File: Pokemon Go.swf-(5.15 MB, 320x240, Other)
[_] How and where to catch a moltres Anonymous 07/15/16(Fri)18:15:21 No.3115041
>> [_] Anonymous 07/15/16(Fri)19:06:56 No.3115069
I don't get it. Is this supposed to be funny?
>> [_] Anonymous 07/15/16(Fri)19:08:53 No.3115070
It is if you're a fan of team Mystic over team Valor
>> [_] Anonymous 07/15/16(Fri)19:11:37 No.3115071
It's supposed to make you dislike pokemon go "players" even more.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/15/16(Fri)19:18:27 No.3115075
what makes them unlikable? I played it myself and found it somewhat enjoyable. I don't really
talk about it with others or wander into streets though.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/15/16(Fri)19:25:51 No.3115083
I played it and didn't see what the big deal was, I wouldn't call myself a pokemon fan though I
did play all of the main line games released. Pokemon Go players for the most part are obnoxious,
borderline try to shove this app down your throat and if you aren't interested they seem to have
a problem. It's kind of like dealing with /v/ as a person.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/15/16(Fri)19:28:38 No.3115084
Oh. Yeah that sounds pretty lame.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/15/16(Fri)20:48:37 No.3115123
It's actually a Team Instinct propaganda piece, them classy bastards.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/15/16(Fri)20:51:11 No.3115124
Really? I've not met anyone like that. Then again I live in England, home of the anti-social,
this thing probably still won't get us to communicate.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/15/16(Fri)20:51:43 No.3115125
i get asked every damn time by some stranger if im playing pokemon go when i have my phone pulled
out. really annoying.