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This is resource GF2II1V, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:25/8 -2016 04:56:21

Ended:25/8 -2016 14:38:50

Checked:25/8 -2016 15:18:40

Original location:…
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 21.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: futilitris.swf-(2.01 MB, 640x480, Game)
[_] W I D E P R I D E Anonymous 08/24/16(Wed)22:51:25 No.3137934

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 08/24/16(Wed)23:23:02 No.3137944

  my aspect ratio is lower than yours.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/24/16(Wed)23:40:11 No.3137949

  i got bored after around 0.14
  once you get a sorting pattern down its pretty much impossible to lose

>> [_] Anonymous 08/24/16(Wed)23:43:50 No.3137951


  i'm around 0.18 and the scope of the situation is getting absurd, the amount of time it takes to
  drop a piece or move it from one side of the other is getting silly.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/24/16(Wed)23:48:48 No.3137952

  this is too easy.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/24/16(Wed)23:50:41 No.3137954

  but theres no way to win or lose, it just feeds your OCD lol.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/24/16(Wed)23:50:42 No.3137955

  this is the point i realized just how autistic i had become making sorting patterns and decided
  it was time to stop

>> [_] Anonymous 08/24/16(Wed)23:52:24 No.3137956


  wow thats pretty awesome hahaha

>> [_] Anonymous 08/25/16(Thu)00:09:29 No.3137969

  I wonder if you could play this game beyond the resolution of your display, lol.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/25/16(Thu)00:43:26 No.3137987

  i'm finding it hard to reach 0.1 aspect ratio.

  also, there seems to be more of an echo effect on your rotate the further along you go

>> [_] Anonymous 08/25/16(Thu)00:45:35 No.3137988

  i did it.


>> [_] Anonymous 08/25/16(Thu)00:50:30 No.3137993

  I win?

>> [_] Anonymous 08/25/16(Thu)00:53:19 No.3137994

  lolwut, you went the other way?

>> [_] Anonymous 08/25/16(Thu)00:56:24 No.3137995

  think i'm done, 0.095959

>> [_] Anonymous 08/25/16(Thu)01:18:24 No.3138007

  bored at 0.071428

>> [_] Anonymous 08/25/16(Thu)01:28:12 No.3138011

  When you give up, you don't just start slamming down pieces until you lose? You'll make it
  bigger. You can't lose.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/25/16(Thu)01:33:10 No.3138013

  nah... i just let it sit and hang.. the pieces are so small now that it takes forever for pieces
  to land, i dont even bother.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/25/16(Thu)01:44:04 No.3138015

  That ending was poetic as fuck.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/25/16(Thu)06:00:03 No.3138057

  it literally takes less than a minute to lose if you just tap the down button

>> [_] Anonymous 08/25/16(Thu)06:59:34 No.3138063


  Does it do something other than just fade to white and show the credits?

>> [_] Anonymous 08/25/16(Thu)08:22:17 No.3138069

  I could go on forever if not for that fucking fog machine. Just as I was about to give up since I
  couldnt see jack shit the credits popped up at around .057017. Damn this fueled my autism for an
  hour or so.
Created: 25/8 -2016 04:56:21 Last modified: 25/4 -2017 08:23:24 Server time: 11/03 -2025 13:15:36