/ > /fap/ > Thread 9424
Age: 60.37d Health: 0% Posters: 7 Posts: 10 Replies: 9 Files: 1+2
>> Anonymous 13jul2016(we)10:18 No.35466 OP P1
Coco Nebulon's Titjob.swf (3.01 MiB)
1200x800, Compressed. 603 frames, 12 fps (00:50).
Ver31, AS3. Network access: No. Text: No.
Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: No.
[find in archive]
>> Nanonymous 13jul2016(we)18:26 No.35484 A P2R1
Song sauce?
>> Anonymous 13jul2016(we)21:55 No.35487 B P3R2
asking the right questions
>> Anonymous 14jul2016(th)02:43 No.35496 C P4R3
Sounds like something from Savant
>> Anonymous 15jul2016(fr)01:40 No.35560 B P5R4
>> Anonymous 15jul2016(fr)04:41 No.35565 D P6R5
It's really nice to see some Awesomenauts material after all these years again.
>> Anonymous 3aug2016(we)14:52 No.37257 E P7R6
>> Anonymous 4aug2016(th)01:43 No.37266 OP P8R7
>> Anonymous 10aug2016(we)03:25 No.37484 B P9R8
thank you kind sir... at last i found the song sauce :D
>> Anonymous 13aug2016(sa)04:07 No.37602 F P10R9
never was a fan of hearts in eyes at all but this is kinda nice. perhaps it's because the hearts
aren't always there, more like pulse overlays