File: Everything That Will Kill You... From A to Z.swf-(9.09 MB, 528x304, Other)
[_] Anonymous 10/09/16(Sun)20:56:02 No.3160582
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 10/09/16(Sun)20:59:06 No.3160585
>> [_] Anonymous 10/09/16(Sun)21:00:14 No.3160586
>> [_] Anonymous 10/09/16(Sun)21:00:21 No.3160587
havent seen this before. i always enjoy a good spoopy skeleton
>> [_] Anonymous 10/09/16(Sun)21:07:12 No.3160588
took a huge vegan turn right of the bat
>> [_] Anonymous 10/09/16(Sun)21:08:57 No.3160589
Piss off college humor
>> [_] Anonymous 10/09/16(Sun)21:47:42 No.3160595
>no G killer
I told you gluten was a myth.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/09/16(Sun)22:34:37 No.3160613
It did?
With the kale/cabbage bashing?
>> [_] Anonymous 10/09/16(Sun)22:47:01 No.3160617
corn syrup, just plain "eating", fried food, gluten, hot dogs, insecticide, jerky
just too much food whine, reminds me of pissy vegans
>> [_] Anonymous 10/09/16(Sun)22:52:59 No.3160623
But he has a solid point on all of those.
It's not a meat vs veggies argument. It's a 'this shit is medically recognized to be bad for
you/can kill you'.
That's kinda the point of the whole thing.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/09/16(Sun)22:56:07 No.3160625
choking you dipshit
>> [_] Anonymous 10/09/16(Sun)22:58:53 No.3160628
its saying you will die no matter what you do, not "dude vegan is the best"
>> [_] Anonymous 10/09/16(Sun)23:13:01 No.3160633
sure, anything can kill you. i just didn't appreciate that it was so much about food.
the word was eating.
i wasn't really clear, i meant "huge vegan turn" as in complaining about prissy problems that
doesn't seem to do most people any harm at all. for example insecticide, sure let's go back to
making 5% of the amount of food we did before any kind of insecticide because 1% of us MIGHT die
from it in their late 80s. and let's paint fried food as bad when in reality it's people that
can't stop eating for 10 seconds that are the real culprits. that's why i connected it to vegans,
people who limit themselves to some alternative lifestyle due to petty reasons and spout shit
that are supposed to make others feel bad.
i don't think the song itself is bad though, it's executed quite well and the animation is great.
going to bed so cant discuss further unfortunately, im sure the conversation would not turn sour
at all after this post. i never meant to be preachy or bitter, was just reminded of typical
people that would imagine progress as a bad thing by the lyrics. THE FLASH ITSELF IS GOOD, THANKS
>> [_] Anonymous 10/09/16(Sun)23:17:48 No.3160637
Literally the next thing they bashed was kale and cabbage. What are you talking about?
>> [_] Anonymous 10/09/16(Sun)23:23:26 No.3160639
Insecticides wear off of the plant long before they're harvested, having already done their job.
We don't consume them.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/09/16(Sun)23:33:14 No.3160645
My nigga. Skeletons are awesome.
>> [_] Broken Anonymous !!m3ohWILTtMy 10/09/16(Sun)23:54:02 No.3160653
t. Mr. Skeletal
I see your spooky tricks right there.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/10/16(Mon)01:24:41 No.3160684
>> [_] Anonymous 10/10/16(Mon)03:50:31 No.3160752
This was cool.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/10/16(Mon)04:35:58 No.3160761
The leading cause of death is life.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/10/16(Mon)04:40:17 No.3160762
But we're all a Mr. or Miss Skeltal inside.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/10/16(Mon)07:01:03 No.3160777
and did you know that water is 100% cause of all deaths? as well as air?
the more you know