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Original location:… Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 5. Discovered flash files: 1 File: Musical_Junk_Land.swf-(1.9 MB, 550x400, Loop) [_] 4chan Cup /f/ Team Roster Poll Old Man Sou !!c6N8js+QjEQ 07/22/16(Fri)18:07:38 No.3119209 Previously: >Tfw no replies. Suggested players poll (To see who out of who was suggested to be put on the team it has been set to take additions from the others in case you feel like I missed someone. Others that were suggested and not listed will likely be used to to fill positions that could be vacated on the friendlies/invitational squad.) : The music suggestions got so big I had to put it into a pastebin: Poll results: With the standard players poll finished we say happy trails to Koopa Girl (CB), Snoop Dogg (GK), Nasheed (CB) Along with the medal polls DA HOOD and Lolicatgirls are to remain the gold strikers with Daily Dose (Thanks Doc) as the Supporting Silver Second Striker. With a rousing welcome back to the team and them promptly demoted Heap of Trouble will take his spot on the bench but remain on the squad for the duration of the summer season. So with that demotion and me giving the polls until the 23rd of this month we must now elect our second silver player. Going by popular poll (More than 35 votes) results and a couple of my own choices we will begin the poll tonight and it well end on the 23rd Pacific time. There's the promotion Poll We have only three open slots on the team this season for a new player so be sure to vote for who you'd like to see. What the hell is this about? Check out for more info on virtual memeball and /f/'s virtual memeball team. Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Sloth 07/22/16(Fri)18:39:05 No.3119218 pssst sou this look familiar? >> [_] Old Man Sou !!c6N8js+QjEQ 07/22/16(Fri)18:47:01 No.3119219 >>3119218 > Very life tends to be very unforgiving in the terms of my free time especially this last week where I've hardly had the time to test. I understand I've been saying I'll make these changes for a while and if these matches to come to pass I assure you I'd personally hand the music off to the host anyway. Because if I don't Boris will forget to play the music in the right order. >> [_] Anonymous 07/22/16(Fri)18:50:28 No.3119220 I made that shitty animation like 3 years ago and I didn't even thought somebody would even save that, holy shit >> [_] Smudgey !!s89sNZtNDlZ 07/22/16(Fri)22:52:12 No.3119336 >>3119218 I'm working on it, wiki should be updated by tomorrow. |