>> [_] Anonymous 10/06/16(Thu)17:02:15 No.3159297

  Your points were mostly incorrect and me deleting my posts because I realized I shouldn't have
  responded and didn't want to continue the conversation does not validate you in anyway.

  >What is the obsession of you guys with him?
  He is a perfectly normal man, a good man and the things he does are perfectly acceptable and
  should not bother the citizens of this country.

  >This is patently false.
  Not really.
  In the early 2000's the majority of Americans felt racial issues were a thing of the past. The
  country was indeed united.

  Barrack has divided this country along racial lines in a way that no other recent President has
  through ugly racist rhetoric, the support for racial tribalism among minority groups and the
  promotion of nasty racist factually proven viewpoints that certain groups are eternal victims and
  others are evil and privileged.
  Instead of trying to bring people together he's divided us and demonized our country and its
  history. He's demonized Nationalism, our own sovereignty and has done everything he could to make
  us look weak on the global stage while supporting ugly global organizations that most Americans
  have no interest in.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/06/16(Thu)17:07:22 No.3159301

  >I highly doubt that either Mitt Romney or McCain would have bettered the situation, on the
  The situation was created by Obama's administrations.
  So yes they could have easily prevented it by simply not promoting racial tribalism and identity
  politics but instead National patriotism and cultural unity and a continued deemphasization when
  it came to the importance of skin color which we had been doing for decades.
  He created the divide it wasn't going to simply happen now by itself.
Created: 6/10 -2016 12:38:34 Last modified: 25/4 -2017 08:36:54 Server time: 07/03 -2025 03:07:53