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This is resource GMK2JCR, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:12/9 -2016 05:00:14

Ended:12/9 -2016 11:13:06

Checked:12/9 -2016 12:26:30

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Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 27.
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File: Long Flight Live.swf-(8.44 MB, 320x240, Other)
[_] Turned 20 today... Anonymous 09/11/16(Sun)22:24:26 No.3146954

  And life is shit.. Can't land a job, can't get a girlfriend, all of my friends are assholes.. I
  think I should just quit...

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 09/11/16(Sun)22:26:31 No.3146957

  Only you can stop your life from being shitty.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/11/16(Sun)22:29:57 No.3146958

  How though?
  I've tried absolutely everything.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/11/16(Sun)22:35:11 No.3146959

  You're just not meant to win OP, There's always been a dash of luck to succesful people

>> [_] Anonymous 09/11/16(Sun)22:45:03 No.3146966

  Why the fuck is life so unfair though..
  I mean, we get to stand on this flying rock for a couple of years and then we die, is it too much
  to ask for equally good life for everyone?

  Fuck this...

>> [_] Anonymous 09/11/16(Sun)22:51:54 No.3146968

  Voluntarily withdraw from life. It's easy if you try.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/11/16(Sun)22:57:09 No.3146969

  If it's so easy why haven't you done it?

>> [_] Anonymous 09/11/16(Sun)23:00:27 No.3146970

  Who said I wanted to?

>> [_] Anonymous 09/11/16(Sun)23:04:13 No.3146973

  I don't know, I'm just drunk.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/11/16(Sun)23:09:23 No.3146975

  The arrogance of youth. I don't care about your blog.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/11/16(Sun)23:12:41 No.3146977

  well that was garbage. the song was awful too

>> [_] Anonymous 09/11/16(Sun)23:16:21 No.3146981

  You're probably like 15 so you can piss off

>> [_] Anonymous 09/11/16(Sun)23:19:03 No.3146983

  When you don't have an identity and can't cultivate presence properly, people will not be
  invested in you.

  Why bother on 4Chan?

>> [_] Anonymous 09/11/16(Sun)23:32:44 No.3146988

  >I've tried absolutely everything.
  Really? Tell me what you've honest to God tried.

  Now read that list you've typed out, how much stuff have you half-assed?

>> [_] Anonymous 09/11/16(Sun)23:44:35 No.3146994

  There are plenty of NEETs out there that don't have a girlfriend, job, or friends. They last at
  least a few years before they kill themselves, usually. Why can't you?

  Play some video games and become bitter and jaded from too much brooding, then kill yourself.
  That's what's "in," anyway.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/11/16(Sun)23:48:43 No.3146995

  Nice song OP, might even make a cover of it myself. Don't think too much when drunk though, and
  don't listen to these shit stain cynics, life is only sweet when you taste bitterness from time
  to time. Goodnighto

>> [_] Anonymous 09/12/16(Mon)00:27:12 No.3147013

  Thanks friendo.
  Maybe these anons are right though, maybe I should just quit right here and now.. That might be
  the alcohol talking though..

>> [_] Anonymous 09/12/16(Mon)01:37:57 No.3147047

  get medication bro. i know the feeling man.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/12/16(Mon)02:03:29 No.3147058

  Man this song was a lot better than I first thought it was. I couldn't tell if i liked it or not
  at first but now I really do like it. thanks for posting anon.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/12/16(Mon)02:24:23 No.3147064

  Hey happy birthday, I'm 17 today, 1 day off mate ;^)

>> [_] Anonymous 09/12/16(Mon)02:53:58 No.3147075

  this is out of place but anybody know the b&w flash with men playing chess in a jail cell? they
  talk about a poster of a woman and how she represent any lady to them,

>> [_] Anonymous 09/12/16(Mon)02:58:46 No.3147081

  I don't know but you reminded me of this

>> [_] Anonymous 09/12/16(Mon)03:10:42 No.3147085

  Habby Burgerday anon, and fuck it I'm feeling generous, and the song you posted is giving me
  feels so I'll be nice and bite:

  Man, you just turned 20. I know it's cliche to say, but you literally have your whole life ahead
  of you. The person I was when I was 20 is vastly different from who I am now, and I'm only 24.
  When I was 20, I was severely depressed and angry over a 6 year long, abusive relationship I
  left. I was this close to flunking out of the college courses I had just started that year
  because of my horrible insomnia and anxiety. I was working a shitty job that was going nowhere
  and I was living in shitty house with my mom and siblings, barely able to make rent and put food
  on the table. I also had no dating life and a lot of unhealthy friendships.

  In just the past 4 years as I've healed and learned to get my shit together, I'm about to
  graduate, I have a great job where I'm learning a trade and getting experience I can use along
  with my diploma to work for my dream career. I'm living in an absolutely kickass apartment on my
  own, and although I still have money troubles here and there, I usually have no problem providing
  for myself. I got rid of my toxic friends and learned how to really love myself in the past 2
  years, and be ok with being alon with myself. Although I'm still single, I'm not worried about it
  as much as I used to be. I'm content with whatever the future holds for me, whether that includes
  a relationship or not.

  The best thing you can do to change your situation is take the small steps you need to change it.
  Go out and think about what skills you have, and then find a job where you can use those skills.
  Get rid of any relationships that make you feel less than, find people who empower you instead of
  constantly putting you down. And most of all, learn to love yourself and gain the confidence you
  need to be ok with being alone. Healthy people are attracted to other healthy people.

  Good luck anon.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/12/16(Mon)03:26:21 No.3147090

  same, you're not alone but I know that doesn't make it any better.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/12/16(Mon)03:31:00 No.3147091

  you're 20 and you think like that and you should

  i was fed up with it, quit school, moved out of the country and i feel pretty friggin fantastic
  at 25

  mature a bit, work on a career

>> [_] Anonymous 09/12/16(Mon)04:28:48 No.3147110

  Strangely enough, Future Islands kept me from going off the deep end.

  If you like music, try looking for the extra meaning, write about what you think a song is about,
  read it back to yourself. Find it as a hobby, it's the best.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/12/16(Mon)05:12:12 No.3147130

  Yes It is too much to ask, because next thing you know you're holding a glock to your temple and
  you want to but you wimp out.

  Life is never fair for anyone, especially due to how everyone has a different start.
Created: 12/9 -2016 05:00:14 Last modified: 25/4 -2017 08:26:35 Server time: 05/01 -2025 05:36:16