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<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

This is resource HE2JL6M, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:6/10 -2016 05:00:35

Ended:6/10 -2016 12:36:16

Checked:6/10 -2016 12:54:24

Original location:…
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 49.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: love the way.swf-(8.55 MB, 426x240, Loop)
[_] Heard the news, sorry to see you go.... We all love you /f/, dont leave us 10/05/16(Wed)22:57:51

  I'll be dumping swfs untill /f/ is gone. Some stuff predates 06. Its been a good run.

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 10/05/16(Wed)22:59:12 No.3159044

  what happened

>> [_] Anonymous 10/05/16(Wed)22:59:33 No.3159045

  >I'll be dumping swfs untill /f/ is gone

  what news

>> [_] Anonymous 10/05/16(Wed)23:00:19 No.3159046

  hiro better not delete /f/ this is my home board

>> [_] We all love you /f/, dont leave us 10/05/16(Wed)23:03:54 No.3159048

  I'll find the boardplan...... its not good /f/

>> [_] Anonymous 10/05/16(Wed)23:09:22 No.3159051

  gook moot is deleting boards unless we all chip in to save 4chan

>> [_] We all love you /f/, dont leave us 10/05/16(Wed)23:18:34 No.3159054

  found it.... all kinds of shit getting gutted, best to start telling everyone /f/ is still alive.


>> [_] Anonymous 10/05/16(Wed)23:24:11 No.3159057

  so they are just going to move /f/ to /gd/ how the hell are they going to make that work

>> [_] Anonymous 10/05/16(Wed)23:27:13 No.3159058

  Why do you believe some random image someone on /qa/ made, exactly?

>> [_] We all love you /f/, dont leave us 10/05/16(Wed)23:31:34 No.3159059

  I didnt save the img from the other 8 boards its been on. This is spreading too fast to be

>> [_] Anonymous 10/05/16(Wed)23:31:59 No.3159060


  They are taking torrents and merging away /lit, /a, and /f. FUCK that, they are getting rid of
  /pony but keeping /r9k? I could care less about Pony but shit those guys came during the end of
  my generation and I've always felt a little bad for them. They'll be boardlesss

>> [_] Anonymous 10/05/16(Wed)23:37:27 No.3159062

  exactly this, OP >>3159058 you are getting fucked in the ass

>> [_] Anonymous 10/05/16(Wed)23:38:46 No.3159063

  as pissed as I am at this implication.........merging /h/ & /d/ sounds like it might turn into
  comedy gold once someone starts posting shitting dick nipples again.

  We might even get a sequel where the shit turns into dicks that go to 9-5 jobs

>> [_] Anonymous 10/05/16(Wed)23:40:45 No.3159064

  You're a fucking retard if you believe that chart is official

>> [_] Anonymous 10/05/16(Wed)23:41:28 No.3159065

  >merging /u/ and merging /f/

  fuck you for what fucking purpose

  god damn jew asian bring back moot

>> [_] Anonymous 10/05/16(Wed)23:42:42 No.3159066

  OP, you're a retard. Why would you ever believe a random chart some faggot is spamming around

>> [_] Anonymous 10/05/16(Wed)23:43:00 No.3159067

  I'd love to see where all the /mlp/ immigrants all end up nesting at. They're one of the sections
  that need an anonymous image board the most imo.

  /f/ is also one of the most unique boards on here, how could it be merged at all?

  Of course, this image is a load of shit, but it's interesting to see a hypothetical of how
  crowded 4chan COULD become.

>> [_] We all love you /f/, dont leave us 10/05/16(Wed)23:44:32 No.3159068

  all these flavors...

  The possibility that /f/ goes away blows, if you like this board then you should make sure it
  doesn't become official.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/05/16(Wed)23:44:55 No.3159069

  /mlp/ would just go back to /co/ or /b/

>> [_] Anonymous 10/05/16(Wed)23:45:43 No.3159070

  because people believe shit that gets spammed enough.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/05/16(Wed)23:46:12 No.3159071

  OP is a faggot

>> [_] Anonymous 10/05/16(Wed)23:46:53 No.3159072


  /mlp started on /b and they pissed off newfags, they brought back one of my favorite things in
  the form of fluffy ponies though and I give them (only) that

>> [_] Anonymous 10/05/16(Wed)23:47:51 No.3159073

  >This is spreading too fast to be ignored.
  >Some guy keeps posting it, we have to do something!

  please stop

>> [_] We all love you /f/, dont leave us 10/05/16(Wed)23:48:22 No.3159074

  >op can be anything but

>> [_] Anonymous 10/05/16(Wed)23:48:51 No.3159075

  they might go to /trash/ i go there and i already see a few of there.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/05/16(Wed)23:49:48 No.3159077

  We already had our "pretend the board is going to die" party days ago, you're super late

>> [_] We all love you /f/, dont leave us 10/05/16(Wed)23:50:56 No.3159078

  its hard to get the net in the oil fields.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/05/16(Wed)23:51:52 No.3159079

  i agree with you we should just ignore it and it will more than likely go away

>> [_] Anonymous 10/05/16(Wed)23:58:37 No.3159081

  I also agree with me so that makes two

>> [_] Anonymous 10/06/16(Thu)00:10:31 No.3159088

  Is this true? /f/ is the most important board to me. It's objectively the best board. Why get rid
  of /f/?

>> [_] Anonymous 10/06/16(Thu)00:16:28 No.3159089

  >start to panic again
  >only proof is the same recycled picture made to get replies
  Holy shit you scared me for a second. That thing is so fucking broken it would ruin half the
  fucking site. Most of the mergers make no sense and were torn apart in multiple threads by anons
  on multiple boards; besides, merging boards would do next to nothing to fix the bandwidth problem
  and storage is fucking cheap.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/06/16(Thu)00:20:04 No.3159090

  OP's source is bullshit but honestly I would not be surprised to see /f/ go in a few years.
  There's a push to replace flash with HTML5 across the web, which Adobe is a part of.

  I really, really hope /f/ sticks around but that may not happen. /f/ is lucky that it's so small
  because even though the file sizes are so big, the userbase is so small that the overall impact
  on bandwidth is probably tiny.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/06/16(Thu)00:34:14 No.3159096

  I've heard about replacing flash but that would honestly be a bad day. /f/ has the best user
  base, most people don't even know we exist, the speed of the posts is perfect. I know one day
  will come when /f/ is gone but damn.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/06/16(Thu)00:36:02 No.3159097

  >/y/ /u/ and /d/ merged into one board
  the image scared drunk me until I actually read it. nigga what are you even talking about.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/06/16(Thu)00:48:18 No.3159100

  >LGBT-> /adv/
  This makes me laugh so hard and tells me that it's fake as fuck.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/06/16(Thu)00:50:09 No.3159102

  /f/ isn't getting deleted. Everybody just calm down for christ's sake.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/06/16(Thu)01:21:08 No.3159110

  hate when the flash doesn't have a whole bunch of posts because of the flash itself

  Still the flash was nice so it's not like other times where I'm completely rused into watching

>> [_] Anonymous 10/06/16(Thu)01:31:47 No.3159115

  stop this bullshit, and get informed you faggot.

  /f/ is not in the website future boards

>> [_] Anonymous 10/06/16(Thu)01:37:03 No.3159121

  This. Here's the future boards of 4chan, confirmed by a random /qa/ poster


>> [_] Anonymous 10/06/16(Thu)02:40:49 No.3159134

  Even if we get deleted, we've had some good times here. Never lose that feeling Anonymous. I
  believe in you, I believe in /f/.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/06/16(Thu)02:49:53 No.3159135

  there will always be other flash boards

>> [_] Anonymous 10/06/16(Thu)02:53:20 No.3159138

  like swfchan

>> [_] Anonymous 10/06/16(Thu)04:41:03 No.3159151

  too bad 8 chan got some hacker over the swf exploits in the past

  now they don't have compatibility for a /f/

>> [_] Anonymous 10/06/16(Thu)04:43:44 No.3159152

  >Moving /d/ into /h/
  This should be interesting.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/06/16(Thu)04:47:37 No.3159153

  i haven't seen any swfchan boards anyone got a link or can tell me where they are.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/06/16(Thu)04:59:29 No.3159154


>> [_] Anonymous 10/06/16(Thu)05:07:56 No.3159157

  >putting /vp/ back into /vg/
  nice oc

>> [_] Anonymous 10/06/16(Thu)06:04:58 No.3159159

  they would do the least damage in /trash/ or /b/

>> [_] We all love you /f/, dont leave us 10/06/16(Thu)06:30:35 No.3159165

  I'm not sure sticking our heads in the sand and pretending this isn't happening is gonna help.
  The point is not whether this is a confirmed happening, its a rally cry to one of the best boards
  to ensure it doesn't.
Created: 6/10 -2016 05:00:35 Last modified: 6/10 -2016 12:54:27 Server time: 05/01 -2025 06:05:55