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This is resource NL0XWCN, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:12/10 -2016 08:36:19

Ended:12/10 -2016 22:15:47

Checked:12/10 -2016 22:23:06

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 38.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: The Swedish Culture.swf-(6.15 MB, 1280x720, Japanese)
[_] Anonymous 10/12/16(Wed)02:35:18 No.3161616

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 10/12/16(Wed)02:47:07 No.3161619

  That guy's from Switzerland.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/12/16(Wed)02:48:09 No.3161620

  Literally on his mug.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/12/16(Wed)03:00:39 No.3161628

  >tfw uncultured swine mislabel your country, folkmusic & flag

>> [_] Anonymous 10/12/16(Wed)03:03:06 No.3161629

  I pointed it out, man.
  How are you doin', mountainjew?

>> [_] Anonymous 10/12/16(Wed)03:23:31 No.3161635

  It's comforting to know that some things in this world still make sense.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/12/16(Wed)03:36:19 No.3161638

  Then why does he speak German? And what about "German Hentai Weeaboo.mp4"??

>> [_] Anonymous 10/12/16(Wed)03:40:09 No.3161640

  yeah, why he aint speaking swiz cheese if he aint sweedisk?

>> [_] Anonymous 10/12/16(Wed)03:40:35 No.3161642

  >He's Swiss
  >why does he speak German


>> [_] Anonymous 10/12/16(Wed)03:40:49 No.3161643

  The Swiss speak German.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/12/16(Wed)03:41:56 No.3161645

  Hey, I knew that you fags speak German, not all Americans are so fucking stupid.
  Anyway, there's about a 50% chance he's not American.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/12/16(Wed)03:43:26 No.3161646

  he only says "aha" and "oh, jaaa" anyways. not much to go on

>> [_] Anonymous 10/12/16(Wed)03:50:26 No.3161647

  The swiss flag isn't enough?

>> [_] Anonymous 10/12/16(Wed)05:28:20 No.3161662

  He really is from switzerland. Just search for melon-pan on youtube.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/12/16(Wed)05:34:07 No.3161664

  thats not the swiss flag on his cup. its an inverted red cross. he's obviously not their
  supporter. nothing to do at all with switzerland

>> [_] Anonymous 10/12/16(Wed)05:40:17 No.3161667


>> [_] Anonymous 10/12/16(Wed)05:57:30 No.3161669

  so their whole country is anti red cross?
  dont bullshit me, you crazy conspiracist

>> [_] Anonymous 10/12/16(Wed)06:15:38 No.3161672

  does someone know the name of the song in the middle

>> [_] Anonymous 10/12/16(Wed)06:42:33 No.3161674

  >all these fags who don't know about melonpan

  dude's a legit swiss weeaboo with tons of money to spend on weebshit

>> [_] Anonymous 10/12/16(Wed)06:44:35 No.3161675

  his autism knows no boundaries

>> [_] Anonymous 10/12/16(Wed)08:29:42 No.3161692


  >Jokes on them, I was just pretending to be retarded.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/12/16(Wed)10:37:08 No.3161720

  There were at least two people witnessing his madness.
  The guy filming the whole thing.
  The poor fellow getting whipped with a dick.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/12/16(Wed)10:48:01 No.3161723

  I wish we would stop giving this retard attention.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/12/16(Wed)10:51:36 No.3161724


>> [_] Anonymous 10/12/16(Wed)10:54:42 No.3161725


  Why? It's clearly entertaining to witness someone sinking into such a catastrophic psychosis, and
  it's relieving knowing that our shitty existence isn't all that bad in comparison to this level
  of lunacy.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/12/16(Wed)11:31:32 No.3161735

  Sweden gets a lot of crap online but let me tell you USA is a million times worse. All of the
  feminist ideas comes from the US in the first place and all SJW cancer originates from American

>> [_] Anonymous 10/12/16(Wed)11:43:17 No.3161739

  Yeah, but at least we have a significant amount of people trying to undermine this leftist crap.
  You don't even have a big, good, rightwing, party, do you?

>> [_] Anonymous 10/12/16(Wed)12:09:16 No.3161747

  speaking of someone sinking into such a catastrophic psychosis
  anything new about CWC? did he an hero already?

>> [_] Anonymous 10/12/16(Wed)12:16:17 No.3161750

  Why dont you look it up yourself newfag

  I bet you don't even know about Chris's new vagina

>> [_] Anonymous 10/12/16(Wed)12:18:42 No.3161751

  He carved himself into a woman.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/12/16(Wed)12:22:18 No.3161753

  last thing I've seen form him was his Breast Massage

>> [_] Anonymous 10/12/16(Wed)12:53:30 No.3161755

  The Us at least admits they are sick of this multi-cultist bullshit, and make leftists look like
  fools if they weren't already doing a good job of that already.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/12/16(Wed)13:03:40 No.3161756

  is it legit or just ironic

>> [_] Anonymous 10/12/16(Wed)15:04:58 No.3161777

  His old taint piercing got infected an opened into a huge gash that will now never heal. He was
  listening to that stupid "hypnotic suggestion" stuff when it happened and literally believed that
  it worked and that he's growing a real vagina.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/12/16(Wed)15:26:09 No.3161789

  saying Swiss speak German is like saying Mexicans speak Portuguese. swiss people speak
  swiss-german and it is similar but entirely different.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/12/16(Wed)15:27:01 No.3161790

  It's still possible that something ironic is taken to such an extreme that its as bad as the real
  thing. I think that's what we have here.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/12/16(Wed)15:43:50 No.3161792

  he is super rich
  he has a wife with child
  if he has fun doing weird anime nonsense why not let him?
  not hurting anyone and honestly some of it looks fun
  don't you ever just wanna dress up as an anime girl and pretend you're in your animes?
  haha jk thats gay... haha..

>> [_] Anonymous 10/12/16(Wed)16:12:16 No.3161801

  >deliberately misnamed flash still attracts /pol/-tier political 'discussion'

  just let this damn election end already so I can have my /f/ back
Created: 12/10 -2016 08:36:19 Last modified: 25/4 -2017 08:37:36 Server time: 05/01 -2025 06:16:05