File: Contra.swf-(5.65 MB, 320x240, Other)
[_] what's this music actually from? Anonymous 08/26/16(Fri)20:07:36 No.3138661
it might be twinned with video from contra, but that's not contra's soundtrack.
what is this song actually from?
>> [_] Anonymous 08/26/16(Fri)21:47:37 No.3138696
It's from contra
>> [_] Anonymous 08/26/16(Fri)22:42:34 No.3138725
never could beat it but holy shit contra 4 was intense. probotector skin all the way.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/26/16(Fri)22:44:08 No.3138727
The struggle was actually finding someone with a DS who wants to play contra
>> [_] Anonymous 08/26/16(Fri)22:51:48 No.3138730
on this note though wasn't the hard mode music different than normal?
>> [_] Anonymous 08/26/16(Fri)22:54:30 No.3138733
It plays an arrangement of the original contra level 1 theme with guitars
>> [_] Anonymous 08/26/16(Fri)22:55:32 No.3138736
I knew it was something, it's been a while to say the least