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This is resource J2RM96O, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:23/7 -2016 08:21:14

Ended:23/7 -2016 12:35:50

Checked:23/7 -2016 14:09:34

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Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 16.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: So, You Don't Date Trans People.swf-(9.53 MB, 320x240, Other)
[_] Anonymous 07/23/16(Sat)02:16:27 No.3119434

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 07/23/16(Sat)02:30:30 No.3119442

  I wouldn't date a trans person. I want kids. Born from the person I love.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/23/16(Sat)03:01:12 No.3119458


>> [_] Anonymous 07/23/16(Sat)03:05:29 No.3119460

  I've somehow gotten it into my head that I'd be more responsible in adopting a kid. Because there
  are plenty of kids that need homes and I'd feel selfish just bringing another life into this
  world when I could have had the exact same experience with this other kid who needed parents.

  So at least the trans couples can adopt all the abandoned kids I guess

>> [_] Anonymous 07/23/16(Sat)03:06:04 No.3119463

  Speaker brings up good points, but repeats herself far too often. Could have cut the video in

>> [_] Anonymous 07/23/16(Sat)03:11:12 No.3119469

  I thought that as well, but it's actually surprisingly difficult to adopt an infant; there's a
  huge demand. Fostering is easier but that's due in large part to the instability; they could come
  back and "take your child" at any time.

  Also, is it just me or is there a constant fapping sound in the background of this.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/23/16(Sat)03:14:25 No.3119471

  Oh, damn I didn't know that. And then you get into the world of adopting five year old kids,
  which nobody wants to do. Everybody wants a puppy, not a dog.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/23/16(Sat)03:49:50 No.3119516

  Wow. Couldnt make trans people look more like incredibly insecure selfish crybabies.


  I foster and even by UK laws when you have a legal permanancy order by the court, if the Social
  Worker of the child believes the child is better with their birth parents you have to drop like
  near immedietly.

  Shits ridiculous and multi-layered unfortunately, for example; the social worker in question knew
  that the child going back was most likely going to return to care at some point but the lead
  Social Worker of the team has the final say and wanted the child to go back home.

  This is simply and purely a beauracratic decision as it is just to say Government cash. Adoption
  is the only sure fire way to keep a child and as the other anon said, babies are like gold dust
  not only to adopt, but foster as well. A lot of women think its easy money and get into fostering
  for that reason.

  I'm male btw, don't hit on me you silly boys.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/23/16(Sat)04:17:45 No.3119536

  It's more responsible to ignore the successes of your ancestors' genes and cut off your family
  line in lieu of raising (statistically speaking) the genetic offspring of failures?
  This is news to me.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/23/16(Sat)04:44:48 No.3119549

  Like his penis.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/23/16(Sat)05:15:41 No.3119555

  >muh eugenics
  good ol /pol/

>> [_] Anonymous 07/23/16(Sat)05:45:03 No.3119569

  Even in the dead of summer the levels of special snowflake are off the charts here. If people
  find you soooo hot and soooo desirable then why do you feel the need to post videos like this
  online begging for cock? All the makeup and thick rimmed glasses in the world aren't going to
  cover up that rugged, square jawline. Men who like women aren't into you because you are not a
  women. You are a mentally ill man hiding behind women's clothing, hormone treatments, bodily
  mutilation, and ten pounds of makeup. But real-talk for a second, how is your entitlement to sex
  from men any different from Elliot "The Supreme Gentlemen" Rodgers very same entitlement to sex
  with women? Because it sounds like the only difference is that you haven't ran anyone down with
  your BMW...yet. Bottom line, you aren't entitled to sex with anyone. Straight men can not want to
  fuck a tranny without be transphobic, the same way not wanting to fuck another man isn't
  homophobic, etc.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/23/16(Sat)06:13:44 No.3119581

  He's right, which is exactly why you should not breed. The last thing the world needs is more
  defective people.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/23/16(Sat)06:19:53 No.3119584

  I thought about this but the idea of someone being able to take my child away is just too much
  for me. It's fucked up imo and I think the child should have a say in where he wants to go.

  I remember deciding that I'd rather only have 1 child because I don't think I have any amazing
  genes within my blood, but I still want to have the experience of raising a child to be a
  respectful man or women

>> [_] Anonymous 07/23/16(Sat)06:23:31 No.3119585

  You're on 4cahn. We're all defective.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/23/16(Sat)06:34:18 No.3119589


  the only people with the right to chose their gender are hermaphrodites.
Created: 23/7 -2016 08:21:14 Last modified: 23/7 -2016 14:09:40 Server time: 03/01 -2025 06:19:00